Welcome Back To Future Fuse Technology today is evolving at a rapid pace, enabling faster change and progress, causing an acceleration of the rate of change. However, it is not only technology trends and emerging technologies that are evolving, a lot more has changed this year due to the outbreak of COVID-19 making IT professionals realize that their role will not stay the same in the contactless world tomorrow. And an IT professional in 2023–24 will constantly be learning, unlearning, and relearning (out of necessity if not desire).Artificial intelligence will become more prevalent in 2023 with natural language processing and machine learning advancement. Artificial intelligence can better understand us and perform more complex tasks using this technology. It is estimated that 5G will revolutionize the way we live and work in the future. From the evolution of Artificial Intelligence (AI), the internet of things (IoT), and 5G network to cloud computing, big data, and analytics, technology has the capacity or potential to transform everything, revolutionizing the future of the world. Already, we see the rapid roll-out of autonomous vehicles (self-driving cars) currently in trial phases for all car companies, and Elon Musk’s Tesla is improving the technology by making it more secure and redefined. Forward-thinking and innovative companies seem not to miss any chance to bring breakthrough innovation to the world…in this video, we are looking into The World Will Be REVOLUTIONIZED by These 18 Rapidly Developing Technologies.
A scan of the skull of a 319-million-year-old fossilized fish has led to the discovery of the oldest example of a well-preserved vertebrate brain, shining a new light on the early evolution of bony fish.
The fossil of the skull belonging to the extinct Coccocephalus wildi was found in a coal mine in England more than a century ago, according to researchers of the study published in the journal Nature on Wednesday.
The fossil is the only known specimen of the fish species so scientists from the University of Michigan in the US and the University of Birmingham in the UK used the nondestructive imaging technique of computed tomography (CT) scanning to look inside its skull and examine its internal bodily structure.
Large language models show impressive capabilities. Are they just superficial statistics – or is there more to them?
Systems such as OpenAI’s GPT-3 have shown that large language models have capabilities that can make them useful tools in areas as diverse as text processing and programming.
With ChatGPT the company has released a model that puts these capabilities in the hands of the general public, creating new challenges for educational institutions, for example.