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Feb 4, 2017

It’s Not Hard To See Why The Mysterious Magic Leap Got Over $1 Billion In Funding

Posted by in category: futurism

No, this is not a fabricated video.

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Feb 4, 2017

Researchers Have Preserved An Entire Rabbit Brain

Posted by in category: neuroscience

The five-year race to preserve every neuron in the brain has come to a successful close.

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Feb 4, 2017

Always Wanted to Learn to Play Piano? The Opportunity Has Arrived

Posted by in category: holograms

Learn piano from a hologram.

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Feb 4, 2017

How Will Robots Learn?

Posted by in categories: information science, internet, robotics/AI

Andrew Ng (left), Chief Scientist at Baidu and Eric Horvitz (right), Managing Director at Microsoft Research.

If the internet was the birth of the digital revolution, then today’s artificial intelligence is its first baby steps toward maturity.

Today, A.I. researchers feed an algorithm data and painstakingly help it learn.

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Feb 4, 2017

Now, An Artificial Intelligence Can Do Your Taxes For You

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, robotics/AI

In Brief

  • Watson was originally seen as mostly a breakthrough medical tool but has since been used in a much wider range of applications, including retail
  • Even Geico currently uses IBM Watson, they use the AI program in 46 states to deliver a better digital experience to their customers

IBM understands the unique nature of its artificial intelligence (AI) software assistant Watson, and so they are not taking the direct consumer approach of Siri, Cortana, Alexa, or Google’s Assistant.

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Feb 4, 2017

Cold Plasma Can Help Treat Non-Healing Wounds and Trigger Cellular Regeneration

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, particle physics

In Brief Research by Russian scientists has revealed the efficacy of cold plasma as a treatment for non-healing wounds. Their study conclusions could lead to much-needed relief for the millions of people suffering from chronic open wounds.

Non-healing wounds are troublesome to treat, with current methods teetering between extremely difficult and impossible, but cold plasma might be able to change all that.

Researchers have attempted to use cold atmospheric-pressure plasma — a partially ionized gas with a proportion of charged particles close to 1 percent and a temperature of 99,726°C (179,540ºF) — for medical treatment before, but never specifically for non-healing wounds. Apart from confirming the bactericidal properties of cold plasma and showing that cells and tissues have a high resistance to it, those earlier studies yielded non-conclusive results.

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Feb 4, 2017

Will the LHC Prove the Existence of Higher Dimensions?

Posted by in category: physics

And possibly an elegant Theory of Everything.

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Feb 4, 2017

Technical details on Zaptec Plasma Drill which could drill 2000 meters down with gear that could fit in a SpaceX Dragon capsule

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

Zaptec has a new plasma drilling technology which could achieve practical, affordable, and reliable deep drilling on the Moon, asteroids, Mars, and its moons. The drilling system comprises a freely advancing drill head tethered by a power cable to a power source topside and high voltage generator downhole. The drill advances by generating a high-energy density plasma at the drill head which breaks down and pulverizes the target rock. A key enabling technology is the system’s ability to deliver high energy plasma discharges via low mass, small volume power transformers located in the drill head section. Powder cuttings may be removed by circulating compressed CO2.

Zaptec on the Moon

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Feb 4, 2017

Senescent cells are the driver of many age-related diseases, you can help us to develop ways to detect and remove them

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension

Check out our campaign today:…c-biology/

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Feb 4, 2017

Why Transfusions With Young Blood Are Probably Not The Key To Eternal Youth

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, robotics/AI

Automation has even put poor old Dracula out of a job.

Find out why young blood from transfusions isnt likely to work and why Dracula is out of a job.

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