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Researchers at the University of Massachusetts Amherst have developed an innovative technology inspired by the synchronization mechanism of WWI fighter aircraft, which coordinated machine gun fire with propeller movement. This breakthrough allows precise, real-time control of the pH in a cell’s environment to influence its behavior. Detailed in Nano Letters, the study opens exciting possibilities for developing new cancer and heart disease therapies and advancing the field of tissue engineering.

“Every cell is responsive to pH,” explains Jinglei Ping, associate professor of mechanical and industrial engineering at UMass Amherst and corresponding author of the study. “The behavior and functions of cells are impacted heavily by pH. Some cells lose viability when the pH has a certain level and for some cells, the pH can change their physiological properties.” Previous work has demonstrated that changes of pH as small as 0.1 pH units can have physiologically significant effects on cells.

Antimatter power and propulsion systems may finally be within out grasp!
Scientists have discovered a new much more efficient way to make positrons! Antihydrogen fuel would change everything!

NASA Antimatter research!
MSNBC Antimatter article!…r-BB1iIvo0

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It’s time to stop doubting quantum information technology.

Are we there yet? No. Not by a long shot. But the progress on a number of key challenges, the sheer number of organizations fighting to succeed (and make a buck), the no-turning-back public investment, and nasty international rivalry are all good guarantors.

It feels like quantum computing is turning an important corner, maybe not the corner leading to the home stretch, but likely the corner beyond the turning back point. We now have quantum computers able to perform tasks beyond the reach of classical systems. Google’s latest break-through benchmark demonstrated that. These aren’t error corrected machines yet, but progress in error correction is one of 2024’s highlights.

Last video: The 2025 Boring Company Update Is Here!

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Welcome to the Tesla Space, where we share the latest news, rumors, and insights into all things Tesla, Space X, Elon Musk, and the future! We’ll be showing you all of the new details around the Tesla Model 3 2023, Tesla Model Y 2023, along with the Tesla Cybertruck when it finally arrives, it’s already ordered!

Sensitive cells: Scientists discovered dozens of specific cell types, mostly glial cells, known as brain support cells, that underwent significant gene expression changes with age. Those strongly affected included microglia and border-associated macrophages, oligodendrocytes, tanycytes, and ependymal cells.

Inflammation and neuron protection: In aging brains, genes associated with inflammation increased in activity while those related to neuronal structure and function decreased.

Aging hot spot: Scientists discovered a specific hot spot combining both the decrease in neuronal function and the increase in inflammation in the hypothalamus. The most significant gene expression changes were found in cell types near the third ventricle of the hypothalamus, including tanycytes, ependymal cells, and neurons known for their role in food intake, energy homeostasis, metabolism, and how our bodies use nutrients. This points to a possible connection between diet, lifestyle factors, brain aging, and changes that can influence our susceptibility to age-related brain disorders.

Brain-wide cell-type-specific transcriptomic signatures of healthy ageing in mice.

Scientists at the Allen Institute have identified specific cell types in the brain of mice that undergo major changes as they age, along with a specific hot spot where many of those changes occur. The discoveries, published in the journal Nature, could pave the way for future therapies to slow or manage the aging process in the brain.

The scientists discovered dozens of specific cell types, mostly , known as brain support cells, that underwent significant gene expression changes with age. Those strongly affected included microglia and border-associated macrophages, oligodendrocytes, tanycytes, and ependymal cells.

They found that in aging brains, genes associated with inflammation increased in activity while those related to neuronal structure and function decreased.

We termed enhancers that gained (and maintained) H3K4me1 in obesity and WL ‘new enhancers’. Most of these ‘new enhancers’ were also active (that is, marked by H3K27ac) during obesity and/or WL (Fig. 4D). We then annotated the enhancers to their closest gene and performed a GSEA. In agreement with the promoter GSEA above, we found that the ‘new active enhancers’ were related to inflammatory signalling, lysosome activity and extracellular matrix remodelling (Fig. 4e and Extended Data Fig. 9i), indicating a persistent shift of adipocytes towards a more inflammatory and less adipogenic identity. Corroborating these results, Roh et al. had analysed H3K27ac in adipocytes of obese mice and reported impaired identity maintenance during obesity25.

To combine our findings regarding retained translational changes and epigenetic memory, we investigated whether epigenetic mechanisms, such as differentially marked promoters or enhancers, could explain the persistent translational obesity-associated changes after WL. Notably, 57–62% of downregulated and 68–75% of upregulated persistent translational DEGs after WL could be accounted for by one or more of the analysed epigenetic modalities (Fig. 4f). Overall, these results strongly suggest the presence of stable cellular, epigenetic and transcriptional memory in mouse adipocytes that persists after WL.