

Archive for the ‘space travel’ category: Page 211

Mar 20, 2021

What will SpaceX do when they get to Mars?

Posted by in category: space travel

With SpaceX aiming to send the first humans to Mars in 2024, they will need to set up the essentials like water and power before they get there.

Mar 19, 2021

Why SpaceX Will Catch Super Heavy

Posted by in category: space travel

SpaceX want to catch the enormous booster as it’s falling out of the sky!

Mar 19, 2021

Why Does SpaceX’s Camera Cut Out During Landings?

Posted by in categories: electronics, space travel

We all love watching SpaceX landing the Falcon 9, so why is it so difficult to get footage of it?

Mar 19, 2021

Glowing ‘dawn storm’ auroras that blaze in Jupiter’s morning skies are born in darkness

Posted by in category: space travel

New images of Jupiter’s polar auroras, captured by the Juno spacecraft, revealed the full cycle of intense and unusual polar light displays.

Mar 19, 2021

Astronaut Bruce McCandless II floating untethered away from the safety of the space shuttle

Posted by in category: space travel

His Manned Maneuvering Unit all that keeps him from drifting away and becoming “lost in space”.

The first person in history to do this.

Mar 19, 2021

Elon Musk shows off SpaceX’s 1st Starship Super Heavy booster

Posted by in categories: Elon Musk, space travel

A massive rocket booster for a massive Starship.

SpaceX CEO Elon Musk showed off the company’s first Starship Super Heavy booster in a Twitter post on Thursday (March 18).

Mar 19, 2021

This SpaceX rival wants to send a mission to Venus

Posted by in category: space travel

Venus: how Rocket Lab could reveal the under-explored planet’s secrets.

Rocket Lab is building its largest rocket ever, and its CEO has big plans to get to Venus.

Mar 18, 2021

Facebook Groups

Posted by in category: space travel

“We’re going to try to catch the Super Heavy booster with the launch tower arm, using the grid fins to take the load,” Musk said via Twitter on Dec. 30. SpaceX will try a different approach to landing its future reusable rocket boosters. There are some benefits with this landing method: first, by omitting landing legs from the rocket design altogether, SpaceX can save weight and cost, because unlike Falcon 9 and Falcon Heavy first stages Super Heavy won’t need landing legs. In a second place, it could allow SpaceX to essentially recycle the Super Heavy booster immediately because the rocket would be “ready to refly in under an hour”.

~Video credits: @tijnm_02 Text credits:

Mar 18, 2021

Five ways artificial intelligence can help space exploration

Posted by in categories: robotics/AI, space travel

Do humans really have to go into space?

Artificial intelligence has been making waves in recent years, enabling us to solve problems faster than traditional computing could ever allow. Recently, for example, Google’s artificial intelligence subsidiary DeepMind developed AlphaFold2, a program which solved the protein-folding problem. This is a problem which has had baffled scientists for 50 years.

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Mar 17, 2021

Roscosmos is more interested in creating a national orbital station, says CEO

Posted by in category: space travel

A fundamental decision on a new station would be made by the end of this year, he said.

Rogozin said that current negotiations with NASA on the future of the ISS were “shallow”. He speculated that ISS’s life cycle would be repeatedly prolonged not by several years, but by one year. Also, he said it might be possible to extend the service life not of the whole station, but of its individual modules.

“On the sidelines of the April 9 launch we plan to hold technical consultations with NASA,” Rogozin said, adding there was a possibility of configuring the Lunar orbital platform Gateway for its possible docking with Russia’s new generation spacecraft Oryol.