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Oct 20, 2016

First cyborg bacteria developed

Posted by in category: cyborgs

Bactéria Cyborg

Pesquisadores do Departamento de Ciência e Engenharia Biosystems (D-BSSE) da ETH Zurich em Basileia criaram um ciborgue — uma criatura híbrida que é máquina e parte organismo vivo.

Bactérias em que o crescimento pode ser totalmente controlado automaticamente por um computador. A interface entre o computador e bactérias é baseada na luz vermelha e verde. A abordagem poderia ajudar a otimizar a produção biotecnológica de moléculas.

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Oct 20, 2016

Senescent cell death brings hopes to life

Posted by in category: biological

Yossi Ovadya Department of Molecular Cell Biology, The Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel & Valery Krizhanovsky Department of Molecular Cell Biology, The Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel Correspondence [email protected]

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Oct 19, 2016

Program good ethics into artificial intelligence

Posted by in categories: ethics, robotics/AI

Concerns that artificial intelligence will pose a danger if it develops consciousness are misplaced, says Jim Davies.

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Oct 19, 2016

ExoMars: British scientists face ‘six minutes of terror’ as Mars probe plunges to surface of Red Planet

Posted by in category: space

The Mars lander touched down late on Wednesday night but was emitting no signal, ground controllers have announced. It was not known whether the craft was intact.

“The lander touched down, that is certain,” Thierry Blancquaert, manager of the European Space Agency’s “Schiaparelli” lander told AFP.

“Whether it landed intact, whether it hit a rock or a crater or whether it simply cannot communicate, that I don’t know.”

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Oct 19, 2016

Tokyo’s underground bike vaults

Posted by in category: futurism

In Tokyo, you can park your bike in underground vaults, and retrieve it in just 8 seconds.

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Oct 19, 2016

GTA 5 Samsung Galaxy Note 7

Posted by in category: mobile phones

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Oct 19, 2016

Toyota just created a mini robot companion

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

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Oct 19, 2016

Honda Robotics

Posted by in categories: food, robotics/AI

The REAL danger of AI… wink

Robots (Emily Blunt, Mikey Day) meant to deliver food repeatedly malfunction during a presentation.

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Oct 19, 2016

Russian scientist makes anti-aging breakthrough

Posted by in categories: innovation, life extension

Russian biophysicist Alexei Karnaukhov wants to stop our natural aging process with the help of gene therapy, and he successfully completed the first part of his experiment to increase longevity.

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Oct 19, 2016

NASA Offers Prize Money for 3D-Printed Habitat Ideas

Posted by in categories: 3D printing, economics, habitats, space travel

NASA is offering $1.1 million in prize money in Phase 2 of the 3D-Printed Habitat Challenge for new ways to build houses where future space explorers can live and work.

The three-part competition asks citizen inventors to use readily available and recyclable materials for the raw material to print habitats.

Phase 2 focuses on the material technologies needed to manufacture structural components from a combination of indigenous materials and recyclables, or indigenous materials alone. NASA may use these technologies to construct shelters for future human explorers to Mars. On Earth, these same capabilities could also be used to produce affordable housing wherever it is needed or where access to conventional building materials and skills is limited.

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