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Nov 8, 2016

Close to absolute zero, electrons exhibit their quantum nature

Posted by in categories: particle physics, quantum physics

What would happen if an electric current no longer flowed, but trickled instead? This was the question investigated by researchers working with Christian Ast at the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research. Their investigation involved cooling their scanning tunnelling microscope down to a fifteen thousandth of a degree above absolute zero. At these extremely low temperatures, the electrons reveal their quantum nature. The electric current is therefore a granular medium, consisting of individual particles. The electrons trickle through a conductor like grains of sand in an hourglass, a phenomenon that can be explained with the aid of quantum electrodynamics.

Flowing water from a tap feels like a homogeneous medium — it is impossible to distinguish between the individual water molecules. Exactly the same thing is true about electric current. So many electrons flow in a conventional cable that the current appears to be homogeneous. Although it is not possible to distinguish individual electrons, quantum mechanics says they should exist. So how do they behave? Under which conditions does the current not flow like water through a tap, but rather trickles like sand in an hourglass?

The hourglass analogy is very appropriate for the scanning tunnelling microscope, where a thin, pointed tip scans across the surface of a sample without actually touching it. A tiny current flows nevertheless, as there is a slight probability that electrons “tunnel” from the pointed tip into the sample. This tunnelling current is an exponential function of the separation, which is why the pointed tip is located only a few Ångström (a ten millionth of a millimetre) above the sample.

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Nov 8, 2016

NanoFlowcell in Action – Journalists Drive QUANT Prototypes for First Time

Posted by in category: transportation

We are pleased to announce that QUANT is no longer a car. QUANT is three cars: one street legal e-Sportlimousine, one research vehicle, and one even more ambitious concept car for the mass market.

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Nov 7, 2016

Space race revealed: US and China test futuristic EmDrive on Tiangong-2 and mysterious X-37B plane

Posted by in categories: futurism, space travel

US and Chinese governments are already testing out their own EmDrive devices on spacecraft, sources say.

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Nov 7, 2016

Aubrey de Grey on living to 150 or beyond using biotechnology

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension

Our guest for this show is Aubrey de Grey, Ph.D., and he refuses to accept aging as something we can not change. Aubrey is a Biomedical Gerontologist and Chief Scientific Officer of The SENS Research Foundation. I talk more about his background and the SENS Foundation in the interview. Aubrey has put forth a model for aging based on seven types of damage that occur as a product of aging. We discuss this model and the techniques the possibly address each category of damage. This interview is longer than the other thus far but it had me gripped the entire time so enjoy!

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Nov 7, 2016

Elon Musk: “There’s a Pretty Good Chance We’ll End Up With Universal Basic Income”

Posted by in categories: economics, Elon Musk, employment, robotics/AI

In Brief:

  • Experts assert that, in the coming years, robots will take over hundreds of thousands of jobs that are traditionally done by humans.
  • In a recent interview, Elon Musk stated that Universal Basic Income may be the only economic response to this increasing automation and job loss.

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Nov 7, 2016

Thousands of people have changed their votes after taking this quiz. Will you?

Posted by in category: transhumanism

I’m excited to be featured and have some pictures in a new Washington Post story today about ISideWith. Check it out!…-will-you/ #transhumanism #Election2016 #ScienceCandidate has boosted support for third-party candidates.

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Nov 7, 2016

Elon Musk: Skeptics of Self-Driving Cars Are Basically “Killing People”

Posted by in categories: Elon Musk, robotics/AI, sustainability, transportation

Tesla’s Elon Musk gives a grave warning to those trying to hold back self-driving car technology. According to him, we have it all backwards.

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Nov 7, 2016

Why Einstein Thought a World Government Was a Good Idea

Posted by in category: government

The idea of a world government has been a hot topic in the U.S. elections and throughout history.

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Nov 7, 2016

The Universe Might Have a Delete Button — and It Could Destroy Physics as We Know It

Posted by in categories: physics, space

Here’s something to think about — physicists have proposed that the Universe could have a ‘self destruct’ mechanism, whereby everything in existence could disappear forever at any time, without warning.

Yep, as the video by Kurzgesagt — In a Nutshell above explains, if this self-destruct button turns out to be a real thing, it means we could be here one second, and gone the next, and we’d never even see it coming.

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Nov 7, 2016

A Universe in a Nutshell: The Physics of Everything, with Michio Kaku

Posted by in categories: cosmology, information science, physics

What if we could find one single equation that explains every force in the universe? Professor Michio Kaku explores how physics could potentially shrink the science of the big bang into an equation as small as E=mc².

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