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Sep 28, 2021

High-speed, cortex-wide volumetric recording of neuroactivity at cellular resolution using light beads microscopy

Posted by in category: futurism

Light beads microscopy is a two-photon microscopy approach that allows high-speed volumetric imaging of neuronal activity at the mesoscale.

Sep 28, 2021

SpaceX to launch world’s first geostationary propellant depot around the Moon

Posted by in categories: engineering, space travel

As part of a SpaceX Falcon 9 launch that will send a commercial Moon lander on its way to Earth’s nearest neighbor, rideshare organizer Spaceflight Inc and propellant depot startup OrbitFab have revealed plans for the first high Earth orbit propellant depot.

Known as “Tanker-002,” the co-developed spacecraft will technically be the first propellant depot – essentially a gas station in space – to reach a geostationary orbit ~36,000 km (~22,300 mi) above the Earth’s surface. Based around a variant of Spaceflight’s brand new Sherpa OTV space tug vehicles, OrbitFab hasn’t disclosed the planned capacity of its unique GEO depot but the public specifications of Sherpa suggest that the company will be able to deliver a few hundred kilograms (300−800 lb) of hydrazine accessible via several tiny docking ports.

However, Tanker-002 isn’t interesting solely for its unique position as a tanker in GEO. How Spaceflight and OrbitFab plan to get the small spacecraft into position will be a feat of engineering and trajectory design in its own right.

Sep 28, 2021

Hypersonic HAWC Missile Flies, but Details Are Kept Hidden

Posted by in categories: energy, military

The Hypersonic Air-breathing Weapon Concept (HAWC) vehicle, developed under a partnership of the Air Force and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, made a free flight the week of Sept. 20 a DARPA spokesman said, but most details are being withheld. The vehicle, which was built by Raytheon Technologies with a hypersonic engine built by Northrop Grumman, flew faster than Mach 5 but DARPA declined to say how long the vehicle flew.

The engine “kicked on” seconds after being released from an aircraft, which DARPA and the Air Force declined to identify, although DARPA expressed appreciation to “Navy flight test personnel.” The Navy has been conducting hypersonic missile research with F/A-18 aircraft.

The engine “compressed incoming air mixed with its hydrocarbon fuel and began igniting that fast-moving airflow mixture, propelling the cruiser at a speed greater than Mach 5,” DARPA said. In order for the scramjet engine to ignite, the vehicle must be moving at hypersonic speed, so a booster is used for that portion of the flight.

Sep 28, 2021

A common computational principle for vibrotactile pitch perception in mouse and human

Posted by in category: computing

The features of vibrations provide key information on the surrounding environment. Here the authors show that a common computational principle underlies vibrotactile pitch perception in both mice and humans.

Sep 28, 2021

The nematode C. elegans senses airborne sound

Posted by in category: evolution

Hearing is thought to exist only in vertebrates and some arthropods, but not other animal phyla. Here, Xu and colleagues report that the earless nematode C. elegans senses airborne sound and engages in phonotaxis. Thus, hearing might have evolved multiple times independently in the animal kingdom, suggesting convergent evolution.

Sep 28, 2021

Spousal similarities in cardiometabolic risk factors: A cross-sectional comparison between Dutch and Japanese data from two large biobank studies

Posted by in category: biotech/medical

Few studies have examined and compared spousal concordance in different populations. This study aimed to quantify and compare spousal similarities in cardiometabolic risk factors and diseases between Dutch and Japanese populations.

Our minds rarely stay still when left alone. Such trains of thought, however, may unfold in vastly different ways. Here, we combined electrophysiological recording with thought sampling to assess four types of thoughts: task-unrelated, freely moving, deliberately constrained, and automatically constrained. Parietal P3 was larger for task-related relative to task-unrelated thoughts, whereas frontal P3 was increased for deliberately constrained compared with unconstrained thoughts. Enhanced frontal alpha power was observed during freely moving thoughts compared with non-freely moving thoughts. Alpha-power variability was increased for task-unrelated, freely moving, and unconstrained thoughts. Our findings indicate these thought types have distinct electrophysiological signatures, suggesting that they capture the heterogeneity of our ongoing thoughts.

Sep 28, 2021

Distinct electrophysiological signatures of task-unrelated and dynamic thoughts

Posted by in category: neuroscience

Our minds rarely stay still when left alone. Such trains of thought, however, may unfold in vastly different ways. Here, we combined electrophysiological recording with thought sampling to assess four types of thoughts: task-unrelated, freely moving, deliberately constrained, and automatically constrained. Parietal P3 was larger for task-related relative to task-unrelated thoughts, whereas frontal P3 was increased for deliberately constrained compared with unconstrained thoughts. Enhanced frontal alpha power was observed during freely moving thoughts compared with non-freely moving thoughts. Alpha-power variability was increased for task-unrelated, freely moving, and unconstrained thoughts. Our findings indicate these thought types have distinct electrophysiological signatures, suggesting that they capture the heterogeneity of our ongoing thoughts.

Humans spend much of their lives engaging with their internal train of thoughts. Traditionally, research focused on whether or not these thoughts are related to ongoing tasks, and has identified reliable and distinct behavioral and neural correlates of task-unrelated and task-related thought. A recent theoretical framework highlighted a different aspect of thinking—how it dynamically moves between topics. However, the neural correlates of such thought dynamics are unknown. The current study aimed to determine the electrophysiological signatures of these dynamics by recording electroencephalogram (EEG) while participants performed an attention task and periodically answered thought-sampling questions about whether their thoughts were 1) task-unrelated, 2) freely moving, 3) deliberately constrained, and 4) automatically constrained.

Sep 28, 2021

Misinformation Is About to Get So Much Worse

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, mobile phones, robotics/AI

For years now, artificial intelligence has been hailed as both a savior and a destroyer. The technology really can make our lives easier, letting us summon our phones with a “Hey, Siri” and (more importantly) assisting doctors on the operating table. But as any science-fiction reader knows, AI is not an unmitigated good: It can be prone to the same racial biases as humans are, and, as is the case with self-driving cars, it can be forced to make murky split-second decisions that determine who lives and who dies. Like it or not, AI is only going to become an even more omnipresent force: We’re in a “watershed moment” for the technology, says Eric Schmidt, the former Google CEO.

A conversation with the former Google CEO Eric Schmidt.

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Sep 28, 2021

Planet Nine explained: Is there an undiscovered world in our Solar System?

Posted by in category: space

Astronomers are hot on the hunt for a giant planet in our outer Solar System. If it actually exists, that is.

While the several dwarf planets seem to point toward this unseen, larger-than-Earth object, it has eluded astronomers thus far. And not all of them take it as a matter of time — several astronomers think that it may just be a sampling bias that may not be as weird as it seems.

Here’s everything you need to know about the possible lost sibling of the solar system, from the basic theory to where it may be located, its orbit, and more.

Sep 28, 2021

Consciousness & Information | Part II of the Documentary Consciousness: Evolution of the Mind

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, chemistry, computing, education, engineering, information science, neuroscience, quantum physics

Quantum physics is directly linked to consciousness: Observations not just change what is measured, they create it… Here’s the next episode of my new documentary Consciousness: Evolution of the Mind (2021), Part II: CONSCIOUSNESS & INFORMATION

*Subscribe to our YT channel to watch the rest of documentary (to be released in parts):

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