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Mar 16, 2018

Something unusual is happening with our planet’s magnetic field

Posted by in category: futurism

What this means

“If we look at our best numerical simulations of a magnetic field reversal, this is the type of pattern we see right before a reversal,” says Dr. Tarduno. “We don’t know if the current [anomaly] will lead to a full reversal.” If the anomaly continues to grow, the patch in the outer core under Africa could be the trigger to a full pole reversal.

If we look at our best numerical simulations of a magnetic field reversal, this is the type of pattern we see right before a reversal.

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Mar 16, 2018

Watch a Human Try to Fight Off That Door-Opening Robot Dog

Posted by in categories: information science, robotics/AI

Hey, remember that dog-like robot, SpotMini, that Boston Dynamics showed off last week, the one that opened a door for its robot friend? Well, the company just dropped a new video starring the canine contraption. In this week’s episode, a human with a hockey stick does everything in his power to stop the robot from opening the door, including tugging on the machine, which struggles in an … unsettling manner. But the ambush doesn’t work. The dogbot wins and gets through the door anyway.

The most subtle detail here is also the most impressive: The robot is doing almost all of this autonomously, at least according to the video’s description. Boston Dynamics is a notoriously tight-lipped company, so just the few sentences it provided with this clip is a relative gold mine. That information describes how a human handler drove the bot up to the door, then commanded it to proceed. The rest you can see for yourself. As SpotMini grips the handle and the human tries to shut the door, it braces itself and tugs harder—all on its own. As the human grabs a tether on its back and pulls it back violently, the robot stammers and wobbles and breaks free—still, of its own algorithmic volition.

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Mar 16, 2018

Proposed ‘Nanomechanical’ Computer is Both Old-School and Cutting-Edge

Posted by in categories: computing, engineering, nanotechnology

A group of engineers have proposed a novel approach to computing: computers made of billionth-of-a-meter-sized mechanical elements. Their idea combines the modern field of nanoscience with the mechanical engineering principles used to design the earliest computers.

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Mar 16, 2018

New therapeutic gel shows promise against cancerous tumors!

Posted by in category: biotech/medical

Scientists at the UNC School of Medicine and NC State have created an injectable gel-like scaffold that can hold combination #chemo-immunotherapeutic drugs and deliver them locally to tumors in a sequential manner. The results in animal models so far suggest this approach could one day ramp up therapeutic benefits for patients bearing tumors or after removal of the primary tumors.

The research, published in Science Translational Medicine, focused on two specific types of melanoma and breast #cancer, but this approach could work in other tissue types. Also, the research showed that this localized delivery of combination therapy significantly inhibited the recurrence of cancer after the primary was surgically removed.

“We’ve created a simple method to use #chemotherapy while leveraging the biology of the #tumor and our natural defense against foreign invaders to beat back with limited side effects,” said senior author Zhen Gu, PhD, associate professor in the joint UNC/NCSU Biomedical Engineering Department. “We have a lot more work to do before human clinical trials, but we think this approach holds great promise.”

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Mar 16, 2018

Autonomous Robot Bees Are Being Patented by… Walmart?

Posted by in categories: food, robotics/AI

While bee populations dwindle at an alarming rate, Walmart made a surprising move in filing a patent for robot bees to act as agricultural pollinators.

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Mar 16, 2018

Bionic Kidney To Replace Dialysis

Posted by in categories: aging, bioengineering, bionic, biotech/medical

It’s not uncommon for the press to get hyped up before the long process of refinement and FDA approval. Let’s hope that this one moves along quickly — while demonstrating safety and efficacy.…-two-years

Mar 16, 2018

Undoing Aging With Aubrey de Grey Part Three

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension

Parte 3 of the SENS Research Foundation interview by LEAF is out!

Welcome to part three and the final part of our SENS Undoing Aging 2018 interview; we have a few more scientific questions today for Aubrey and his team as well as questions about future developments and taking new therapies to market.

Dr. de Grey, has your position on the relevance of telomere attrition changed since you first devised SENS, especially in the light of the recent results with fibrosis and your involvement with AgeX?

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Mar 16, 2018

Undoing-Aging 2018 at full throttle — more…

Posted by in category: life extension

Undoing-Aging 2018 at full throttle — more than 300 scientists from 36 countries — 3 days of presentations and networking. love it smile

For updates on the presentations see the event page.

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Mar 16, 2018

The Transhumanist Test of Faith

Posted by in categories: Elon Musk, ethics, human trajectories, moore's law, singularity, transhumanism

This piece originally appeared at the Institute for Emerging and Evolutionary Technologies website. It is dedicated to Leon Festinger.

Transhumanism is more often regarded as a faith by its detractors than its supporters. For my own part, I have long argued that the signature themes of transhumanism – especially the preoccupation with intellectual immortality and physical resurrection – bear the marks of Abrahamic theology. Indeed, without that theological backdrop, transhumanism’s zeal for mind uploading and cryonics looks simply bizarre. However, in this context, transhumanists can reasonably argue that they are scientifically delivering on those original theological promissory notes. Nevertheless, there remains the potentially pejorative sense of ‘faith’ lurking in what might be called transhumanism’s sense of eschatology – that is, its account of when, how and to whom those promissory notes will be delivered.

History shows that any humanly conceived idea is eventually realized in some form. Most of these ideas are realized fairly shortly after conception and in more or less the manner intended by their conceiver. However, many of the most important ideas – the ones that profoundly alter humanity’s self-understanding — are only realized much later and typically in a context quite alien to those who originally conceived them. Norbert Wiener famously observed that the possibility of an artificial intelligence was first raised in Talmudic discussions of the Biblical Golem. One of the goals of medieval alchemy was the creation of life from non-living materials. As for space travel and the search for extraterrestrial intelligence, they became staples of speculative thought starting with the European Renaissance’s unprecedented confidence in the power of human ingenuity. But in all these cases, the ideas have taken 500‑2000 years to be realized – and many have yet to fully satisfy the ambitions of their conceivers.

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Mar 16, 2018

Hybrid artificial-natural cells bring together the best of both worlds

Posted by in categories: bioengineering, biotech/medical

Sometimes I think I’m jumping the gun when speculating. Take this further, a better full body replacement?

The more we study natural biological cells, the more we learn about how to control them or build artificial versions. These independent avenues of study have huge potential, but also their limitations. Researchers from Imperial College London have worked out a way to borrow the strengths of each, fusing together living and non-living cells to create tiny chemical factories that might one day aid drug delivery.

In past work, scientists have packaged proteins and enzymes inside artificial casings to better treat conditions like cancer or diabetes. Rather than just using some natural parts, the Imperial College study instead wrapped entire biological cells inside artificial ones.

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