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Star formation begins in the molecular cloud where each dense core is initially in a balance between self-gravity, which tends to compress the object, and both gas pressure and magnetic pressure, which tend to inflate it.

Since the mass of the Milky Way galaxy is about 1011 M and its age is about 1010 years, we can calculate that at present, new stars are forming in the molecular cloud of the Milky Way at a rate of about three M per year.

Related: Astronomer Witnessed a Star System Being Born.

Scientists explored Human Accelerated Regions (HARs), genetic regulators that tweak existing genes rather than introducing new ones. Using cutting-edge techniques, they mapped nearly all HAR interactions, revealing their role in brain development and neurological disorders like autism and schizophrenia.

Decoding the Genetic Evolution of the Human Brain

A new Yale study offers a deeper understanding of the genetic changes that shaped human brain evolution and how this process differed from that of chimpanzees.

Scientists have just discovered the largest structure ever found in the universe, and it’s changing everything we thought we knew about space! Quipu, a superstructure spanning 1.3 billion light-years, is bending light, distorting cosmic expansion, and even affecting the Cosmic Microwave Background. What does this mean for our understanding of dark matter, energy, and galaxy evolution? Watch this video to explore Quipu’s secrets and their impact on the universe! 🚀✨ paper link: MUSIC TITLE : Starlight Harmonies MUSIC LINK : Visit our website for up-to-the-minute updates: Follow us Facebook: Twitter: Join this channel to get access to these perks: #NSN #NASA #Astronomy#SpaceDiscovery #Quipu #LargestStructure #Astronomy #Cosmos #BiggestThingInSpace #DarkMatter #GalaxyClusters #SpaceScience #NASA #Astrophysics #CosmicWeb #ScienceNews #MindBlowing #Intergalactic #BlackHoles #Physics #TimeAndSpace #Superstructure #Galaxies #Universe #Science #Exoplanets #MilkyWay #Astronomers #XrayMapping #SpaceTech #BeyondTheStars #FutureOfSpace #CosmicEvolution …

A study published in the Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics (JCAP) presents a methodology to test the assumption of cosmic homogeneity and isotropy, known as the Cosmological Principle, by leveraging weak gravitational lensing—a light distortion effect described by general relativity—in astronomical images collected by new observatories such as the Euclid Space Telescope. Finding evidence of anomalies in the Cosmological Principle could have profound implications for our current understanding of the universe.

“The Cosmological Principle is like an ultimate kind of statement of humility,” explains James Adam, astrophysicist at the University of the Western Cape, Cape Town, South Africa, and lead author of the new paper. According to the Cosmological Principle, not only are we not at the center of the universe, but a true center does not exist.

A further assumption, similar to but distinct and independent from homogeneity, is that the universe is also isotropic, meaning it has no preferred directions. These assumptions underlie the Standard Model of Cosmology, the theoretical framework used to explain the origin, evolution, and current state of the universe. It is currently the most robust and consistent model, verified by numerous scientific observations, though not yet perfect.

The Last Evolution, SF Audiobook, Science Fiction by John W. Campbell Jr.

I am the last of my type existing today in all the Solar System. I, too, am the last existing who, in memory, sees the struggle for this System, and in memory I am.

The Last Evolution by John W. Campbell, Jr.

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Geologically, Mars is very reminiscent of the moon. But it also looks a lot like the Earth. It all depends on who you ask.

Current understanding of Mars’ evolution is based on spacecraft measurements and meteorite analysis. Those meteorites were ejected from Mars and traversed space before landing on Earth, where they were discovered primarily in African deserts and Antarctica. They come in two categories: shergottites and nakhlites. Each paints a distinctly different picture of Mars’ geologic history.

In a study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, LLNL researchers argue that samples retrieved from known locations on Mars by sample return missions could solve this conundrum.

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Scientists are uncovering bizarre exoplanets that challenge everything we know about habitability. From super-Earths with crushing gravity to tidally locked planets with scorching hot and frozen hemispheres, these extreme worlds could give rise to lifeforms unlike anything on Earth. In this video, we explore the scientific possibilities of extraterrestrial life—how gravity, atmosphere, and star types could shape truly alien evolution. Could we find snake-like creatures on high-gravity worlds, black-leaved plants around red dwarf stars, or ocean-dwelling bioluminescent life on Europa-like moons? The possibilities are endless, and the science is fascinating!

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Today’s script comes from the brilliant astronomy author: Colin Stuart.
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Kavli IPMU Professor John Silverman said, “Vera Rubin provided the first evidence for dark matter using the rotation curves of nearby local galaxies. We’re using the same technique but now in the early Universe.”

Blue-shifted (towards researchers) and redshifted (away) gas show velocity changes in the galaxy. Unlike past studies, which showed less dark matter in the galaxy’s outskirts, their data shows a flat rotation curve, indicating that more dark matter is needed for high velocities.

These findings shed light on the relationship between dark matter and supermassive black holes, helping us understand galaxy evolution from the early Universe to today.

Low-cost Cu catalysts for the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) can transform industrial water electrolysis, but pure Cu typically exhibits a negligible HER. Here, combining pulsed laser ablation and subsequent electroreduction, Cu nanotwins form that enable the HER at an overpotential of 301 mV, with 125 h of stable operation at a current density of 500 mA cm−2.

A new Yale study provides a fuller picture of the genetic changes that shaped the evolution of the human brain, and how the process differed from the evolution of chimpanzees.

For the study, published Jan. 30 in the journal Cell, researchers focused on a class of genetic switches known as Human Accelerated Regions (HARs), which regulate when, where, and at what level genes are expressed during evolution.

While past research theorized that HARs may act by controlling different genes in humans compared to chimpanzees, our closest primate relative, the new findings show that HARs fine-tune the expression of genes that are already shared between humans and chimpanzees, influencing how neurons are born, develop, and communicate with each other.