

Archive for the ‘robotics/AI’ category: Page 2426

Dec 18, 2015

Report: artificial intelligence will cause “structural collapse” of law firms

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, business, finance, health, law, life extension, robotics/AI

Robots and artificial intelligence (AI) will dominate legal practice within 15 years, perhaps leading to the “structural collapse” of law firms, a report predicting the shape of the legal market has envisaged.

Civilisation 2030: The near future for law firms, by Jomati Consultants, foresees a world in which population growth is actually slowing, with “peak humanity” occurring as early as 2055, and ageing populations bringing a growth in demand for legal work on issues affecting older people.

This could mean more advice needed by healthcare and specialist construction companies on the building and financing of hospitals, and on pension investment businesses, as well as financial and regulatory work around the demographic changes to come; more age-related litigation, IP battles between pharmaceutical companies, and around so-called “geriatric-tech” related IP.

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Dec 17, 2015

US military to use AI to create cybersoldiers and help fly its F-35

Posted by in categories: military, robotics/AI

US military reveals it hopes to use artificial intelligence to create cybersoldiers and even help fly its F-35 fighter jet — but admits it is ALREADY playing catch up.

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Dec 17, 2015

New XPRIZE competition looks for a better underwater robot

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

XPRIZE has partnered with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and Shell to create new robots to explore the ocean floor.

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Dec 17, 2015

Ethics on the near-future battlefield

Posted by in categories: bioengineering, biotech/medical, cyborgs, ethics, food, genetics, military, neuroscience, robotics/AI

US army’s report visualises augmented soldiers & killer robots.

The US Army’s recent report “Visualizing the Tactical Ground Battlefield in the Year 2050” describes a number of future war scenarios that raise vexing ethical dilemmas. Among the many tactical developments envisioned by the authors, a group of experts brought together by the US Army Research laboratory, three stand out as both plausible and fraught with moral challenges: augmented humans, directed-energy weapons, and autonomous killer robots. The first two technologies affect humans directly, and therefore present both military and medical ethical challenges. The third development, robots, would replace humans, and thus poses hard questions about implementing the law of war without any attending sense of justice.

Augmented humans. Drugs, brain-machine interfaces, neural prostheses, and genetic engineering are all technologies that may be used in the next few decades to enhance the fighting capability of soldiers, keep them alert, help them survive longer on less food, alleviate pain, and sharpen and strengthen their cognitive and physical capabilities. All raise serious ethical and bioethical difficulties.

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Dec 17, 2015

Tesla throws shade at hacker who built a self-driving car

Posted by in categories: robotics/AI, transportation

Samsung Pay lets users ditch the physical gift cards in favor of the digital version.

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Dec 16, 2015

Google ‘disappointed’

Posted by in categories: robotics/AI, transportation

Google says it’s disappointed by draft rules that would ban driverless cars from traveling on public roads in California without a licensed human driver.

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Dec 16, 2015

Carlota Perez: In the midst of ICT revolution: next revolution 30 years out |

Posted by in categories: business, computing, economics, finance, governance, innovation, policy, robotics/AI, science, strategy

Economist Carlota Perez talk about the future of ICT.

Dec 16, 2015

Russia, China Building ‘Robot’ Army

Posted by in categories: business, ethics, military, robotics/AI, security

Despite more than a thousand artificial-intelligence researchers signing an open letter this summer in an effort to ban autonomous weapons, Business Insider reports that China and Russia are in the process of creating self-sufficient killer robots, and in turn is putting pressure on the Pentagon to keep up.

“We know that China is already investing heavily in robotics and autonomy and the Russian Chief of General Staff [Valery Vasilevich] Gerasimov recently said that the Russian military is preparing to fight on a roboticized battlefield,” U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense Robert Work said during a national security forum on Monday.

Work added, “[Gerasimov] said, and I quote, ‘In the near future, it is possible that a complete roboticized unit will be created capable of independently conducting military operations.’”

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Dec 16, 2015

Report: Google to Take on Uber With Self-Driving ‘Rides for Hire’

Posted by in categories: robotics/AI, transportation

Google is reportedly planning to spin off its self-driving car division and offer autonomous taxi rides.

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Dec 16, 2015

Facebook Open Sources All its Artificial Intelligence Hardware

Posted by in categories: computing, robotics/AI

Facebook announced that its latest artificial intelligence (AI) server designs will be made open source, continuing on the company’s course of letting others share new hardware designs, which it began back in 2011. Codenamed Big Sur, the server is designed to train the newest class of deep learning AI that mimic the human brain’s neural pathways.

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