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Oct 15, 2017

Lost in Transportation: Nucleocytoplasmic Transport Defects in ALS and Other Neurodegenerative Diseases

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, neuroscience

Neuron. 2017 Oct 11;96:285–297. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2017.07.029.

Kim HJ, Taylor JP.

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Oct 15, 2017

Synthetic organs, nanobots and DNA ‘scissors’: the future of medicine (w/video)

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, nanotechnology

Nanobots that patrol our bodies, killer immune cells hunting and destroying cancer cells, biological scissors that cut out defective genes: these are just some of technologies that Cambridge researchers are developing which are set to revolutionise medicine in the future.

In a new film to coincide with the recent launch of the Cambridge Academy of Therapeutic Sciences, researchers discuss some of the most exciting developments in medical research and set out their vision for the next 50 years.

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Oct 15, 2017

Can We Rejuvenate Our Bodies Using Telomerase to Lengthen Telomeres?

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension

Telomerase replenishes telomeres, extending the cell’s lifespan. Researchers hope that telomerase enhancement will rejuvenate our organs.

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Oct 15, 2017

New Senolytics Reverse Aging

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension

Senolytics have been a hot topic lately. Here’s a primer.

Senolytics reverse aging by killing senescent cells. Researchers have found seven senolytics and are testing them in clinical trials.

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Oct 15, 2017

The nature of warfare is changing. It’s time governments caught up

Posted by in categories: evolution, military

The future of military success will now be owned by those who conceive, design, build and operate combinations of information-based technologies to deliver new combat power. Caution, bureaucratic inertia, vested interest and institutional preference for evolution won’t work: this will only leave room for competitors to steal decisive advantage in the most challenging of competitions on Earth.

Unless the private and public sectors start sharing ideas, the UK will be left behind in the new arms race says former Joint Forces Command chief Richard Barrons.

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Oct 15, 2017

When Cell Death Goes Bad — Researchers Discover Role in Cancer and Inflammation-linked Diseases

Posted by in category: biotech/medical

There’s good cell death and then there’s the bad kind.

Programmed cell death goes haywire and causes cancer and many inflammation-related diseases, such as arthritis, atherosclerosis, and diabetes.

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Oct 15, 2017

The Future May Owe Itself to Blockchain Technology. Here’s Why

Posted by in categories: bitcoin, computing, economics, internet, satellites

Sending satellites into space is going to continue to get cheaper since SpaceX proved it could reliably launch refurbished rockets. This is going to open up space exploration to more entities allowing for the continued democratization of space. Other technological advances could make a global space centered sharing economy a real possibility.

The rise of the internet and the ubiquity of mobile computing devices have changed everything from travel and shopping to politics – think Uber, Amazon, and Twitter.

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Oct 15, 2017

Military Weapons China Copied From the United States

Posted by in category: military

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Oct 15, 2017

Most Insane Police Vehicles In The World

Posted by in categories: law enforcement, transportation

There are a list of thousands of vehicles that have been tweaked for speed, riveting performance and exhilarating power that’s built and tested to be taken to extremes.

Due to the increasing number of millionaires and their treasured toys, this was definitely a wake up call for the police forces to step their game up and to put a counter measure leverage system into place by upgrading their state vehicles so that they aren’t easily intimidated or outrun by the reckless speedsters on the move. We are to take a look at 10 of the best Police Cars in the world.

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Oct 15, 2017

Researchers report reversal of current flow in a quantum system

Posted by in categories: particle physics, quantum physics

In a classical thermodynamic system, heat current flows from the hotter body to the colder one, or electricity from the higher voltage to the lower one. The same thing happens in quantum systems, but this state can be changed, and the flow of energy and particles can be reversed if a quantum observer is inserted into the system.

This is the main result obtained by the group led by Professor Ángel Rubio of the UPV/EHU and of the Max Planck Institute PMSD, together with collaborators at the BCCMS centre in Bremen. Their study has been published in npj Quantum Materials.

In macroscopic objects such as a current of water, observing the current does not affect the flow of the water and, in accordance with the laws of classical thermodynamics, this flow would take place from the upper to the lower part of the system. However, in , “the process of observation changes the state of the system, and this makes it more likely that the current will be made to flow in one or another,” says Ángel Rubio, a professor with the Hamburg-based Max Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter.

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