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Yeah, death is scary and freaky, but on the other hand, I have no direct idea of what it actually involves (having never been dead myself). Given that reality, my job is to live this life as completely as possible. You can engage fully in its richness, its sorrows, and its beauty, or you can miss it by worrying about when or how this aspect of being ends.

From this perspective, the transhumanist desire to “conquer” death sounds like the worst forms of religious zeal. Both science and spiritual practice are supposed to help us look directly into the truth of life, the Universe, and Everything. Death, whatever it means, is part of all three. To spend effort thinking otherwise is to, quite sadly, miss the point profoundly.

Even more important, however, is the wrong-headedness of the transhuman conception of what it means to be human. Their idea is that it’s literally all in the head. Your life, in the transhumanist conception, is reducible to the computations happening in your brain. The totality of your experience — its vibrancy and immediacy and the strange inescapable luminosity of its presence — is all just meat computing. And if that’s the case, who needs the meat? Let’s just swap out the neurons for silicon chips, and it will all be the same. Heck, it will be better, and it gets to go on forever and ever.

ChatGPT and other AI systems are propelling us faster toward the long-term technology dream of artificial general intelligence and the radical transformation called the “singularity,” Silicon Valley chip luminary and former Stanford University professor John Hennessy believes.

Hennessy won computing’s highest prize, the Turing Award, with colleague Dave Patterson for developing the computing architecture that made energy-efficient smartphone chips possible and that now is the foundation for virtually all major processors. He’s also chairman of Google parent company Alphabet.

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Dr Ben Goertzel — Artificial Intelligence & The Singularity: Will A.I. Destroy Life As We Know It?

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Watch the extended cut of the Singularity, starring Adam Driver in a journey for truth and a website that makes websites.

Visit to Enter the Singularity.

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Check out all the on-demand sessions from the Intelligent Security Summit here.

Generative AI, which is based on Large Language Models (LLMs) and transformer neural networks, has certainly created a lot of buzz. Unlike hype cycles around new technologies such as the metaverse, crypto and Web3, generative AI tools such as Stable Diffusion and ChatGPT are poised to have tremendous, possibly revolutionary impacts. These tools are already disrupting multiple fields — including the film industry — and are a potential game-changer for enterprise software.

All of this has led Ben Thompson to declare in his Stratechery newsletter to declare generative AI advances as marking “a new epoch in technology.”

Here’s my new article for Newsweek. Give it a read with an open mind! The day of superintelligence is coming, and we can attempt to make sure humans survive by being respectful to AI. This article explores some of my work at Oxford.

The discussion about giving rights to artificial intelligences and robots has evolved around whether they deserve or are entitled to them. Juxtapositions of this with women’s suffrage and racial injustices are often brought up in philosophy departments like the University of Oxford, where I’m a graduate student.

A survey concluded 90 percent of AI experts believe the singularity—a moment when AI becomes so smart, our biological brains can no longer understand it—will happen in this century. A trajectory of AI intelligence growth taken over 25 years and extended at the same rate 50 years forward would pinpoint AI becoming exponentially smarter than humans.

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