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Apr 15, 2018

Enhanced longevity and metabolism

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension

Disruption of the regulator for G protein signaling 14 (RGS14) knockout (KO) in mice extends their lifespan and has multiple beneficial effects related to healthful aging, that is, protection from obesity, as reflected by reduced white adipose tissue, protection against cold exposure, and improved metabolism. The observed beneficial effects were mediated by improved mitochondrial function. But most importantly, the main mechanism responsible for the salutary properties of the RGS14 KO involved an increase in brown adipose tissue (BAT), which was confirmed by surgical BAT removal and transplantation to wild‐type (WT) mice, a surgical simulation of a molecular knockout. This technique reversed the phenotype of the RGS14 KO and WT, resulting in loss of the improved metabolism and protection against cold exposure in RGS14 KO and conferring this protection to the WT BAT recipients. Another mechanism mediating the salutary features in the RGS14 KO was increased SIRT3. This mechanism was confirmed in the RGS14 X SIRT3 double KO, which no longer demonstrated improved metabolism and protection against cold exposure. Loss of function of the Caenorhabditis elegans RGS‐14 homolog confirmed the evolutionary conservation of this mechanism. Thus, disruption of RGS14 is a model of healthful aging, as it not only enhances lifespan, but also protects against obesity and cold exposure and improves metabolism with a key mechanism of increased BAT, which, when removed, eliminates the features of healthful aging.

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Apr 15, 2018

Binary Stars in ‘Lost In Space’ Ending Could Be a Real Place In Our Galaxy

Posted by in category: space

The ending of the new Netflix ‘Lost In Space’ reboot puts the Robinson family in far out space. But, the binary star system they see could be a real place in the Milky Way. It bears a strong resemblance to VFTS 352, an actual binary star in the Large Magellanic Cloud in our own milky way galaxy.

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Apr 15, 2018

AI chips are going to bring new brains to smart speakers, PCs, cars, and phones you can afford

Posted by in categories: mobile phones, robotics/AI, security, transportation

Processors with artificial intelligence will spread from today’s top-end phones to cars, PCs, security cameras, smart speakers and mainstream phones.

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Apr 15, 2018

A Clinical-Grade Implant May Cure Blindness!

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension

A clinical-grade retinal implant made of human #embryonic stem cell (#hESC)–derived RPE grown on a synthetic substrate has been developed by Kashani and team. The progressive binding disease that causes loss of the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) of the eye is known as #Non-neovascular age-related macular degeneration (#NNAMD). Currently there are only preventative measures that can be taken but there is no effective treatment. Some preventative measures include quitting smoking and the use of specific nutritional supplements to reduce the risk of developing NNAMD. The implant was not only shown to be safe in a first-in-human phase 1 clinical trial in five patients with advanced NNAMD, but also well tolerated. Plausible therapeutic effects on visual clarity were reported in the experimental results, indicating that this approach may be beneficial for treating retinal disorders involving #RPE loss.

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Apr 15, 2018

Alzheimers Reversed by Editing a Single Gene

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, neuroscience

Researchers at Gladstone Institutes in San Francisco report that a gene variant associated with Alzheimer’s works differently in mice and humans, and they also demonstrate how modifying this gene could potentially prevent the plaques associated with Alzheimer’s from forming and damaging the brain.

An ApoE3 gene variant is associated with Alzheimer’s disease

The gene apolipoprotein E3 (ApoE3) has a variant known as ApoE4, which is associated with the development and progress of Alzheimer’s disease. People with just one copy of the ApoE4 gene are at twice the risk as people without this gene variant. Some people even have two copies of the ApoE4 gene, which makes their risk of Alzheimer’s a staggering twelve times greater.

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Apr 15, 2018

Four Notable Things About the Most Distant Star Scientists Have Ever Glimpsed

Posted by in category: space

Looking at the distant star is literally looking back in time.

Thanks to gravitational lensing, the Hubble telescope captured an image of the most distant star ever seen, 9 million light years away.

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Apr 15, 2018

Bioquark Inc. — Hyperspace Show — Ira Pastor

Posted by in categories: aging, alien life, bioengineering, biotech/medical, business, cosmology, cryonics, disruptive technology, DNA, genetics

Apr 15, 2018

Made for each other: Indian start-ups and Chinese investors

Posted by in category: futurism

Once known as the source of “dumb money” – investments that could hurt, instead of help, tech start-ups in the long-run – Chinese investors now have found many happy recipients. In India, start-ups from fintech to e-commerce to transport have all rolled out the red carpet for Chinese investors, not only for their capital but also for their successful track records in similar markets.

Western funding still dominates India’s start-up scene, but entrepreneurs are turning East for cash and expertise that will keep them viable in the long term.

By Coco Liu

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Apr 15, 2018

A final dash across the United States: Updates from the 2018 March for Science

Posted by in category: science

The March for Science celebrated its anniversary today. And while the turnout around the world was significantly smaller than last year, supporters haven’t lost any of their energy.

The crowds were much smaller for the second March for Science, but the concerns may have been even more intense.

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Apr 15, 2018

The Next Time Friday The 13th Happens In April, It Will Come With A Big Asteroid

Posted by in category: space

The next time Friday the 13th happens in April, in 2029, it will coincide with the flyby of a large asteroid that will only narrowly miss Earth. “It’s the cosmic equivalent of buzzing the treetops,” said one expert.

BuzzFeed News Reporter

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