

Archive for the ‘robotics/AI’ category: Page 953

Nov 20, 2022

Meta Trained an AI on 48M Science Papers. It Was Shut Down After 2 Days

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, robotics/AI, science

Galactica was supposed to help “organize science.” Instead, it spewed misinformation.

In the first year of the pandemic, science happened at light speed. More than 100,000 papers were published on COVID in those first 12 months — an unprecedented human effort that produced an unprecedented deluge of new information.

It would have been impossible to read and comprehend every one of those studies. No human being could (and, perhaps, none would want to).

Nov 20, 2022

Ripe For Disruption: Artificial Intelligence Advances Deeper Into Healthcare

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, health, robotics/AI

Spiraling costs, closed facilities, capacity issues, staff burnout, staff shortages, lots of chaos — sounds like an ailing industry — and that industry is healthcare. Can artificial intelligence help mend some of the problems faced by hospitals and healthcare providers? There has been progress on that front — not fast enough, but progress nonetheless.

While interest in healthcare AI is high, “the level of acculturation of C-level executives is lagging, especially for organizations that would need it the most — pharmas, medtechs and hospitals,” a recent Capgemini report relates. The problem, the study’s authors relate, is data. “Enhancing the patient care pathway and improving care delivery remain on the top of the organizations’ agendas,” according to the report’s team of coauthors, led by Charlotte Pierron-Perlès. However, only about a third of healthcare organizations surveyed by Capgemini prioritize the availability of patient information. “We do not see major progress from 2021 [the year of the previous study].”

The good news is that many healthcare providers are stepping up their AI work. “The healthcare industry is now starting to implement AI and machine learning solutions at increased scale and sophistication,” says Tony Ambrozie, CIO at Baptist Health South Florida. “AI and machine learning will augment their ability to make sense of the vast amounts of data available.”

Nov 20, 2022

AI system MinD-Vis decodes images from MRI scans

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, robotics/AI

A new AI system reconstructs images from MRI data two-thirds more accurately than older systems. This is made possible by more data and diffusion models.

Can AI models decode thoughts? Experiments with large language models, such as those by a Meta research group led by Jean-Remi King, attempt to decode words or sentences from MRI data using language models.

Recently, a research group demonstrated an AI system that decodes MRI data from a person watching a video into text describing some of the visible events.

Nov 20, 2022

Quantum effects in memristive devices

Posted by in categories: encryption, nanotechnology, quantum physics, robotics/AI

At the nanoscale, the laws of classical physics suddenly become inadequate to explain the behavior of matter. It is precisely at this juncture that quantum theory comes into play, effectively describing the physical phenomena characteristic of the atomic and subatomic world. Thanks to the different behavior of matter on these length and energy scales, it is possible to develop new materials, devices and technologies based on quantum effects, which could yield a real quantum revolution that promises to innovate areas such as cryptography, telecommunications and computation.

The physics of very small objects, already at the basis of many technologies that we use today, is intrinsically linked to the world of nanotechnologies, the branch of applied science dealing with the control of matter at the nanometer scale (a nanometer is one billionth of a meter). This control of matter at the is at the basis of the development of new electronic devices.

Among these, are considered promising devices for the realization of new computational architectures emulating functions of our brain, allowing the creation of increasingly efficient computation systems suitable for the development of the entire artificial intelligence sector, as recently shown by Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica (INRiM) researchers in collaboration with several international universities and research institutes.

Nov 20, 2022

WOW! Traveling In The Future Will Be A Delight!

Posted by in categories: Elon Musk, robotics/AI, transportation

How will transportation look like in the future? In today’s video we take look into the Future of Transportation and explore some amazing technologies that will revolutionize how we travel in the future. There has been no denying that for several years in the past, the world has been undergoing massive changes, thanks to the advancement in technology. However, when it comes to transportation, the changes have not been that large. Transportations method such as cars, trains, ships, and planes have improved somewhat in functionality over time, but since their creation, they have in large part stayed the same.

In this video, we will unveil some amazing future transportation technologies that without a doubt will absolutely blow your mind!

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Nov 19, 2022

Why This Breakthrough AI Now Runs A Nuclear Fusion Reactor | New AI Supercomputer

Posted by in categories: information science, nuclear energy, robotics/AI, supercomputing

Deep Learning AI Specialization:
Nuclear fusion researchers have created a machine learning AI algorithm to detect and track the existence of plasma blobs that build up inside the tokamak for prediction of plasma disruption, the diagnosis of plasma using spectroscopy and tomography, and the tracking of turbulence inside of the fusion reactor. New AI supercomputer with over 13.5 million processor cores and over 1 exaflop of compute power made be Cerebras. A new study reveals an innovative neuro-computational model of the human brain which could lead to the creation of conscious AI or artificial general intelligence (AGI).

AI News Timestamps:
0:00 Breakthrough AI Runs A Nuclear Fusion Reactor.
3:07 New AI Supercomputer.
6:19 New Brain Model For Conscious AI

#ai #ml #nuclear

Nov 19, 2022

Artificial Neural Networks Learn Better When They Spend Time Not Learning at All

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

Summary: “Off-line” periods during AI training mitigated “catastrophic forgetting” in artificial neural networks, mimicking the learning benefits sleep provides in the human brain.

Source: UCSD

Depending on age, humans need 7 to 13 hours of sleep per 24 hours. During this time, a lot happens: Heart rate, breathing and metabolism ebb and flow; hormone levels adjust; the body relaxes. Not so much in the brain.

Nov 19, 2022

The fastest swimming soft robots look like a butterfly and work like a hair clip

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

These soft robots can do the butterfly stroke.

A team of scientists at North Carolina State University (NCSU) has developed two butterfly-shaped soft robots capable of swimming at 1.70 and 3.74 body lengths per second (BL/s). They are being referred to as the fastest swimming soft machines in the world because until now, soft robots were known to swim at a maximum speed of one body length per second.


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Nov 19, 2022

Waymo To Begin No-Driver Operations with Public In SF; Zoox Accident

Posted by in categories: robotics/AI, transportation

The California PUC granted Waymo a permit to operate 24 hours/day in San Francisco taking select members of the public for rides with no safety driver in the vehicle. Waymo says it will begin this shortly. This comes on the heels of them expanding such service in Phoenix, as reported in my article on how the death of self-driving cars has been greatly exaggerated earlier this week.

This service will be with “trusted testers” rather than members of the broad public that can ride in Chandler and Phoenix, Arizona.

Waymo gets a permit to take the public and will start running with trusted testers. They also start in LA and show off their new robotaxi. Cruise also ups its game. Zoox got into an accident but it was in manual. Aurora reminds us they do more than trucks.

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Nov 19, 2022

New ‘revolutionary’ robotic technology helps both treat and prevent lung cancer in one shot

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, robotics/AI

The patients wake up from anaesthesia with the cancer treated.

There’s a new robotic technology that finds lung cancer early and also has the ability to treat it at the same time, according to a report by CBS Philadelphia.

The American Lung Association’s annual report revealed that lung cancer survival rates are on the rise thanks partially to this new technology. The five-year survival rate is now estimated at 25%.

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