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Nov 3, 2022

Immortality trailer (PC Gaming Show 2022)

Posted by in category: life extension

The latest trailer for Immortality, a narrative FMV game from Sam Barlow, creator of Her Story. Immortality releases July 26 on Game Pass, Steam, and GOG.

Catch everything that was revealed at the PC Gaming Show:

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Nov 3, 2022

This Is What the Earth’s Magnetic Field Sounds Like! (Very Eerie) (4K)

Posted by in categories: particle physics, space

Does the Earth make a sound? Yes! and it’s very eerie!
The European Space Agency (ESA) recently released 5 minutes of haunting, crackling audio. Revealing what Earth’s magnetic field sounds like. Called the Magnetosphere, it is generated deep within the Earth’s interior, at its core. It extends out into space, creating a strong protective shield against things such as charged particles zipping out of the Sun, called the solar wind. And Without this powerful magnetic field, Earth would likely be a barren, cold, dry world. The audio clip you are about to experience might sound like the stuff of nightmares, but sit back, relax and listen to the strange creaking, crackling and rumbling of our planet’s protective shield. This is the sound of the Earth’s magnetic field.

Find out more about this audio clip —…etic_field.

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Nov 3, 2022

Researchers discover security loophole allowing attackers to use Wi-Fi to see through walls

Posted by in categories: drones, internet, security

A research team based out of the University of Waterloo has developed a drone-powered device that can use Wi-Fi networks to see through walls.

The , nicknamed Wi-Peep, can fly near a building and then use the inhabitants’ Wi-Fi network to identify and locate all Wi-Fi-enabled devices inside in a matter of seconds.

The Wi-Peep exploits a loophole the researchers call polite Wi-Fi. Even if a network is password protected, will automatically respond to contact attempts from any device within range. The Wi-Peep sends several messages to a device as it flies and then measures the response time on each, enabling it to identify the device’s location to within a meter.

Nov 3, 2022

Turkey’s president says he wants to discuss Twitter’s $8 blue tick fee with Elon Musk to see if he can avoid paying it, a report says

Posted by in category: Elon Musk

The president of Turkey said on Wednesday that he might speak to Elon Musk to negotiate a way to opt out of paying for a proposed $8-a-month Twitter verification fee.

Reuters reported the news, citing an interview with Turkish broadcaster ATV.

Recep Tayyip Erdogan told ATV he was considering talking to Musk about the monthly $8 subscription, which would give users a blue checkmark, the ability to post long-form video, priority in search, and fewer ads, per Reuters.

Nov 3, 2022

Who — or What — Would Survive an All-Out Nuclear War?

Posted by in category: existential risks

Nuclear War?! — We would be one of the first ones to go, but who or what would survive a nuclear war?

Posted on Big Think.

Nov 3, 2022

Programmable Bacterial Sensors Detect Target Contaminants in Real Time

Posted by in category: electronics

Programmable bacteria attached to electrodes that deliver a electrical signal when the bacteria detect a target contaminant, enables real-time sensing, reports a study from Rice University. The engineered E.coli and electrodes are encapsulated in an agarose capsule to prevent the bacteria from falling off the electrodes. Prototypes developed by the team can detect contaminants in water such as thiosulfate and an endocrine disruptor in under five minutes.

Nov 3, 2022

Eat This Drone

Posted by in categories: drones, food

Most delivery drones can only carry about one-third of their mass as payload, because most of their mass is both critical, like wings, and comes in the form of things that are essentially useless to the end user, like wings. But EPFL researchers have invented a drone with wings made from rice cakes.

Nov 3, 2022

Launch History

Posted by in category: space travel

In the past 30 days, SpaceX has completed 8 orbital launches. If they kept this up for a year, they would be doing 8 12 = 96 which is about their goal for next year. To give you an idea of how fast SpaceX is growing, last year, SpaceX only did 31 launches which was a record for them.

Even more impressive, one of these launches was a Falcon Heavy which is basically 3 Falcon 9’s tied together. So SpaceX completed 10 orbital launches of Falcon 9s in the past 30 days which would be a rate of 120 Falcon 9 orbital launches per year!

A history of orbital rocket launches.

Nov 3, 2022

Criminals hijack antivirus software to deliver malware

Posted by in category: cybercrime/malcode

Chinese hackers are abusing antivirus software to sideload LODEINFO.

Nov 3, 2022

Malicious Android apps with 1M+ installs found on Google Play

Posted by in categories: mobile phones, security

A set of four malicious applications currently available in Google Play, the official store for the Android system, are directing users sites that steal sensitive information or generate ‘pay-per-click’ revenue for the operators.

Some of these sites offer victims to download fake security tools or updates, to trick users into installing the malicious files manually.

At the time of publishing, the apps are still present on Google Play under a developer account called Mobile apps Group, and have a total install count of more than one million.