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Apr 7, 2018

SkyKnit: How an AI Took Over an Adult Knitting Community

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

Quirky knitters teamed up with a neural-network creator to generate new types of tentacled, cozy shapes.

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Apr 7, 2018

A Brain-Boosting Prosthesis Moves From Rats to Humans

Posted by in categories: cyborgs, information science, neuroscience

An algorithm tailored to individual brain activity shows it can boost memory with electrical zaps.

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Apr 7, 2018

Secret army of killer doomsday robots is ‘being built in a Korean university’

Posted by in categories: existential risks, robotics/AI

It’s feared super-smart silicon assassins could one day declare war on humanity and wipe us off the face of the Earth.

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Apr 7, 2018

There’s a Detectable Human-Made Barrier Surrounding Earth

Posted by in category: space

We are changing space itself.

In 2017, NASA space probes detected a massive, human-made ‘barrier’ surrounding Earth.

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Apr 7, 2018

Mach Effect Propellantless drive awarded NASA NIAC phase 2 study

Posted by in categories: cosmology, physics, space travel

James Woodward and the Space Studies Institute has a Phase 2 NASA Innovative Advanced funded study. They are looking at the implementation of an innovative thrust producing technology for use in NASA missions involving in space main propulsion.

Mach Effect Gravity Assist (MEGA) drive propulsion is based on peer-reviewed, technically credible physics. Mach effects are transient variations in the rest masses of objects that simultaneously experience accelerations and internal energy changes. They are predicted by standard physics where Mach’s principle applies as discussed in peer-reviewed papers spanning 20 years and a recent book, Making Starships and Stargates: the Science of Interstellar Transport and Absurdly Benign Wormholes published in 2013 by Springer-Verlag.

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Apr 7, 2018

Non-tech businesses are beginning to use artificial intelligence at scale

Posted by in categories: business, cybercrime/malcode, finance, robotics/AI

A longer-term concern is the way AI creates a virtuous circle or “flywheel” effect, allowing companies that embrace it to operate more efficiently, generate more data, improve their services, attract more customers and offer lower prices. That sounds like a good thing, but it could also lead to more corporate concentration and monopoly power—as has already happened in the technology sector.

LIE DETECTORS ARE not widely used in business, but Ping An, a Chinese insurance company, thinks it can spot dishonesty. The company lets customers apply for loans through its app. Prospective borrowers answer questions about their income and plans for repayment by video, which monitors around 50 tiny facial expressions to determine whether they are telling the truth. The program, enabled by artificial intelligence (AI), helps pinpoint customers who require further scrutiny.

AI will change more than borrowers’ bank balances. Johnson & Johnson, a consumer-goods firm, and Accenture, a consultancy, use AI to sort through job applications and pick the best candidates. AI helps Caesars, a casino and hotel group, guess customers’ likely spending and offer personalised promotions to draw them in. Bloomberg, a media and financial-information firm, uses AI to scan companies’ earnings releases and automatically generate news articles. Vodafone, a mobile operator, can predict problems with its network and with users’ devices before they arise. Companies in every industry use AI to monitor cyber-security threats and other risks, such as disgruntled employees.

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Apr 7, 2018

To Understand the Atmospheres of Distant Exoplanets, Look to Your Car Engine

Posted by in categories: space, transportation

Your car can’t transport you to other worlds, but it could help us understand them.

French researchers have discovered that the models used to simulate how car engines produce pollutants can also model the atmospheres of hot exoplanets.

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Apr 7, 2018

Only Two-Thirds Of American Millennials Believe The Earth Is Round

Posted by in category: futurism

Kids these days…

Millennials in America sometimes get a bad reputation, this time for good reason. A recent survey found that just 66 percent of young adults aged 18 to 24 years old have “always believed the world is round.”

YouGov polled 8,215 US adults on February 8th, 2018 to get a representative idea of America’s views on the shape of the Earth. What they found would make any scientist shake their heads, a surprising percentage of responders weren’t convinced the Earth is round.

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Apr 7, 2018

2001: A Space Odyssey — Trailer [1968] HD

Posted by in category: futurism

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Apr 7, 2018

Can a Mediterranean Diet Slow Down Aging?

Posted by in category: life extension

Nobody has yet been able to prevent or avoid time’s effects on our bodies and minds, and they are inevitable until science finds the solutions to aging. However, before then, we can do some things to try to slow the processes of aging down.

One potential approach is to follow the Mediterranean diet. This diet plan has already been reported to work for many health issues, and recent research suggests that we can use it to fight the aging process as well.

A new series of six studies appearing in the March issue of the Journals of Gerontology have found new correlations between a Mediterranean diet, aging, and health [1–6]. There are also a mountain of previous studies suggesting that this diet may help to somewhat slow aging.

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