

Archive for the ‘robotics/AI’ category: Page 1725

Mar 16, 2019

Japan to back int’l efforts to regulate AI-equipped ‘killer robots’

Posted by in categories: government, policy, robotics/AI

Japan is hoping to play a lead role in crafting international rules on what has been called lethal autonomous weapons systems or LAWS.

Japan is planning to give its backing to international efforts to regulate the development of lethal weapons controlled by artificial intelligence at a UN conference in Geneva late this month, government sources said Saturday.

It would mark a departure from Japan’s current policy. The government was already opposed to the development of so-called killer robots that could kill without human involvement. But it had called for careful discussions when it comes to rules so as to make sure that commercial development of AI would not be hampered.

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Mar 16, 2019

Self-driving cars begin transporting groceries to Texas homes

Posted by in categories: robotics/AI, transportation

First, there came self-checkout.

Now, it’s self-driving cars to make the delivery.

Two Kroger markets in Houston are rolling out a self-driving car program, in which orders can be placed online and delivered right to your home without a driver.

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Mar 16, 2019

Paralyzed Patients Can Now Control Android Tablets With Their Minds

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, robotics/AI

Signals from the electrical cacophony within groups of neurons inside the motor cortex were passed on to a computer running custom software for decoding.

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Mar 16, 2019

3 ways AI is already changing medicine

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, robotics/AI

They might surprise you.

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Mar 15, 2019

This AI outperformed 20 corporate lawyers at legal work

Posted by in categories: information science, law, robotics/AI

It was 100 times faster on a routine task.

In a recent study, LawGeex, a legal tech startup, challenged a group of 20 experienced lawyers to test their skills and knowledge against its AI-powered algorithm.

A legal battle

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Mar 15, 2019

Susanne Tarkowski Tempelhof Photo

Posted by in categories: bitcoin, governance, robotics/AI

Bitnation is growing up.

🔥 🔥 🔥 NEW RELEASE: #BITNATION JURISDICTION v. 1.4.0 for Android and iOS 🤩 🥳 🥰

The 1.4.0 release has been a crazy road! After the 1.3.4 release, we thought “this app somehow does not say: ”I’m a virtual nation” or ”I’m a blockchain jurisdiction”, but rather we thought it looked more like a confused web3 app which didn’t really know its purpose.

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Mar 14, 2019

This robot gripper looks like a wilted flower, but it can lift 100 times its own weight

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

Weird-looking robots are the best robots.

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Mar 14, 2019

Ethicist Warns: Future AI Could Take Revenge for How We Treat It Now

Posted by in categories: futurism, robotics/AI

If machines become truly intelligent or sentient, an ethicist at Victoria University Wellington named Nicholas Agar is sharing a dire warning: future machines may want payback for how we treat their insentient ancestors today.

Should robots ever become sentient, they may be pissed at how much we insult Alexa today.

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Mar 14, 2019

Why modern enterprises need to adopt cognitive computing for faster business growth in a digital economy

Posted by in categories: business, economics, robotics/AI, supercomputing

Cognitive computing (CC) technology revolves around making computers adept at mimicking the processes of the human brain, which is basically making them more intelligent. Even though the phrase cognitive computing is used synonymously with AI, the term is closely associated with IBM’s cognitive computer system, Watson. IBM Watson is a supercomputer that leverages AI-based disruptive technologies like machine learning (ML), real-time analysis, natural language processing, etc. to augment decision making and deliver superior outcomes.

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Mar 14, 2019

To Compete With Google, OpenAI Seeks Investors–and Profits

Posted by in categories: Elon Musk, robotics/AI

On Monday, OpenAI’s leaders said that a paltry $1 billion wouldn’t be enough to compete with the well-resourced AI labs at companies such as Google and Facebook after all. They announced the new investment vehicle, a company called OpenAI LP, as a way to raise extra money for the computing power and people needed to steer the destiny of AI. Musk left the board of OpenAI last February and is not formally involved in OpenAI LP.

OpenAI, the independent research lab cofounded by Elon Musk, created a for-profit arm to attract more funding to hire researchers and run computers.

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