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Dec 9, 2022

A Ghostly Glow of Light Surrounds The Solar System, And Nobody Can Explain It

Posted by in category: space

A new analysis of Hubble data has clinched it: There’s too much light in the space around the Solar System.

Not much extra light, to be sure. Just a subtle, ghostly glow, a faint excess that can’t be accounted for in a census of all the light-emitting objects.

All the stars and galaxies surrounding the Solar System – and zodiacal light, aka dust on the Solar System’s plane – none of these can explain what astronomers are now calling “ghost light”.

Dec 9, 2022

Scientists Discover a Unique Gut Bacteria That May Cause Arthritis

Posted by in category: biotech/medical

Researchers at the University of Colorado School of Medicine have found that a unique bacteria found in the gut may be responsible for causing rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in patients who are already predisposed to the autoimmune disease.

A group of researchers from the Division of Rheumatology worked on the study under the leadership of Kristine Kuhn, MD, Ph.D., an associate professor of rheumatology. The study was recently published in the journal Science Translational Medicine. Meagan Chriswell, a medical student at CU, is the paper’s lead author.

“Work led by co-authors Drs. Kevin Deane, Kristen Demoruelle, and Mike Holers here at CU helped establish that we can identify people who are at risk for RA based on serologic markers, and that these markers can be present in the blood for many years before diagnosis,” Kuhn says. “When they looked at those antibodies, one is the normal class of antibody we normally see in circulation, but the other is an antibody that we usually associate with our mucosa, whether it be the oral mucosa, the gut mucosa, or the lung mucosa. We started to wonder, ‘Could there be something at a mucosal barrier site that could be driving RA?’”

Dec 9, 2022

GPT-3 + Sheets — LIVE

Posted by in categories: ethics, robotics/AI

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Dec 9, 2022

James Webb Telescope’s Latest Discoveries

Posted by in categories: cosmology, education

James Webb Telescope’s Latest Captures.

Welcome Back To Theory Of Science!
The James Webb Space Telescope is the largest, most powerful space telescope ever built. It will allow scientists to look at what our universe was like about 200 million years after the Big Bang. The telescope will be able to capture images of some of the first galaxies ever formed. It will also be able to observe objects in our solar system from Mars outward, look inside dust clouds to see where new stars and planets are forming and examine the atmospheres of planets orbiting other stars. The Webb telescope is as tall as a 3-story building and as long as a tennis court! It is so big that it has to fold origami-style to fit inside the rocket to launch. The telescope will unfold, sunshield first, once in space The James Webb Space Telescope sees the universe in light that is invisible to human eyes. This light is called infrared radiation, and we can feel it as heat. Firefighters use infrared cameras to see and rescue people through the smoke in a fire. The James Webb Space Telescope will use its infrared cameras to see through dust in our universe. Stars and planets form inside those dust clouds, so peeking inside could lead to exciting new discoveries! It will also be able to see objects (like the first galaxies) that are so far away that the expansion of the universe has made their light shift from visible to infrared! in this video, we are looking into James Webb Telescope’s Latest Captures.

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Dec 9, 2022

Why the laws of physics don’t actually exist

Posted by in categories: mathematics, physics

What we call laws of physics are often just mathematical descriptions of some part of nature. Ultimate physical laws probably don’t exist and physics is all the better for it, says theoretical physicist Sankar Das Sarma.

Dec 9, 2022

What dangers must we overcome before we can live on Mars?

Posted by in category: space

Dust storms, long distances and freezing temperatures make living on Mars magnificently challenging. How will we do it?

Dec 9, 2022

Earth has been hit by an ‘unusual, intense blast of energy’ from a nearby galaxy

Posted by in categories: energy, space

And the galaxy from which the GRB came from is also strange. It is young and still forming stars – the opposite of the only other known nearby galaxy that has played host to such an event.

“This event looks unlike anything else we have seen before from a long gamma-ray burst,” said Jillian Rastinejad, from Northwestern University, who led the study. “Its gamma rays resemble those of bursts produced by the collapse of massive stars.

Given that all other confirmed neutron star mergers we have observed have been accompanied by bursts lasting less than two seconds, we had every reason to expect this 50-second GRB was created by the collapse of a massive star. This event represents an exciting paradigm shift for gamma-ray burst astronomy.

Dec 9, 2022

Is Information the Fifth State of Matter in the Universe?

Posted by in categories: biological, mathematics, particle physics, space

Avi Shporer, Research Scientist, with the MIT Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research via Chris Adami, Paul Davies, AIP Advances, EurekaAlert and University of Portsmouth

“Information,” wrote Arizona State University astrophysicist Paul Davies in an email to The Daily Galaxy, “is a concept that is both abstract and mathematical. It lies at the foundation of both biology and physics.”

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Dec 9, 2022

The new space race will drive innovation. Here’s where it goes next

Posted by in categories: innovation, space travel

Sixty years after JFK declared the US would go to the moon, America’s bold ambitions for space are back.

Dec 9, 2022

3 Lessons From Digital Natives to Boost Companies’ Transformation Journeys

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, business, economics

Check out the on-demand sessions from the Low-Code/No-Code Summit to learn how to successfully innovate and achieve efficiency by upskilling and scaling citizen developers. Watch now.

Effects from the COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting economic disruption still loom large over businesses around the world.

Digital-native organizations (DNOs) already using cloud infrastructures and mobile apps to conduct business with customers adapted quickly to the new digital normal. However, despite their best efforts, some established enterprises remain stuck in their digital transformations and cloud adoption journeys. Companies that have struggled to adapt face a huge — and perhaps existential — challenge on how to remain relevant in this new digitally-oriented world.