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We have a highly respected Theoretical Physicist and a pioneer of Quantum Computing, along with the Founder of one of the leading quantum computer companies, D-Wave (whose clients include Google and NASA), talking about parallel universes. Here is a key that I discovered. They are not talking about parallel universes as a theory but as something factual that exists.

An amazing article on the ability of a Quantum Computer to exploit parallel universes. This article is a MUST READ!

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When people post their emotional responses to social media and through their free email account(s), they are loading their human personal emotional responses, judgments, and biases into a large computer and cloud database? Everything we post and respond to is data somewhere. The truth is, hundreds of millions of people around the planet do this every day, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Are we uploading our brains to a cloud on a supercomputer and evolving into an artificially intelligent machine? This question and more…

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Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory has two NASA grants.

Princeton satellite systems and Princeton Plasma Physics Lab will work on the two projects. Phase I STTRs of $125,000 each will run for one year, at which point we have the opportunity to propose Phase II work up to $750,000.

1. High Efficiency RF Heating for Small Nuclear Fusion Rocket Engines 2. Superconducting Coils for Small Nuclear Fusion Rocket Engines.

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The SETI Institute is hosting a global, public hackathon and code challenge to find a robust signal classification algorithm for use in our mission to find E.T. radio communication.

The Data Set

Each night, the SETI Institute observes signals across the radio frequency spectrum using the Allen Telescope Array (ATA). The signal detection system at the ATA searches for narrow-band radio signals coming directly from particular targets in the sky.

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Fusion-powered rockets that are only the size of a few refrigerators could one day help propel spacecraft at high speeds to nearby planets or even other stars, a NASA-funded spaceflight company says.

Another use for such fusion rockets is to deflect asteroids that might strike Earth and to build manned bases on the moon and Mars, the researchers say.

Rockets fly by hurling materials known as propellants away from them. Conventional rockets that rely on chemical reactions are not very efficient when it comes to how much thrust they generate, given the amount of propellant they carry, which has led rocket scientists to explore a variety of alternatives over the years. [Superfast Spacecraft Propulsion Concepts (Images)].

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Liz Parish joins the show to discuss her company’s efforts to reverse aging. Her aging trials have been famously conducted on her personally resulting in 20 year reversals on Telomere cell lengths, muscle mass, and other factors. We discuss the real possibility that humans could live to be over 1000 years old in our lifetimes. We also discuss the ethical issues that arise from the flood of new technologies that will soon be on the market.

You can see more about Parrish and her company at

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Interview with Dr. Jose Luis Cordeiro at the International Longevity and Cryopreservation Summit in Madrid.

During the recent International Longevity and Cryopreservation Summit in Madrid, LEAF Board member Elena Milova had the opportunity to speak with Dr. Jose Luis Cordeiro new fellow of the World Academy of Art and Science (WAAS) and long-term proponent of innovation technologies in many fields. Jose shared his vision on how public perception of rejuvenation technologies is changing over time and what are the main outcomes of the groundbreaking show he and his team managed to organize.

Dr. Cordeiro got his B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in Mechanical Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Cambridge, USA, with a minor in Economics and Languages. He is President Emeritus of the Future World Society (Venezuela) and since its foundation about two decades ago Jose managed to become an influential futurist. He is a founding faculty at NASA created Singularity University in Silicon Valley. The goal of the research centre is to tackle global problems such as health, nutrition, poverty and education using the medium of technology. He is also on the board of directors for the Lifeboat Foundation. Jose is part of Fundacion VidaPlus, promoting rejuvenation technologies as well as cryonics, as he believes that people who are too old to make use of the emerging biotechnologies should be granted a plan B in form of cryopreservation. Apart from traveling all over the world to promote innovative ideas in his inspiring talks, Jose has written more than 10 books and co-written over 20 more in five languages, including sections of the State of the Future by the Millennium Project. His extensive associations and achievements are far too numerous to list in this short article, and we invite you to read more about Jose here and also watch his awesome TEDx talk here.

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