

Archive for the ‘robotics/AI’ category: Page 1869

Sep 2, 2018

Activists urge killer robot ban ‘before it is too late’

Posted by in categories: geopolitics, robotics/AI, treaties

Countries should quickly agree a treaty banning the use of so-called killer robots “before it is too late”, activists said Monday as talks on the issue resumed at the UN.

They say time is running out before weapons are deployed that use lethal force without a human making the final kill-order and have criticised the UN body hosting the talks—the Convention of Certain Conventional Weapons (CCW)—for moving too slowly.

“Killer robots are no longer the stuff of science fiction,” Rasha Abdul Rahim, Amnesty International’s advisor on artificial intelligence and human rights, said in a statement.

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Sep 2, 2018

The Potential of Deep Learning Technology to Transform Health Care

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, health, robotics/AI

In this Viewpoint, Geoffrey Hinton of Google’s Brain Team discusses the basics of neural networks: their underlying data structures, how they can be trained and combined to process complex health data sets, and future prospects for harnessing their unsupervised learning to clinical challenges.

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Sep 2, 2018

Advanced Artificial Intelligence Could Run The World Better Than Humans Ever Could

Posted by in categories: futurism, robotics/AI

Humanity is terrible at planning for the distant future. If we build advanced artificial intelligence, it might save us from ourselves.

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Sep 2, 2018

Watch This Robot Spider Come to Life

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, robotics/AI

This robot spider could one day be used in medical procedures.

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Sep 2, 2018

Neuralink: How The Human Brain Will Download Directly From a Computer

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, robotics/AI

As an immediate application, Neural Lace could potentially help patients suffering from brain injuries and certain illnesses. However, the utimate goal and mission of Neuralink are to successfully merge the human brain with machine, fusing human intelligence with Artificial Intelligence. As a result, this is expected to bring humanity up to a higher level of cognitive reasoning.

Neural Lace: How it works

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Sep 2, 2018

Here we go again: Newly discovered Android vulnerability can be used to spy on you

Posted by in categories: cybercrime/malcode, internet, robotics/AI

We write often here about the security vulnerabilities of Android devices that are due, at least in part, to how much of a delay there can be in the latest software updates making the rounds. Which can leave some handsets dangerously vulnerable if the device manufacturer is slow on the uptake.

Which means we’re constantly writing posts like this one: Researchers from Nightwatch Cybersecurity this week put out an advisory about an Android vulnerability that purportedly exposes information about a user’s device to all applications running on the device. There’s a fix for it, but not if you’re running a too-old version of Android.

According to the advisory, the information includes “the Wi-Fi network name, BSSID, local IP addresses, DNS server information and the MAC address. Some of this information (MAC address) is no longer available via APIs on Android 6 and higher, and extra permissions are normally required to access the rest of this information. However, by listening to these broadcasts, any application on the device can capture this information thus bypassing any permission checks and existing mitigations.”

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Sep 1, 2018

Artificial intelligence spots obesity from space

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, health, robotics/AI, space

Satellite images could help target public health interventions.

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Sep 1, 2018

Why Technology Favors Tyranny

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, robotics/AI

The revolutions in information technology and biotechnology are still in their infancy, and the extent to which they are responsible for the current crisis of liberalism is debatable. Most people in Birmingham, Istanbul, St. Petersburg, and Mumbai are only dimly aware, if they are aware at all, of the rise of AI and its potential impact on their lives. It is undoubtable, however, that the technological revolutions now gathering momentum will in the next few decades confront humankind with the hardest trials it has yet encountered.

Artificial intelligence could erase many practical advantages of democracy, and erode the ideals of liberty and equality. It will further concentrate the power among a small elite if we don’t take steps to stop it.

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Aug 31, 2018

This Venus Flytrap-like robot mouth could help military retrieve drones fast

Posted by in categories: drones, military, robotics/AI, space

It’s designed to make collecting drones of all sizes much easier.

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Aug 31, 2018

China’s Brave New World Of AI

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

China is racing ahead to overtake the U.S. in artificial intelligence (AI). Are we prepared to stay on top of the technology we’ve dominated since the 1950s?

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