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Aug 17, 2021

A national lab just achieved a ‘Wright Brothers moment’ in nuclear fusion

Posted by in categories: military, space

The results make “a significant step toward ignition,” the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory announced on Tuesday.

At the National Ignition Facility, which is the size of three football fields, super powerful laser beams recreate the temperatures and pressures similar to what exists in the cores of stars, giant planets and inside exploding nuclear weapons, a spokesperson tells CNBC.

On Aug. 8 a laser light was focused onto a target the size of a BB which resulted in “a hot-spot the diameter of a human hair, generating more than 10 quadrillion watts of fusion power for 100 trillionths of a second,” the written statement says.

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Aug 17, 2021

Boston Dynamics shows how bipedal Atlas robot flips, vaults, and falls over in latest videos

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

Showing how Atlas falls and gets back up again.

Boston Dynamics has shared two new videos of its bipedal Atlas robot. The first shows a dual-hander gymnastic routine, and the second offers insight into how such videos are programmed and practiced.

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Aug 17, 2021

Can The Human Body Handle Rotating Artificial Gravity?

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, engineering, space travel

Artificial gravity for spaceflight is a concept older than spaceflight itself, but we’ve only ever seen one small scale test ever flown in space. However decades of research have been performed to show that the human body can adapt to the conditions required for rotating artificial gravity. This shows that it’s an engineering problem that likely solvable for interested parties who want to spend the time, effort and money creating the classic rotating space stations from Science Fiction.

Here’s a couple of papers which were heavily referenced in researching this.

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Aug 17, 2021

New Inflatable Low-Cost Prosthetic Allows Users to Feel

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, cyborgs, robotics/AI

The field of neuroprosthetics was around in its earliest stage in the 1950s, but it’s only just starting to show its true potential, with devices that allow amputees to feel and manipulate their surroundings.

A group of researchers from MIT and Shanghai Jiao Tong University, recently collaborated with the goal of making neuroprosthetic hands, which allow users to feel in a more accessible way. The result is an inflatable robotic hand that costs only $500 to build, making it much cheaper than comparable devices, a post from MIT reveals.

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Aug 17, 2021

Lawrence Livermore claims a milestone in laser fusion

Posted by in category: energy


A tiny pellet of deuterium and tritium released more energy than it absorbed from the National Ignition Facility’s bank of 192 lasers.

Aug 17, 2021

Blue Origin’s powerful BE-4 engine is more than four years late—here’s why

Posted by in category: space travel

Interesting ArsTechnica article on the delay of the BE-4 engine from Blue Origin. It brings up a point many outside the actual industry miss in that Blue Origin has to meet more stringent and complicated regulatory and certification standards that SpaceX does since they are actually producing engines for sale rather than company use. Since SpaceX only provides ‘services’ rather than ‘products’ (they have no plans for every selling Merlin’s, Raptor’s or any other item they produce including the “mini-Raptor” the Air Force actually paid them to produce) they don’t have to meet or even consider most of the requirements that Blue Origin has had to in order to produce the BE-4.

After these tests, a fully assembled flight engine no. 1 will be shipped to Texas to undergo a fairly brief round of tests, known as acceptance testing. If this engine passes, as expected, it will be shipped to ULA. Then a virtually identical BE-4 engine will be sent from Kent to Texas. This “qual” engine will undergo a much more rigorous series of tests, known as qualification testing. The idea is to push the engine through its paces to find any flaws. Then a similar process will follow with flight engine no. 2 followed by a second “qual” engine.

The risk is that ULA will receive the flight engines before the full qualification testing is complete. This qualification work on Blue Origin’s test stands will be occurring even as ULA integrates the engines with its first Vulcan rocket for testing and ultimately a launch during the second half of 2022. So if Blue Origin finds a last-minute issue with the BE-4 engine, ULA may have to unwind its work on final Vulcan development.

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Aug 17, 2021

Brain organoids develop optic cups that respond to light

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, neuroscience

Human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) can be used to generate brain organoids containing an eye structure called the optic cup, according to a study published today in the journal Cell Stem Cell.

Aug 17, 2021

Scientists Brought To Life 100-Million-Year-Old Bacteria That Was Buried Under Marine Snow

Posted by in categories: genetics, life extension

Immortal bacteria genetic mechanisms could be used in crispr to make humans truly Immortal: 3.

Researchers successfully resuscitated bacteria from the South Pacific Gyre that were buried under marine snow for 100 million years.

Aug 17, 2021

Gene therapy uses SIRT6 variant found in centenarians

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension

“So many genes are involved in DNA maintenance, FOXO3 for example, which is very interesting, but it cannot be a therapeutic target because it will trigger a lot of other things,” he explains. “SIRT6 is coding for only one protein and, because it’s a small protein, the cargo size is not too big and it can be easily delivered into cells, so it’s possible to use it as a gene therapy target.”

Some of the other factors that play in Genflow’s favour, says Leire, are that the world has reached a better understanding of the biology of aging, but also that gene therapy has also progressed well over the years.

Aug 17, 2021

Scientists Discover That Trees Have A “Heartbeat” Too

Posted by in category: biotech/medical

It seems everyday more and more information is being uncovered about trees and the many mysteries within them. We know that they are alive, but it seems they are even more alive than we may have thought. Trees are interconnected underground, we also now know that trees can communicate with one another, but recently scientists have discovered that trees actually have a sort of heartbeat, it is just so slow that they’ve never noticed before.

Up until recently scientists had thought that water moved through trees by the process of osmosis, in a sort of continuous matter, but now they’ve discovered that the trunks and branches of the trees are actually contracting and expanding and essentially pumping water up from the roots to the leaves, kind of like how our heart pumps blood throughout our bodies.

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