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Transhumanism is the idea that technology and evidence-based science can and should be used to augment and improve humans in order to overcome the limitations that evolution has left us with. As the name suggests, it stems from humanism, but it adds an optimism that cognitive and physical improvement is both possible and desirable.

On the face of it, the idea that humans should be permitted to use technology to live healthier and happier lives does not sound dangerous, or even contentious. But it does provoke strong opposition: in 2004, Francis Fukuyama called transhumanism “the world’s most dangerous idea”. The force of that claim is somewhat undermined when you consider how wildly wrong his previous big idea turned out to be: in 1992 he declared that because the Cold War ended with the collapse of the Soviet Union, history had come to an end. Nevertheless, Fukuyama is not alone in fearing transhumanism.

Some people object to transhumanism because they think we should strive to be “natural”, and to be content with what evolution – or their god — have given us. But of course the definition of what is “natural” changes over time. Nature didn’t endow us with spectacles, and few people now argue they should be banned. Now we have cochlear implants, and many people feel that their smartphones are extensions of themselves. In the future we will have the option of raising our IQ with smart drugs or with gene therapy, and these will be hotly debated.

CYBERNETIC THEORY: THE CODE OF REALITY & OUR FUTURE AS CYBERGODS: presenting my published works in a recent talk. Topics include evolutionary cybernetics, computational physics, consciousness, philosophy of mind, cybernetic theory, Omega Point cosmology, physics of time, simulation theory, Global Mind, AGI, VR, Metaverse, Cybernetic Singularity, transhumanism, posthumanism, cybernetic immortality, synthetic telepathy, mind-uploading, neurotechnologies, Fermi Paradox, Dark Matter, Dark Energy, the Argument for Cybertheism, and more.

The main 45-minute slide presentation is followed by a 15-minute Q&A session. This presentation is in Russian with slides and subtitles in English.

Russian-American futurist Alex M. Vikoulov presents his published works in a talk titled CYBERNETIC THEORY: THE CODE OF REALITY & OUR FUTURE AS CYBERGODS at the Rotary Club, The Grand Autograph Hotel, Novosibirsk, Russia, on July 19, 2022. The main 45-minute slide presentation is followed by a 15-minute Q&A session. This presentation is in Russian with slides and subtitles in English (for subtitles turn on caption in settings).

Author publications referenced:

The Syntellect Hypothesis: Five Paradigms of the Mind’s Evolution (2020), available as a Kindle eBook, paperback, hardcover and Audible audiobook:…atfound-20

José Cordeiro, PhD, talking about his international bestseller “The Death of Death” during the coming DLD Tel Aviv Innovation Festival in Israel. Top news at i24 news discussing about aging as the “mother” of all chronic diseases!

José Cordeiro is an international fellow of the World Academy of Art and Science, vicechair of HumanityPlus, director of The Millennium Project, founding faculty at Singularity University in NASA Research Park, Silicon Valley, and former director of the Club of Rome (Venezuela Chapter), the World Transhumanist Association and the Extropy Institute.

Has also been invited faculty at the Institute of Developing Economies IDE – JETRO in Tokyo, Japan, the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT) and the Higher School of Economics (HSE) in Russia.

Founder in #TransVision Madrid 2021: engineer, economist, futurist, visionary, transhumanist, singularitarian, immortalist. MIT engineer working to transcend biology and travel to Mars and beyond.

José studied engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Cambridge, MA, economics at Georgetown University in Washington, DC, management at INSEAD in Fontainebleau, France, and science at Universidad Simon Bolivar in Caracas, Venezuela.

He is a leading expert on technological change, future trends and economic forecasting. He has published more than 10 books in 5 languages, including his current bestseller “La muerte de la muerte” in Spanish, Portuguese, French, Russian, Chinese and Turkish.

The World Futures Day by The Millennium Project, in cooperation with the Association of Professional Futurists (APF), Humanity+, Lifeboat Foundation, and the World Futures Studies Federation (WFSF), will take place on March 1st for the 10th year!

The call for facilitators is now open: support the World Futures Day by picking a one hour time slot where you will help to facilitate the discussion — such as the slot at 12 noon in your local area. If you want to be part of the team, please use this form.


This video explores aliens, mind uploading to other species (like in Avatar), genetic engineering, and future robots. Watch this next video about digital immortality:
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💡 Future Business Tech explores the future of technology and the world.

Examples of topics I cover include:
• Artificial Intelligence & Robotics.
• Virtual and Augmented Reality.
• Brain-Computer Interfaces.
• Transhumanism.
• Genetic Engineering.


Deep Learning AI Specialization:
Google is preparing to release its Sparrow AI chatbot to compete with OpenAI’s ChatGPT, which was trained on human feedback and uses Google search to answer about current information, may be their answer as its likely going into beta this year. Google Deepmind releases its DreamerV3 reinforcement learning general AI that was trained in a fraction of the time required for OpenAIs similar project, but also needed no human input to be able to complete various tasks in minecraft. German Bionic showed its artificial intelligence powered robotic exoskeleton at CES 2023, which helps workers lift objects of up to 30 kilograms.

AI News Timestamps:
0:00 New Google AI vs OpenAI ChatGPT
4:28 Google Deepmind DreamerV3
7:06 AI Powered Robotic Exoskeleton.

#technology #tech #ai

We flew to the UK to learn more about the designer 3D-printing third thumbs. Is this the dawn of human body augmentation?

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Motorized prosthetics are nothing new. But what about artificial body parts that don’t replace missing ones, but instead provide us with extended capabilities, while also revealing insights into the relationship between brain and body?

That’s the main research focus of augmentation designer Dani Clode, who developed the Third Thumb, a 3D-printed extension for your hand that is controlled by your toes.

Through collaborative neuroscientific research with The Plasticity Lab at University College London & Cambridge University, Clode and her colleagues hope to better understand how the brain adapts to augmentation, learn more about the limits of neuroplasticity, and explore how to best utilize it to improve the control and usability of prosthetics and augmentative devices.

Watch on Freethink.com

This week our guest is Meghan O’Gieblyn, who has written regularly for entities such as Wired, The New York Times, and The Guardian, in addition to authoring books such as Interior States and her latest book: God, Human, Animal, Machine: Technology, Metaphor, and the Search for Meaning.

Interestingly, much of Meghan’s work pulls on her experience losing her faith in religion while simultaneously being drawn into transhumanism from reading the Age of Spiritual Machines by Singularity’s very own Ray Kurzweil. This exploration of Meghan’s background and her latest book takes us on a journey through the ways in which technology and spirituality have historically woven together, the current ways in which they are conflicting, and the future philosophical questions we’re going to be forced to reconcile. For those of you interested in this subject, I highly recommend going and listening to episode 52 with Micah Redding, which lays a lot of the foundation that we build on her in this episode.

Find out more about Meghan through her website, or find her book on Amazon.

Host: steven parton — linkedin / twitter.

Music by: Amine el Filali.