Fun article with lots of AI thoughts in it:
The future is here — and a little scary.
A newly developed vaccine against the deadly Ebola virus being trialled in Guinea is “highly effective,” the World Health Organization said Friday.
The genetic material from two parents combines to form a child. Can we throw a third set of genes into the mix?
Posted in life extension, singularity
RIP = “Return If Possible” is an excellent meme for Singularity, Cryonics & Longevity enthusiasts. [NB: phrase/acronym attributed to India’s former President, late Dr.A P J Abdul Kalam;- (15 October 1931 – 27 July 2015)].
Astronomers said Thursday they had found a planetary system with three super-Earths orbiting a bright, dwarf star — one of them likely a volcanic world of molten rock. The four-planet system had been hiding out in the M-shaped, northern hemisphere constellation Cassiopeia, “just” 21 light years from Earth, a team reported in the journal Astronomy & Astrophysics. Super-Earths have a mass higher than Earth’s but are lighter than gas giants like Neptune, Saturn or Jupiter. They can be made of gas, rock, or both.
Posted in futurism | 1 Comment on #DrAPJAbdulKalam
“The idea of rationality is a shared construct between AI and economics. When we frame questions in AI, we say: what are the objectives, what should be optimized and what do we know about the world we’re in? The AI/economics interface has become quite fertile because there is a shared language of utility, probability, and reasoning about others.”
More than a thousand prominent thinkers and leading AI and robotics researchers have signed an open letter calling for a ban on “offensive autonomous weapons beyond meaningful human control.”