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Feb 10, 2022

Revolutionary ‘bionic’ pacemaker capable of reversing heart failure now set for human trials

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, cyborgs, transhumanism

AUCKLAND, New Zealand — We may be on the medical precipice of turning back time, or actually reversing the heart rhythm effects of cardiac events. A potentially game-changing “bionic” pacemaker capable of restoring the human heart’s naturally irregular beat is set to undergo trials involving heart patients in New Zealand this year.

“Currently, all pacemakers pace the heart metronomically, which means a very steady, even pace. But when you record heart rate in a healthy individual, you see it is constantly on the move,” says professor Julian Paton, a lead researcher and director of Manaaki Manawa, the Centre for Heart Research at the University of Auckland, in a university release.

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Feb 10, 2022

IRS Suggests Need to Disclose Crypto Exchange Information to Law Enforcement

Posted by in categories: cryptocurrencies, law enforcement

A letter the tax bureau sent to a key senator says stronger penalties for failure to report cryptocurrency-based income gains might also help deter cyber criminals.

Feb 10, 2022

The last century revealed our DNA’s secrets and lingering mysteries

Posted by in category: biotech/medical

The Human Genome Project received a lot of media attention from scientific journals and the mainstream press.

Left to right: Time July 3, 2000; Science February 16, 2001; Nature February 15, 2001.

Green: Or sloppy transcription, that our enzymes are just going off and making a bunch of RNA because they don’t know how to control themselves. And it’s just garbage. But, no. And I like your point about 20 years ago, we couldn’t imagine. I would propose that 20 years from now, we might look back at this conversation and say, ‘Oh, my goodness, think about all these other ways that the genome functions.’ There’s no reason to think we have our hands around it all in terms of all the biological complexity of DNA; I’m quite sure we don’t.

Feb 10, 2022

Images show supermassive black hole blowing powerful winds into galaxy

Posted by in category: cosmology

Astronomers found that parts of the galaxy where stars are born were being protected from these powerful outflows thanks to its structure.

Feb 10, 2022

California’s effort to create high-speed rail line to cost another $5B more

Posted by in category: futurism

New cost of California’s plan to bring high-speed rail to the state is now $105 billion. It started 14 years ago at $40 billion.

Feb 10, 2022

Householder’s battle to stop gas company laying pipes under passage

Posted by in categories: habitats, law

A homeowner has shared her upset after a gas company started laying pipes under her private walkway claiming a narrow passageway was actually a street.

Liesel Symonds has been locked in conflict with gas company Cadent for months.

Cadent says it has legal duty to connect homes and has done nothing wrong.

Feb 10, 2022

It May be That Today’s Large Neural Networks Are Slightly Conscious

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

Feb 10, 2022

Black Hawk flies unmanned at Fort Campbell, using new ALIAS technology

Posted by in categories: military, robotics/AI

FORT CAMPBELL, KY (AP) — A helicopter flew unmanned around Fort Campbell recently in what is the Army’s first automated flight of an empty Black Hawk, officials said.

The 14,000-pound UH-60A Black Hawk successfully navigated around the post as if it were downtown Manhattan, engineers told reporters Tuesday.

The DARPA Aircrew Labor In-Cockpit Automation System (ALIAS) program took the helicopter on 30-minute flight on Feb. 5. It was the first time the system known as ALIAS flew completely by itself. The system is being tested with 14 military aircraft.

Feb 9, 2022

Energy crisis: British households will be paid to use less electricity under new trial

Posted by in category: energy

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Feb 9, 2022

Social Security Is The World’s Largest Ponzi Scheme

Posted by in categories: computing, media & arts

When the next generations are fewer and less wealthy than the previous generations(who are living longer), problems can arise.

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