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Feb 18, 2017

2017 (Buckminster) Fuller Challenge Prize

Posted by in categories: complex systems, energy, engineering, environmental, futurism, innovation, science, sustainability

“Launched in 2007, the Fuller Challenge has defined an emerging field of practice: the whole systems approach to understanding and intervening in complex and interrelated crises for wide-scale social and environmental impact. The entry criteria have established a new framework through which to identify and measure effective, enduring solutions to global sustainability’s most entrenched challenges. The rigorous selection process has set a unique standard, gaining renown as “Socially-Responsible Design’s Highest Award.”

The Fuller Challenge attracts bold, visionary, tangible initiatives focused on a well-defined need of critical importance. Winning solutions are regionally specific yet globally applicable and present a truly comprehensive, anticipatory, integrated approach to solving the world’s complex problems.”

Deadline is March 31, 2017

Feb 18, 2017

Trump Makes NASA Add Astronauts To Moon Mission, Could Save $10 Billion

Posted by in category: space

NASA intends to send astronauts to orbit the moon in 2018 at the apparent request of President Donald Trump, potentially saving taxpayers $10 billion dollars.

Robert Lightfoot, NASA’s acting administrator, sent a letter to the space agency’s employees saying they should “explore the feasibility” of sending astronauts to orbit the moon in 2018, seemingly at the request of the Trump administration.

Speeding up NASA’s plans to orbit the moon with astronauts could save money in the long term.

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Feb 18, 2017

MIT is working on 3 BIG Blockchain Ideas

Posted by in categories: bitcoin, cryptocurrencies, economics, innovation, internet, software

MIT has never stood stand still in the presence of change and opportunity. Their Media Lab Currency Initiative is at the forefront of Blockchain and Bitcoin research. With the fracture of the founding core team, MIT stands to become the universal hub for research and development.

The initiative now has a team of 22 people and at least
seven ongoing research projects, and it nurtures three startups that use cryptocurrencies and the underlying technology in a variety of ways. Blockchain research now sits alongside transparent robots that eat real-world fish, solar nebula research, and other imaginative, futuristic projects in progress at the university.

The initiative has already funded the work of bitcoin protocol developers and has supported research, going far beyond bitcoin—even partnering with Ripple Labs and developing enterprise data projects.

Now, the MIT Media Lab Digital Currency Initiative is working on 3 big Blockchain ideas:

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Feb 18, 2017

Zoltan Istvan, Nick Bostrom, and the Anti-Aging Quest

Posted by in categories: life extension, transhumanism

Super good philosophical weekend read by Olga Khazan at The Atlantic on life extension and #transhumanism. Watch the video in the article too which features Eric Matzner and some of my work!

Radical longevity may change the way we live—and not necessarily for the better.

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Feb 18, 2017

A Massive ‘Blob’ of Abnormal Conditions in the Pacific Has Increased Ozone Levels

Posted by in category: climatology

A vast patch of abnormally warm water in the Pacific Ocean — nicknamed the blob — resulted in increased levels of ozone above the Western US, researchers have found.

The blob — which at its peak covered roughly 9 million square kilometres (3.5 million square miles) from Mexico to Alaska — was assumed to be mainly messing with conditions in the ocean, but a new study has shown that it had a lasting affect on air quality too.

“Ultimately, it all links back to the blob, which was the most unusual meteorological event we’ve had in decades,” says one of the team, Dan Jaffe from the University of Washington Bothell.

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Feb 17, 2017

Inside the Tech Industry’s Obsession With Immortality

Posted by in categories: life extension, transhumanism

A new in-depth read on #transhumanism and life extension by one of the leading and oldest progressive magazines in America:

Only Human Meet the hackers trying to solve the problem of death.


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Feb 17, 2017

Astonishing geomagnetic spike hit the ancient kingdom of Judah

Posted by in category: energy

Planentary magnetic fields how do they work —

Astonishing geomagnetic spike hit the ancient kingdom of Judah.

If this were to happen again today, the electrical grid could be a smoking ruin.

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Feb 17, 2017

Save your phone screen with this incredible liquid

Posted by in category: mobile phones

This invisible liquid will make your phone screen as hard as sapphire.

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Feb 17, 2017

You Own Things With Gravity-Defying Gel in Them

Posted by in category: chemistry

A quirk of chemistry makes this liquid pour itself.

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Feb 17, 2017

Swiss trash

Posted by in category: futurism

This Swiss-made trash can teach the world how to get rid of garbage in style.

Keep up with the latest:

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