

Archive for the ‘robotics/AI’ category: Page 1825

Jan 19, 2019

Watch This Wiggly Robot Worm Swim Effortlessly Through Simulated Body Fluid

Posted by in categories: health, robotics/AI

It’s for your health, we promise.

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Jan 19, 2019

Researchers develop flexible nanobots to deliver drugs inside your body

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, nanotechnology, robotics/AI

Researchers have designed a flexible robot designed for drug delivery that’s small enough to flow through the bloodstream.

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Jan 19, 2019

Artificially produced cells communicate with each other

Posted by in categories: bioengineering, biological, robotics/AI

Using a modular construction kit of tailor-made cell systems, the researchers hope to simulate various properties of biological systems in the future. The idea is that cells react to their environment and learn to act independently.

The first applications are already on the horizon: In the long term, artificial cell assemblies can be deployed as mini-factories to produce specific biomolecules, or as tiny micro-robot sensors that process information and adapt to their environments.

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Jan 19, 2019

Amazon is launching a public version of its invite-only robotics and AI conference for billionaires and tech elite

Posted by in categories: business, robotics/AI, space

“Hear from leaders across science, academia, and business as they share the latest research and scientific advancements, industry innovation, and their perspective on how these domains will evolve,” Amazon’s re: Mars site says. Speakers from Amazon, MIT, UC Berkeley, NASA and Harvard are on the docket.

Amazon announces a new re: Mars conference that will gather experts in machine learning, robotics, automation and space in Las Vegas.

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Jan 18, 2019

80 Acres Farms Raises $40m to Complete ‘First Fully Automated Vertical Farm’

Posted by in categories: food, robotics/AI, sustainability

I wonder how many people it will feed.

80 Acres Farms, an Ohio-based vertical farming startup, has raised private equity funding from Virgo Investment Group, a private equity firm from San Francisco for the construction of what it says will be the first fully automated indoor farm.

AgFudnerNews can reveal that the deal was worth more than $40 million in equity capital, according to sources close to the deal.

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Jan 18, 2019

GitHub CEO imagines a future without programmers, thinks autonomous coding is a very real thing

Posted by in categories: information science, robotics/AI

GitHub CEO predicts that automation will bring an end to traditional software programming GitHub, also referred to as the “Facebook for programmers”, is a.

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Jan 17, 2019

Rationality: research shows we’re not as stupid as we have been led to believe

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

‘’Computational rationality leads to a deeper understanding because it goes beyond descriptions of how we fail. Instead, it shows us how the brain marshals its resources to solve problems. One benefit of this approach is the ability to test theories of what our abilities and constraints are.

Decades of psychological research suggests humans are rather irrational. But a new approach, borrowing an idea from artificial intelligence, challenges this notion.

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Jan 16, 2019

The Independent Core Observer Model Computational Theory of Consciousness and the Mathematical model for Subjective Experience

Posted by in categories: biological, mathematics, robotics/AI

Graeme Ross: “Once again the over-riding need to measure the immeasurable raises it‘s ugly head. Statistics are proof of ignorance. Numbers are not knowledge. It has been mooted that we are a mental construct that incorporates multiple persona in our subconscious and semi-conscious mind. Find the theory for yourself. I wont quote what you can find yourselves. If we are a construct, ever-changing, ever-evolving in complexity and moment-to-moment inner focus, and if, as it has been mooted, we have constant and endless conversation with these ever-changing inner mental persona, then it follows that without capturing that process in mid-flight (as it were) we can‘t deduce the reasoning that results from these conversations. Therefore we are not able to quantify these processes in any way at all. It is ephemeral. Thought takes place in the interval between knowing and asking. Trying to build a machine that will think would take far more resources than mankind will ever possess.”

Abstract: This paper outlines the Independent Core Observer Model (ICOM) Theory of Consciousness defined as a computational model of consciousness that is objectively measurable and an abstraction produced by a mathematical model where the subjective experience of the system is only subjective from the point of view of the abstracted logical core or conscious part of the system where it is modeled in the core of the system objectively. Given the lack of agreed-upon definitions around consciousness theory, this paper sets precise definitions designed to act as a foundation or baseline for additional theoretical and real-world research in ICOM based AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) systems that can have qualia measured objectively.

Published via Conference/Review Board: ICIST 2018 – International Conference on Information Science and Technology – China – April 20-22nd. (IEEE conference) [release pending] and

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Jan 16, 2019

Siemens ‘Aptio Automation’

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

Advocate Aurora ACL Laboratory will be utilizing APITO fully automated technology:

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Jan 16, 2019

Forget Darwinian Evolution. Humanity May Soon Evolve Itself Through A.I.

Posted by in categories: biological, Peter Diamandis, robotics/AI

Are we poised to witness the evolution of evolution itself? In the following interview, expert Peter Diamandis predicts not only will humanity soon transcend its current biological limits, our world will become automated and magical, responding to our deepest desires and inner thoughts.

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