Researchers have discovered a massless particle, which was first theorized 85 years ago and thought to be a building block for other subatomic particles.
Category: particle physics – Page 604
Researchers have confirmed the existence of two pentaquark states, rare subatomic particles made up of five quarks.
Scientists have discovered Weyl fermions, elusive massless particles theorized 85 years ago that could give rise to faster and more efficient electronics because of their unusual ability to behave as matter and antimatter inside a crystal.
“In its inaugural year of observations, the Dark Energy Survey has already turned up at least eight objects that look to be new satellite dwarf galaxies of the Milky Way.”
In 2014, I submitted my paper “A Universal Approach to Forces” to the journal Foundations of Physics. The 1999 Noble Laureate, Prof. Gerardus ‘t Hooft, editor of this journal, had suggested that I submit this paper to the journal Physics Essays.
My previous 2009 submission “Gravitational acceleration without mass and noninertia fields” to Physics Essays, had taken 1.5 years to review and be accepted. Therefore, I decided against Prof. Gerardus ‘t Hooft’s recommendation as I estimated that the entire 6 papers (now published as Super Physics for Super Technologies) would take up to 10 years and/or $20,000 to publish in peer reviewed journals.
Prof. Gerardus ‘t Hooft had brought up something interesting in his 2008 paper “A locally finite model for gravity” that “… absence of matter now no longer guarantees local flatness…” meaning that accelerations can be present in spacetime without the presence of mass. Wow! Isn’t this a precursor to propulsion physics, or the ability to modify spacetime without the use of mass?
As far as I could determine, he didn’t pursue this from the perspective of propulsion physics. A year earlier in 2007, I had just discovered the massless formula for gravitational acceleration g=τc^2, published in the Physics Essays paper referred above. In effect, g=τc^2 was the mathematical solution to Prof. Gerardus ‘t Hooft’s “… absence of matter now no longer guarantees local flatness…”
Prof. Gerardus ‘t Hooft used string theory to arrive at his inference. Could he empirically prove it? No, not with strings. It took a different approach, numerical modeling within the context of Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity (STR) to derive a mathematic solution to Prof. Gerardus ‘t Hooft’s inference.
In 2013, I attended Dr. Brian Greens’s Gamow Memorial Lecture, held at the University of Colorado Boulder. If I had heard him correctly, the number of strings or string states being discovered has been increasing, and were now in the 10500 range.
I find these two encounters telling. While not rigorously proved, I infer that (i) string theories are unable to take us down a path the can be empirically proven, and (ii) they are opened ended i.e. they can be used to propose any specific set of outcomes based on any specific set of inputs. The problem with this is that you now have to find a theory for why a specific set of inputs. I would have thought that this would be heartbreaking for theoretical physicists.
In 2013, I presented the paper “Empirical Evidence Suggest A Need For A Different Gravitational Theory,” at the American Physical Society’s April conference held in Denver, CO. There I met some young physicists and asked them about working on gravity modification. One of them summarized it very well, “Do you want me to commit career suicide?” This explains why many of our young physicists continue to seek employment in the field of string theories where unfortunately, the hope of empirically testable findings, i.e. winning the Noble Prize, are next to nothing.
I think string theories are wrong.
Two transformations or contractions are present with motion, Lorentz-FitzGerald Transformation (LFT) in linear motion and Newtonian Gravitational Transformations (NGT) in gravitational fields.
The fundamental assumption or axiom of strings is that they expand when their energy (velocity) increases. This axiom (let’s name it the Tidal Axiom) appears to have its origins in tidal gravity attributed to Prof. Roger Penrose. That is, macro bodies elongate as the body falls into a gravitational field. To be consistent with NGT the atoms and elementary particles would contract in the direction of this fall. However, to be consistent with tidal gravity’s elongation, the distances between atoms in this macro body would increase at a rate consistent with the acceleration and velocities experienced by the various parts of this macro body. That is, as the atoms get flatter, the distances apart get longer. Therefore, for a string to be consistent with LFT and NGT it would have to contract, not expand. One suspects that this Tidal Axiom’s inconsistency with LFT and NGT has led to an explosion of string theories, each trying to explain Nature with no joy. See my peer-reviewed 2013 paper New Evidence, Conditions, Instruments & Experiments for Gravitational Theories published in the Journal of Modern Physics, for more.
The vindication of this contraction is the discovery of the massless formula for gravitational acceleration g=τc^2 using Newtonian Gravitational Transformations (NGT) to contract an elementary particle in a gravitational field. Neither quantum nor string theories have been able to achieve this, as quantum theories require point-like inelastic particles, while strings expand.
What worries me is that it takes about 70 to 100 years for a theory to evolve into commercially viable consumer products. Laser are good examples. So, if we are tying up our brightest scientific minds with theories that cannot lead to empirical validations, can we be the primary technological superpower a 100 years from now?
The massless formula for gravitational acceleration g=τc^2, shows us that new theories on gravity and force fields will be similar to General Relativity, which is only a gravity theory. The mass source in these new theories will be replaced by field and particle motions, not mass or momentum exchange. See my Journal of Modern Physics paper referred above on how to approach this and Super Physics for Super Technologies on how to accomplish this.
Therefore, given that the primary axiom, the Tidal Axiom, of string theories is incorrect it is vital that we recognize that any mathematical work derived from string theories is invalidated. And given that string theories are particle based theories, this mathematical work is not transferable to the new relativity type force field theories.
I forecast that both string and quantum gravity theories will be dead by 2017.
When I was seeking funding for my work, I looked at the Broad Agency Announcements (BAAs) for a category that includes gravity modification or interstellar propulsion. To my surprise, I could not find this category in any of our research organizations, including DARPA, NASA, National Science Foundation (NSF), Air Force Research Lab, Naval Research Lab, Sandia National Lab or the Missile Defense Agency.
So what are we going to do when our young graduates do not want to or cannot be employed in string theory disciplines?
(Originally published in the Huffington Post)
Gravity modification, the scientific term for antigravity, is the ability to modify the gravitational field without the use of mass. Thus legacy physics, the RSQ (Relativity, String & Quantum) theories, cannot deliver either the physics or technology as these require mass as their field origin.
Ron Kita who recently received the first US patent (8901943) related to gravity modification, in recent history, introduced me to Dr. Takaaki Musha some years ago. Dr. Musha has a distinguished history researching Biefeld-Brown in Japan, going back to the late 1980s, and worked for the Ministry of Defense and Honda R&D.
Dr. Musha is currently editing New Frontiers in Space Propulsion (Nova Publishers) expected later this year. He is one of the founders of the International Society for Space Science whose aim is to develop new propulsion systems for interstellar travel.
Wait. What? Honda? Yes. For us Americans, it is unthinkable for General Motors to investigate gravity modification, and here was Honda in the 1990s, at that, researching this topic.
In recent years Biefeld-Brown has gained some notoriety as an ionic wind effect. I, too, was of this opinion until I read Dr. Musha’s 2008 paper “Explanation of Dynamical Biefeld-Brown Effect from the Standpoint of ZPF field.” Reading this paper I realized how thorough, detailed and meticulous Dr. Musha was. Quoting selected portions from Dr. Musha’s paper:
In 1956, T.T. Brown presented a discovery known as the Biefeld-Bown effect (abbreviated B-B effect) that a sufficiently charged capacitor with dielectrics exhibited unidirectional thrust in the direction of the positive plate.
From the 1st of February until the 1st of March in 1996, the research group of the HONDA R&D Institute conducted experiments to verify the B-B effect with an improved experimental device which rejected the influence of corona discharges and electric wind around the capacitor by setting the capacitor in the insulator oil contained within a metallic vessel … The experimental results measured by the Honda research group are shown …
V. Putz and K. Svozil,
… predicted that the electron experiences an increase in its rest mass under an intense electromagnetic field …
and the equivalent
… formula with respect to the mass shift of the electron under intense electromagnetic field was discovered by P. Milonni …
Dr. Musha concludes his paper with,
… The theoretical analysis result suggests that the impulsive electric field applied to the dielectric material may produce a sufficient artificial gravity to attain velocities comparable to chemical rockets.
Given, Honda R&D’s experimental research findings, this is a major step forward for the Biefeld-Brown effect, and Biefeld-Brown is back on the table as a potential propulsion technology.
We learn two lesson.
First, that any theoretical analysis of an experimental result is advanced or handicapped by the contemporary physics. While the experimental results remain valid, at the time of the publication, zero point fluctuation (ZPF) was the appropriate theory. However, per Prof. Robert Nemiroff’s 2012 stunning discovery that quantum foam and thus ZPF does not exist, the theoretical explanation for the Biefeld-Brown effect needs to be reinvestigated in light of Putz, Svozil and Milonni’s research findings. This is not an easy task as that part of the foundational legacy physics is now void.
Second, it took decades of Dr. Musha’s own research to correctly advise Honda R&D how to conduct with great care and attention to detail, this type of experimental research. I would advise anyone serious considering Biefeld-Brown experiments to talk to Dr. Musha, first.
Another example of similar lessons relates to the Finnish/Russian Dr. Podkletnov’s gravity shielding spinning superconducting ceramic disc i.e. an object placed above this spinning disc would lose weight.
I spent years reading and rereading Dr. Podkletnov’s two papers (the 1992 “A Possibility of Gravitational Force Shielding by Bulk YBa2Cu3O7-x Superconductor” and the 1997 “Weak gravitational shielding properties of composite bulk YBa2Cu3O7-x superconductor below 70K under e.m. field”) before I fully understood all the salient observations.
Any theory on Dr. Podkletnov’s experiments must explain four observations, the stationary disc weight loss, spinning disc weight loss, weight loss increase along a radial distance and weight increase. Other than my own work I haven’t see anyone else attempt to explain all four observation within the context of the same theoretical analysis. The most likely inference is that legacy physics does not have the tools to explore Podkletnov’s experiments.
But it gets worse.
Interest in Dr. Podkletnov’s work was destroyed by two papers claiming null results. First, Woods et al, (the 2001 “Gravity Modification by High-Temperature Superconductors”) and second, Hathaway et al (the 2002 “Gravity Modification Experiments Using a Rotating Superconducting Disk and Radio Frequency Fields”). Reading through these papers it was very clear to me that neither team were able to faithfully reproduce Dr. Podkletnov’s work.
My analysis of Dr. Podkletnov’s papers show that the disc is electrified and bi-layered. By bi-layered, the top side is superconducting and the bottom non-superconducting. Therefore, to get gravity modifying effects, the key to experimental success is, bottom side needs to be much thicker than the top. Without getting into too much detail, this would introduce asymmetrical field structures, and gravity modifying effects.
The necessary dialog between theoretical explanations and experimental insight is vital to any scientific study. Without this dialog, there arises confounding obstructions; theoretically impossible but experiments work or theoretically possible but experiments don’t work. With respect to Biefeld-Brown, Dr. Musha has completed the first iteration of this dialog.
Above all, we cannot be sure what we have discovered is correct until we have tested these discoveries under different circumstances. This is especially true for future propulsion technologies where we cannot depend on legacy physics for guidance, and essentially don’t understand what we are looking for.
In the current RSQ (pronounced risk) theory climate, propulsion physics is not a safe career path to select. I do hope that serious researchers reopen the case for both Biefeld-Brown and Podkletnov experiments, and the National Science Foundation (NSF) leads the way by providing funding to do so.
(Originally published in the Huffington Post)
I first met Dr. Young Bae, NIAC Fellow, at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) sponsored 2011, 100 Year Starship Study (100YSS) at Orlando, Fla. Many of us who were there had responded to the NASA/DARPA Tactical Technology Office’s RFP to set up an organization “… to develop a viable and sustainable non-governmental organization for persistent, long-term, private-sector investment into the myriad of disciplines needed to make long-distance space travel viable …”
Yes, both DARPA and NASA are at some level interested in interstellar propulsion. Mine was one of approximately 35 (rumored number) teams from around the world vying for this DARPA grant, and Dr. Bae was with a competing team. I presented the paper “Non-Gaussian Photon Probability Distributions”, and Dr. Bae presented “A Sustainable Developmental Pathway of Photon Propulsion towards Interstellar Flight”. These were early days, the ground zero of interstellar propulsion, if you would.
Dr. Bae has been researching Photon Laser Thrust (PLT) for many years. A video of his latest experiment is available at the NASA website or on YouTube. This PLT uses light photons to move an object by colliding with (i.e. transferring momentum to) the object. The expectation is that this technology will eventually be used to propel space crafts. His most recent experiments demonstrate the horizontal movement of a 1-pound weight. This is impressive. I expect to see much more progress in the coming years.
At one level, Dr. Bae’s experiments are confirmation that Bill Nye’s Light Sail (which very unfortunately lost communications with Earth) will work.
At another level, one wonders why or how the photon, a particle without mass, has momentum that is proportion to the photon’s frequency or energy. A momentum that is observable in Dr. Bae’s and other experiments. This is not a question that contemporary physics asks. Einstein was that meticulous when he derived the Lorentz-FitzGerald Transformations (LFT) from first principles for his Special Theory of Relativity (STR). Therefore, if you think about it, and if we dare to ask the sacrilegious question, does this mean that momentum is a particle’s elementary property that appears to be related to mass? What would we discover if we could answer the question, why does momentum exist in both mass and massless particles? Sure, the short cut don’t bother me answer is, mass-energy equivalence. But why?
At the other end of photon momentum based research is the EmDrive invented by Roger Shawyer. He clearly states that the EmDrive is due to momentum exchange and not due to “quantum vacuum plasma effects”. To vindicate his claims Boeing has received all of his EmDrive designs and test data. This is not something that Boeing does lightly.
In this 2014 video a member of NASA’s Eagleworks explains that the EmDrive (renamed q-thruster) pushes against quantum vacuum, the froth of particle and antiparticle pairs in vacuum. Which raises the question, how can you push against one type and not the other? In 2011, using NASA’s Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope photographs, Prof. Robert Nemiroff of Michigan Technological University, made the stunning discovery that this quantum foam of particle and antiparticle pairs in a vacuum, does not exist. Unfortunately, this means that the NASA Eagleworks explanation clearly cannot be correct.
So how does the EmDrive work?
In my 2012 book An Introduction to Gravity Modification, I had explained the importance of asymmetrical fields and designs for creating propellantless engines. For example, given a particle in a gravitational field and with respect to this field’s planetary mass source, this particle will observe an asymmetrical gravitational field. The near side of this particle will experience a stronger field than the far side, and thus the motion towards the planetary mass. Granted that this difference is tiny, it is not zero. This was how I was able to determine the massless formula for gravitational acceleration, g=τc^2, where tau τ is the change in the time dilation transformation (dimensionless LFT) divided by that distance. The error in the modeled gravitational acceleration is less than 6 parts per million. Thus validating the asymmetrical approach.
In very basic terms Shawyer’s New Scientist paper suggests that it is due to the conical shape of the EmDrive that causes microwave photons to exhibit asymmetrical momentum exchange. One side of the conical structure with the larger cross section, has more momentum exchange than the other side with the smaller cross section. The difference in this momentum exchange is evidenced as a force.
However, as Dr. Bae points out, from the perspective of legacy physics, conservation of momentum is broken. If not broken, then there are no net forces. If broken, then one observes a net force. Dr. Beckwith (Prof., Chongqing University, China) confirms that Dr. Bae is correct, but the question that needs to be addressed is, could there be any additional effects which would lead to momentum conservation being violated? Or apparently violated?
To be meticulous, since energy can be transmuted into many different forms, we can ask another sacrilegious question. Can momentum be converted into something else? A wave function attribute for example, in a reversible manner, after all the massless photon momentum is directly proportional to its frequency? We don’t know. We don’t have either the theoretical or experimental basis for answering this question either in the positive or negative. Note, this is not the same as perpetual motion machines, as conservation laws still hold.
Shawyer’s work could be confirmation of these additional effects, asymmetrical properties and momentum-wave-function-attribute interchangeability. If so, the future of propulsion technologies lies in photon based propulsion.
Given that Shawyer’s video demonstrates a moving EmDrive, the really interesting question is, can we apply this model to light photons? Or for that matter, any other type of photons, radio, infrared, light, ultraviolet and X-Rays?
(Originally published in the Huffington Post)
Recent revelations of NASA’s Eagleworks Em Drive caused a sensation on the internet as to why interstellar propulsion can or cannot be possible. The nay sayers pointed to shoddy engineering and impossible physics, and ayes pointed to the physics of the Alcubierre-type warp drives based on General Relativity.
So what is it? Are warp drives feasible? The answer is both yes and no. Allow me to explain.
The empirical evidence of the Michelson-Morley experiment of 1887, now known as the Lorentz-FitzGerald Transformations (LFT), proposed by FitzGerald in 1889, and Lorentz in 1892, show beyond a shadow of doubt that nothing can have a motion with a velocity greater than the velocity of light. In 1905 Einstein derived LFT from first principles as the basis for the Special Theory of Relativity (STR).
So if nothing can travel faster than light why does the Alcubierre-type warp drive matter? The late Prof. Morris Klein explained in his book, Mathematics: The Loss of Certainty, that mathematics has become so powerful that it can now be used to prove anything, and therefore, the loss of certainty in the value of these mathematical models. The antidote for this is to stay close to the empirical evidence.
My good friend Dr. Andrew Beckwith (Prof., Chongqing University, China) explains that there are axiomatic problems with the Alcubierre-type warp drive theory. Basically the implied axioms (or starting assumptions of the mathematics) requires a multiverse universe or multiple universes, but the mathematics is based on a single universe. Thus even though the mathematics appears to be sound its axioms are contradictory to this mathematics. As Dr. Beckwith states, “reducto ad absurdum”. For now, this unfortunately means that there is no such thing as a valid warp drive theory. LFT prevents this.
For a discussion of other problems in physical theories please see my peer reviewed 2013 paper “New Evidence, Conditions, Instruments & Experiments for Gravitational Theories” published in the Journal of Modern Physics. In this paper I explain how General Relativity can be used to propose some very strange ideas, and therefore, claiming that something is consistent with General Relativity does not always lead to sensible outcomes.
The question we should be asking is not, can we travel faster than light (FTL) but how do we bypass LFT? Or our focus should not be how to travel but how to effect destination arrival.
Let us take one step back. Since Einstein, physicists have been working on a theory of everything (TOE). Logic dictates that for a true TOE, the TOE must be able to propose from first principles, why conservation of mass-energy and conservation of momentum hold. If these theories cannot, they cannot be TOEs. Unfortunately all existing TOEs have these conservation laws as their starting axioms, and therefore, are not true TOEs. The importance of this requirement is that if we cannot explain why conservation of momentum is true, like Einstein did with LFT, how do we know how to apply this in developing interstellar propulsion engines? Yes, we have to be that picky, else we will be throwing millions if not billions of dollars in funding into something that probably won’t work in practice.
Is a new physics required to achieve interstellar propulsion? Does a new physics exists?
In 2007, after extensive numerical modeling I discovered the massless formula for gravitational acceleration, g=τc^2, where tau τ is the change in the time dilation transformation (dimensionless LFT) divided by that distance. (The error in the modeled gravitational acceleration is less than 6 parts per million). Thereby, proving that mass is not required for gravitational theories and falsifying the RSQ (Relativity, String & Quantum) theories on gravity. There are two important consequences of this finding, (1) we now have a new propulsion equation, and (2) legacy or old physics cannot deliver.
But gravity modification per g=τc^2 is still based on motion, and therefore, constrained by LFT. That is, gravity modification cannot provide for interstellar propulsion. For that we require a different approach, the new physics.
At least from the perspective of propulsion physics, having a theoretical approach for a single formula g=τc^2 would not satisfy the legacy physics community that a new physics is warranted or even exists. Therefore, based on my 16 years of research involving extensive numerical modeling with the known empirical data, in 2014, I wrote six papers laying down the foundations of this new physics:
1. “A Universal Approach to Forces”: There is a 4th approach to forces that is not based on Relativity, String or Quantum (RSQ) theories.
2. “The Variable Isotopic Gravitational Constant”: The Gravitational Constant G is not a constant, and independent of mass, therefore gravity modification without particle physics is feasible.
3. “A Non Standard Model Nucleon/Nuclei Structure”: Falsifies the Standard Model and proposes Variable Electric Permittivity (VEP) matter.
4. “Replacing Schrödinger”: Proposes that the Schrödinger wave function is a good but not an exact model.
5. “Particle Structure”: Proposes that the Standard Model be replaced with the Component Standard Model.
6. “Spectrum Independence”: Proposes that photons are spectrum independent, and how to accelerate nanowire technology development.
This work, published under the title Super Physics for Super Technologies is available for all to review, critique and test its validity. (A non-intellectual emotional gut response is not a valid criticism). That is, the new physics does exist. And the relevant outcome per interstellar propulsion is that subspace exists, and this is how Nature implements probabilities. Note, neither quantum nor string theories ask the question, how does Nature implement probabilities? And therefore, are unable to provide an answer. The proof of subspace can be found in how the photon electromagnetic energy is conserved inside the photon.
Subspace is probabilistic and therefore does not have the time dimension. In other words destination arrival is not LFT constrained by motion based travel, but is effected by probabilistic localization. We therefore, have to figure out navigation in subspace or vectoring and modulation. Vectoring is the ability to determine direction, and modulation is the ability to determine distance. This approach is new and has an enormous potential of being realized as it is not constrained by LFT.
Yes, interstellar propulsion is feasible, but not as of the warp drives we understand today. As of 2012, there are only about 50 of us on this planet working or worked towards solving the gravity modification and interstellar propulsion challenge.
So the question is not, whether gravity modification or interstellar propulsion is feasible, but will we be the first nation to invent this future?
(Originally published in the Huffington Post)
Is it Ethical to heal a young white Elephant from his physiological Autism?
Otto E. Rossler1, Cony Theis², Jürgen Heiter1, Werner Fleischer1 and Anonymous Student²
1University of Tübingen, Auf der Morgenstelle 8, 72076 Tübingen, Germany
²University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Im Wiestebruch 68, 28870 Ottersberg, Germany
Forty years ago a causal therapy of autism was offered which has never been tried out by the therapeutic profession. It predictably is so effective that even members of other mirror-competent bonding species can be healed from their “physiological autism.” Niklas Luhmann belonged to the therapy’s supporters and Leo Szilard had anticipated it in fiction 30 years earlier. The Ottersberg Lectures on Philosophy revived it through the enthusiasm and cooperation of the youthful audience.
Key words: Person theory, applied ethology, bonding, Julian Huxley, autonomous optimizers, physiological autism, AAAA, cross caring cycle, ontogenetic emergence of the suspicion of benevolence, causal therapy of autism, interactional personogenesis, Szilard, Neville Alexander, Mandelaism. (April 23, 2015)
Autism is a widespread scourge of humankind. Only in Sweden are the human rights of the affected individuals optimally preserved as far as jurisdiction and infrastructure are concerned.
In 1975, a causal therapy applicable at a young age was proposed [1]. Gregory Bateson (personal communication 1975) and Niklas Luhmann [2,3] supported it. Jürgen Habermas’ only criticism concerned the fact that an illegally printed edition of his book had been quoted. Noam Chomsky showed interest in a long phone conversation. Konrad Lorenz said he appreciated it but it was “too difficult” for him to fully understand. No professional ever tried the therapy out or quoted it. For a review, cf. ref. [4].
In the recent Ottersberg lectures on philosophy, one of the incredibly motivated and bright students in the audience brought-in a previously lacking empirical fact: the bonding signal of a mother elephant consists of an infrasound rumble [5,6]. With this added piece of information about an inaudible bonding signal waiting to be employed, now a young (preferably white) elephant can predictably be healed interactively from her or his physiological autism by the adopted human caretaker.
This by now suddenly operational proposal is to be sketched in the following and its ethical motivation discussed.
Physiological Autism
Physiological or natural autism is a reflection of the quadruple-A (AAAA) rule: “All Animals Are Autistic” [7]. The explanation has to do with the fact that evolution is controlled by natural selection as its only driving force. Nonautism, by contrast, introduces a further agent – personal responsibility – which competes with natural selection. Hence nonautism cannot have arisen through a selection pressure of its own in nature. Nonautism can only have come about through an evolutionary accident that enabled an interactional function change to occur on the epigenetic level. The latter amounts to a “jump” right up to Point Omega in Teilhard’s picture [4]. This “accident” can now be understood causally and therefore also be evoked deliberately in the ontogenesis of an individual.
An evolutionary Accident
The evolutionary accident which biologically speaking underlies and enables the nonautism of human beings consists in a convergence of two originally distinct fixed biological expressions, those of happiness and of bonding, respectively, which occurred in one particular mirror-competent species. The convergence was an accidental consequence of evolutionary Ritualization in the sense of Julian Huxley [8].
In the evolution of highly sophisticated animals like mammals, the slowly time-varying ecological niche sometimes favors, and then disfavors again, bonding between adult individuals on a fairly “short” time scale of a few million years [8]. By contrast, bonding between offspring and parent is an older, much more stable trait. Whenever bonding between adults gets favored again by natural selection next time around, some pre-existing behavioral trait (motion pattern) gets “ritualized” for the new purpose of bonding [8]. In this way, frequently a mating gesture – “mounting” – gets usurped for the new function. Every TV viewer knows this from baboons, for example: even the females are mounting for this purpose. The selection pressure is so strong that in another highly social species, the African wild dog (Lycaon pictus), the females developed a long pseudopenis for the new purpose of bonding. Also in the Bonobo – humankind’s closest relative –, a form of noisy mounting has become the bonding signal of the species (“laughing with the lower parts of the body”). In other cases, other pre-existing motion patterns got ritualized for bonding. In the wolf, for example, a submissive gesture derived from crouching – tail-wagging – was chosen for the bonding display of the young towards the adults and eventually also between adults.
An analogous convergence happens to have taken place in the evolution of the human species. Here, the happy facial expression of the satiated infant got chosen for the bonding display of the adult individuals. That is, the smile and laughter of happiness became the smile of bonding (see van Hoof for many more details [9]). Much as in the wolf, an originally submissive gesture (a grin in the face) became, first the rewarding gesture for successful parenting and then the universal bonding gesture also between adults.
While in the wolf and dog, the convergence of the two displays of happiness and bonding cannot lead to any major epigenetic side effects, such a side effect regularly occurs in the human species. The wolf is protected from the same fate by the fact that he is not mirror competent. In this way, the domesticated wolf only became humankind’s best friend but not its partner. So notwithstanding the anecdotal fact that in one case, the owner of a giant dog divorced his wife in order to be able to care till the end for his cancer-stricken animal friend.
By contrast, the functionally analogous “cross caring coupling” [1] between a human toddler and his caretaker (mediated by laugh-smiling rather than tail-wagging) is compounded by the mirror-competence of the two human bonding partners. The mirror competence arises in the toddler around the age of 18 months, as most parents know. It is a great experience for an onlooker to watch a young child’s joy in the discovery of her or his perfectly controllable twin in a mirror.
But other highly brained mirror-competent bonding species exist as well – elephants being amongst them [10].
The epigenetic Transformation
Evolution is helpless on a short-term basis whenever an epigenetic accident occurs regularly in a species. In the wolf and dog, the mentioned bonding structure which involves both partners’ state of happiness (“cross caring”) is innocuous in the sense that it does not trigger a major epigenetic consequence. Only the human partner of a dog can sometimes get carried away in his heart as we saw with the divorcing dog owner (a professor of theology whom the first author knew as a child). Konrad Lorenz said that there is “no greater love on earth” than that of a dog [11]. King Salomo and Saint Francis also come to mind [12].
But now imagine what is going to happen when the pampered, bonding offspring is mirror-competent. Sigmund Freud spoke here of the “dark continent” of female sexuality [13] having the playroom in mind. He did not know yet of the existence of bonding as an even stronger drive than sexuality. George Herbert Mead was wiser in his famous book (which he never wrote himself since his pupils loved him so much that they wrote it alone under his name after he had passed away), “Mind, Self and Society” [14].
Even in the dog, the joy of the adult will predictably sometimes cause a pup to renounce of a piece of food if the adult is too happily excited in the anticipation of getting it – so one can predict (this is a question for field studies). But such an evolutionarily counterproductive “sacrifice” brought by an offspring is bound to be rare.
By contrast, such “feeding-an-adult behavior” is typical of young human beings. A 1 ½ year old toddler was once accidentally observed by one of us (while standing in a zoo in front of the wolves’ den of all things) putting a sweetie into his father’s mouth, asking: “good?!” If this is a typical behavioral trait of the human species as it no doubt is, the latter species deserves the distinguishing systematic biological name Pongo goneotrophicus (“parent-feeding great ape” [4]).
As a consequence of the cross-caring coupling (CCC) described, the playroom is the theater for a radical transformation occurring in a young human being who is not smile-blind while being in the company of the mother (or more rarely the father or a nurse or a grandparent). A functional instability predictably arises in the interaction between the two “autonomous optimizers” in question (see [15] for a more formal description). This instability is so strong that it causes a function change, to use the general terminology introduced by Bob Rosen [16]. That is, nothing is changed in the hardware of the two dynamical systems in question, but nonetheless a radical change occurs in the way they are functioning. An alternative technical term for function change is “hard bifurcation.” The functioning of the toddler, under the influence of his mirror-competence, gets irreversibly transformed by the symmetric emotional coupling present.
Specifically, the “suspicion of benevolence” – of an intentional well-meaning existing on the other side – arises in the toddler. In the course of a “give-and-take game” – or more correctly speaking: in the course of an almost-give-and-not-quite-take-game between the two –, the toddler will suddenly switch. A transition occurs in play, from merely “almost giving” and just in time taking back what had seemed to develop into a genuine giving act (with heavy tears flowing when the partner misinterprets the not yet fully developed intention), towards suddenly insisting on the naïve gift being accepted and kept and enjoyed and, for example, eaten so that it is gone for good.
Both partners then plunge into a positive feedback of hilarious laughter and happiness and benevolence shown. This is the famous “playroom nonsense.” But behind it stands the mutually confirmed suspicion and then certainty of an acting good will (benevolence) being present on the other side. This implies a total change in the functioning of the formerly autistic young autonomous optimizer in question [1].
It is a holy and even religious (3-person) accident that occurs in this “game.” It was never recorded in statu nascendi it appears. And soon after, everyone returns to normal anyhow because no one in human society sees anything special in the fact that a toddler behaves as a person. This is what all people do after all, and less irrationally so on getting older over the next weeks and months and years. But it goes without saying that also a whole new – infinite – vulnerability arises in the described holy moment of “personogenesis.”
Smile Blindness
Some individuals are by their nature “less rewardable” by a smile than others – or else more demanding as to the identity of the smiler. Or they get put off by a laughter being too loud. And some even cannot be rewarded at all optically by the natural bonding signal of the species (the smile). Unlike individuals born blind, who rely from the beginning on the “acoustic smile” which likewise exists albeit in a weaker form, the selective smile blindness of a sighted child is even more detrimental. It is the sighted smile-blind children that can remain fully “autistic” for a long time, or even permanently. This predictable implication of smile-blindness is not generally known to the therapeutic profession.
The above described mechanism if correct, automatically implies that these smile-blind individuals can be healed causally. Namely: by the “acoustic smile therapy.” Note that the mother or bonding partner can when momentarily delighted express her loving affection just as well by an acoustic bonding sound in place of or besides a smile. The latter sound then functionally acts as an “acoustic smile.” This is the acoustic smile therapy of autism [1]. It was never tried out deliberately, perhaps because it never came to the ears or eyes of an active member of the therapeutic profession.
Nevertheless one successful case study can apparently be offered. A smile-blind person – a professional hairdresser who saw faces only as a splintered mosaic – was once featured in a “Stern TV” documentary, aired on January 28, 2008. He reported there vividly that as a young child walking with his parents on the beach, he was only interested in the moving shadows on the sand. Then when he was 7, sitting on the lap of his mother before a table to scribble on paper given to him, his autism flew away. He learned to write in this way. But it was more than that. Apparently, his mother expressed her joy, at every little success he made in writing, by uttering a gentle little bonding sound into his ear which amplified the joy in his own success. Just like the optical smile does in a non-smile blind child, this acoustic smile (as it can be called) triggered the suspicion of benevolence in this already 7 years old child for the first time – exactly as an optical smile ordinarily does in a non-smile blind toddler, as we saw. The consequence – personogenesis – was the same.
We now come to the announced “dangerous” implication of the above-described human physiology of smile and laughter.
Elephant Toddlers
Everyone comes away saying elephant cubs are maximally cute and playful. And their brains are considerably bigger and more highly organized (much like those of dolphins) than human brains: with the ratio between grey matter and the central diencephalon where the emotions are made considerably higher than in human beings [17]. A deep emotional friendship can develop with the caretaker as is well known: There are human beings – called “Mahouts” – who share their whole lives with an elephant and nonetheless do not lead unhappy lives it appears. Note also that elephants have been successfully taught to make accurate drawings on cardboard (to be found on Youtube), and others were successfully brought to speaking well-recognizable human words [18,19].
Now it has been found out not very long ago that elephant mothers utter very deep, to the human ear, inaudible, bonding sounds for their calf and vice versa [20]. Can one use an infrasound generator with a loudspeaker carried along to consistently reward the toddler calf whenever oneself as the loving care-taker is delighted by the momentary happiness or friskiness of one’s protégé?
It goes without saying that the answer is in the positive. The consequence is bound to be the same as it was described for the human playroom above: Interactional personogenesis.
The above idea – except for the new element of the acoustic transponder – has been published about a dozen times in the scientific literature, starting with an early still groping version written in German in 1968 [21]. At first, grave ethical inhibitions were involved in doing so. After a few years’ time, the duty felt not to withhold the causal therapy of autism from human beings became the motivation for the 1975 paper [1].
What have the religions to say to this? Compare as a background the deep thoughts of Robert Spaemann, one of the few philosophers in the aftermath of Immanuel Kant who put much thought into the question of “What is a person” [22]. Imagine: a superhumanly wise elephant who talks to the more child-like humanity – a Hindu story [23] revived by modern science. Humankind would find itself in an ancient Abraham-Isaac-like situation, one could say. The metaphysics comes in because love’s palpable essence (the experienced joy compounded by the benevolence felt to be present behind it) is not provided by the partner: It is surreptitiously added by a third instance revealing itself along in maximal modesty as the source of all the experienced qualia [24]. Is it ethically allowed to tinker with this holiest side of humanity? Was Steven Spielberg not already going too far with his ingenious A.I.? The endeavor proposed here would be “more daring” than AI because of the superior mental competence of the lovingly awoken new personal intelligence.
Here Leo Szilard – in his clear-sightedness almost as alien as an elephant himself – can provide the answer. He had held the first patent on an atomic bomb in 1933, and he had later triggered its actual construction in his famous 1939 letter to the United States’ President that he made his mentor Einstein sign as the best method to be listened to at the top. And he then had desperately tried in vain to prevent the finished product from being dropped. And then he foresaw how the evil germ would live on.
Szilard therefore wrote the book The Day of the Dolphins in the wake of 1945 [25]. This collection of science-fiction stories includes one titled “The Mark Gable Foundation.” The main story of the book’s title concerns a think tank near Vienna in which dolphins are the professors since human beings proved too narrow-minded to safeguard their own survival. In the other, Mark Gable, story Szilard proposes a method of how to systematically slow down the very scientific progress which had proven so counterproductive. It consists in advocating seemingly the opposite – so that everyone can naively agree: To introduce a system of evaluations and rankings and big prizes along with the proposal to form large cooperative research groups. Ironically all of this has been put in place to date. In particular, almost all scientists working in fundamental physics to date have been made to work together on a giant nuclear project in a unified spirit.
But what was intended to be a remedy by Szilard now proves to have the opposite effect. The mentioned large group of scientists is so maximally self-assured that it refuses to update its own seven years old “Safety Report” before a re-start at doubled energy – in open neglect of any potentially safety-relevant results accumulated in the literature in the meantime. The experiment creates a localized heat down on earth in excess of any that ever existed on a celestial body in the history of the universe. It was designed with specified hopes for new effects, including black hole formation. However, black holes had in the course of those seven intervening years been found to possess radically new – insatiable – properties which no renewed safety report could possibly ignore. But the large homogeneous group of scientists decided not to renew the old Safety Report. Thus, seven decades after the “Trinity test” had been accepted as blowing-off the atmosphere with a pre-specified nonzero probability, an equally high black hole danger is going to be accepted in June 2015 by too homogeneous a group of human beings – without any institution of humankind, like the press or the U.N., insisting on rational procedure. Hence even the gentle strategy to slow down progress, proposed by desperate Leo Szilard supermind, proves to be a glorious failure (unless a miracle happens).
The two examples of lacking circumspectness of humankind as a whole (one impending) demonstrate to the eye that a better recipe to profit collectively from science is called for. The proposal to seek outside help since human beings cannot keep enough relevant items in their minds to think and act responsibly – Szilard’s first proposal with the dolphins taken up – forms a third reason for performing the elephant experiment, after therapy and religion.
The proposal was made that a human caretaker with a strong bond of love can deliberately “smile acoustically” at a protégé whenever momentarily delighted in the interaction. A young white elephant was chosen as a symbol and a challenge for the therapeutic profession. An infrasound “reassuring device” (like a commercially available infrasound generator [26] equipped with a once recorded natural bonding-type infrasound) was proposed to be employed. In this way, the holiest moments in a human playroom – never so far exposed to the public eye – could be reproduced in an elephant barn for everyone to witness and be moved in their hearts.
The elephant may then love to learn to speak, in the aftermath of his having taken the initiative in trying to reward his partner in a deep emotional connection between two free souls of differing speeds of operation and differing depths of thought but the same infinite affection for the other. Eventually, the nonhuman partner might become the advisor of a planet in need of outside help. But this will be possible only if the adoptee is never confronted with deliberate malevolence, as Jesus demanded for the holy souls of children.
The new partner of humankind would – it was argued – bring back the spirit of Mandela who was an equally foreign intelligence. The first author met Mandela’s personal friend Neville Alexander as a youth. And Mandela likewise lost a child at age seven when they are still elephants – foreign intelligences – to later build a mausoleum for him. Bringing a nation of a minority of perpetrators and a majority of victims together to confess and repent and forgive, under a promise of slow convergence in wealth but immediate convergence in dignity, was the feat of a superhuman intelligence based on the instrument of the smile. Madela was humankind’s greatest smile specialist so far.
In the same way, worldwide elections could be held to date on the Internet, with a treaty enacted world-wide in parallel to that put in place in South Africa between Mandela and his once greatest fiend, Frederik Willem de Klerk, who became Mandela’s functional brother of the same standing. All war would then be a thing of the past on the planet, and so would collective recklessness. Everyone can see this. But here and now, unfortunately, only ordinary human brains are talking to the reader without their having any idea to offer as to how to bring the rational proposal made to fruition. A detached higher intelligence would immediately spot how to proceed so that everyone contributes spontaneously from the depth of her or his heart. The elephant would then deserve to be given the composite name Szilard-Mandela (Szilamandee).
To conclude, a new Arcadia has been described in the footsteps of Friedrich Fröbel, inventor of the Kindergarten and author of the best-selling book “Mother- and Cooing Songs” compiled for the new working masses that had lost their agricultural traditions in the early 19th century [27] (Lieselotte Heller, personal communication 2008). What he did not see yet was the majesty that goes hand in hand with the invention-out-of-nothing of the suspicion and thereby creation of benevolence. This authority is the reason why Szilard, CERN and Mandela also fitted into the picture. Being human in the sense of humane is a much bigger thing than society is aware of. Szilamandee will be able to teach us with the deepest voice of history.
We thank Gabriele Schmid, Plamen Simeonov, Arran Gare, Stuart Kauffman, Ralph Abraham, Bill Seaman, Artur Schmidt, Boris Schapiro, Niels Birbaumer, Frans de Waal and Edward Fredkin for discussions and philosophers Klaus Giel and Friedrich Kümmel for stimulation. For J.O.R.
[1] O.E. Rossler, Mathematical model of a proposed treatment of early infantile autism – Facilitation of the “dialogical catastrophe” in motivation interaction. San Diego Biomedical Symposium (J.I. Martin, ed.) 14, 105–110 (1975).
[2] N. Luhmann, Interpenetration: On the relation between personal and social systems (in German with English abstract). Zeitschrift für Soziologie 6, 62–76 (1977).
[3] N. Luhmann, Social Systems: Blueprint of a General Theory (in German). Suhrkamp, Frankfurt 1984, p. 170.
[4] O.E. Rossler, Nonlinear dynamics, artificial cognition and galactic export. In: CP718: Computing Anticipatory Systems. CASYS’03, Sixth Int. Conf. (Daniel Dubois, ed.), Amerocan Institute of Physics 2004, pp. 47–67.
[5] K. Payne, Silent Thunder: In the Presence of Elephants. Simon and Schuster, New York 1998.
[6] K. Payne, How does Katy Payne record elephant infrasound?…infrasound
[7] O.E. Rössler, All animals are autistic. In: Proceedings of the Second International Meeting on Human Ecology, Vienna, May 16–21, 1977 (H. Knötig, ed.), pp. 197–200. Georgi, St. Saphorin 1977.
[8] J.S. Huxley, Evolution the Modern Synthesis. Allen and Unwin, London 1942.
[9] J.A.R.A.M. van Hoof, A comparative approach to the phylogeny of laughter and smiling. In: Non-Verbal Communication (R.A. Hinde, ed.). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1972, pp. 209–241.
[10] J.M. Plotnik, F.B.M. de Waal and D. Reiss, Self-recognition in an Asian elephant. Proc. U.S. National Academy of Sciences 103, 17053–17057 (2006).
[11] K. Lorenz, Man Meets Dog, 1949. Psychology Press, Oxford 2002.
[12] K. Lorenz, King Salomo’s Ring, 1949. Routledge, London 2002.
[13] S. Freud, Über die Laienanalyse (On Psychoanalysis by Lay People), 1926, p. 120.
[14] G.H. Mead, Mind, Self and Society. University of Chicago Press 1934.
[15] O.E. Rossler, Chaos in coupled optimizers. In: Biological Dynamics and Theoretical Medicine (S.H. Koslow, A.J. Mandell and M.F. Shlesinger, eds.). Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 504, 229–240 (1987).
[16] R. Rosen, Optimality Principles in Biology. Butterworths, London 1967.
[17] J. Shoshani, W.J. Kupsky and G.H. Marchant, Elephant brain. Part I: gross morphology, functions, comparative anatomy, and evolution. Brain Research Bulletin 70, 124–157 (2006).
[18] J.H. Poole, P. Tyack, A.S. Stoeger-Horwath and S. Watwood, Vocal mimicry in African elephants. International Symposium on Comparitive Study of Mimicry, 19th May, 2005. Keio University, Tokyo, Japan
[19] A.S. Stoeger, D. Mietchen, S.H. Oh, S. de Silva, C.T. Herbst, S.W. Kwon and W.T. Fitch, An Asian elephant imitates human speech. Current Biology 22, 2144–2148 (2012).…09&month=2
[20] F.D. Roylance, “Baltimore’s Baby Elephant Communicates with Infrasound”, August 23, 2008. In:
(Quote: “ ‘He’s been communicating with his mom ever since he was born, with infrasound,’ McClure said, referring to low-frequency sound. Elephants can hear it, but humans can’t.” …. “A month into it, I had my hand on his back and felt him vibrating … like a cell phone.”)
[21] O. Rössler, On the animal-human problem seen from the theoretical biology of behavior (in German). Schweizer Rundschau 67, 529–532 (1968).
[22] R. Spaemann, Persons: The Difference between “Someone” and “Something” (transl. Oliver O’Donovan). Oxford, Oxford University Press 2006 (1996).
[23] Ganesha, Hindu god of luck in life for children and adults and for the transitions in between, cf.:…arti_music
[24] E. Dubois-Reymond, “Ignorabimus” (We shall never know), 1870. See: G. Finkelstein, Emil du Bois-Reymond on “The Seat of the Soul.” Journal of the History of the Neurosciences: Basic and Clinical Perspectives 23, 45–55 (2014).
{25] L. Szilard, The Voice of the Dolphins and other Stories. Simon and Schuster, New York 1961.
[26] Infrasound generators, e.g. , or “Infrasonic UAX2 2in-2out Audio MiDi Interface,” etc.
[27] F. Fröbel, Mother’s Songs, Games and Stories (1844), Rendered into English by Frances and Emily Lord.
London: William Rice 1920.…index.html
Heraclitus’ Saying “The Wartime-Slaughterer is the Father of Everyone”: almost confirmed through Einstein’s Intuition
Otto E. Rossler
Institute for Physical and Theoretical Chemistry, University of Tubingen, Auf der Morgenstelle 14, 72076 Tubingen, Germany
The Einstein-Bell-Feingold experiment is reviewed and put into a 2 ½ millennia old context. There are only months to go until the experiment will be accomplished by ESA following 14 years of preparation. This “relativistic Bell experiment” is arguably the most important one of history. The riddle of the “assignment conditions” which complement the “laws” and “initial conditions” of Newton is the deepest in science. This riddle is made experimentally accessible for the first time by the Zeilinger experiment. In this experiment, the assigned world will most likely turn out to be personalized. If so, Everett’s theory will be experimentally proven at the expense of the Copenhagen interpretation. In this way, religion will be re-installed as the central element of reality.
Key words: Laws, initial conditions, assignment conditions; Einstein’s bi-symmetric thinking; Einstein completion of quantum mechanics; Bell nonlocality; relativistic EPR experiment; two-frame EPR experiment; second EPR effect; Feingold experiment; Zeilinger-Pan experiment; quantum satellite; assignment experiment; falsifiability of Copenhagen; Everett experiment; VX-experiment; vexing experiment; Heraclitus experiment; subtle connection; partial solipsism; religious experimental physics; ESA; EPR; REP; MFU; AAH. (May 12, 2015)
Heraclitus is the most daring mind on record with his commonly misunderstood phrase of war as the father of all things. What he actually said was (with explanatory words added in square brackets): The war [-time slaughterer] is both the father of all [souls] and the king of all [souls]; the ones [of them] he has appointed to be gods, the others to be humans, the ones he made [to be] slaves, the others [to be] free citizens, cf. [1].
Does there really exist this only momentarily palpable “father” with his infinite power, also called by Heraclitus The Lightning [-thrower] who controls everything in detail and, at another place, A child on the throne playing board games? Heraclitus had further names for the same instance including female ones.
The physics experiment referred to here is in progress for 14 years at ESA under the aegis of Anton Zeilinger and more recently also that of Jian-Wei Pan, cf. [2]. Susan J. Feingold first proposed the experiment in the 1970s (cf. [3, 4]) with many other authors following suit independently including Roger Penrose [5] as number three. The second case [6] (not the first as could be believed at the time) still got responded to by John Stewart Bell himself in 1988. He spontaneously said “this idea is completely new to me” when the VX diagram (see below) was drawn onto a dinner-table napkin for him and his wife. Later – after having seen the finished manuscript that owed its existence to his encouragement – he responded to the written request to kindly submit it for me in his characteristic style: “I do not share your enthusiasm for these ideas and do not want to share in the responsibility” but: he had carefully corrected-through the whole manuscript so it could be published [6]. The Feingold experiment (as it deserves to be called [3]) represents “heavy diet” indeed.
The VX diagram combines the light cone (symbolized by a letter V with time pointing up) of the two bilaterally emitted correlated photons of the Bell experiment [7] with two crossed simultaneity lines (symbolized by a flat letter X) overlaid. Therefore in each of the two local simultaneities valid in the two almost-horizontal mutually crossing relativistic frames, the rotation-symmetric singlet state of two correlated photons that are simultaneously emitted from the center in opposite directions (V) gets “reduced”(destroyed in a measurement) first. Note that the two measurements are located at the upper-right and the upper-left crossing of the V by the X. Hence for each side, the other measurement is the second measurement since it comes later [6]. This is what you get when the famous EPR gedanken experiment of 1935 [8] is combined with special relativity [6].
The new double-frame EPR experiment can be realized with a standard Aspect [9] experimental set-up when the latter is equipped with a source of correlated photons that is pairwise-simultaneously emitting. What is new is only the fact that one of the two measurements is done, not on earth with its equal simultaneity (as in the experiment of ref. [9]) but rather in a momentarily receding relativistic frame endowed with its own simultaneity – that is, inside a fast-departing satellite that has just flown overhead [6]. The experiment will prove (in case it has the outcome no one in physics doubts) that each observer lives in her or his own Everett world [6]. In other words it will imply that “the world is made for me” in accordance with an old phrase in Judaism (which continues “I am nothing and You are everything”). This is frightening stuff in a physics context. Possibly – just possibly – the deeper reason why the experiment did not get finished over more than a decade has to do with its straightforward metaphysical implications. At any rate, humankind appears not ready to face the expected (if never emphasized) experimental outcome.
Even if the VX experiment is going to fail in a currently unfathomable manner, it can still with some justification be called “the most interesting experiment of history.” The name assignment experiment or synonymously Heraclitus Experiment therefore offers itself. Another name would be Psalm 139:5 Experiment since the psalm’s words were contemporaneous to those of Heraclitus conveying the same daring spirit [10].
The both most frightening and most humble Experiment
The experimental set up is originally due to Kocher and Commins [11]. These authors were the first to, (i) prepare a singlet quantum state valid between two correlated photons emitted in opposite directions and to, (ii) measure angular correlations. It was only owing to their not yet having learned about Bell’s result [7] that they did not measure through all relative angles of the polarizers used on the two sides (or if they did, they did not include those results). The most famous later version of this non-relativistic EPR-Bell experiment is due to Alain Aspect [9] as mentioned. It is well-known in the physics community that this experiment has demonstrated to the eye, with its careful checks, that the rotation-symmetric singlet quantum state of a pair of freshly emitted correlated photons can be successfully reduced (be measured) on one side first – and that at this very moment the spin gets fixed onto a particular (the same) angle also on the other side through instantaneous action-at-a-distance [7]. Many variants and extensions of this Bell nonlocality were tried out since with a large literature accrued (see [12] for the most recent example in which two quantum properties got “teleported” simultaneously). Such a “spooky action at a distance” [8] type outcome had been considered possible if unlikely by Einstein who optimistically expected that following the measurement on one side of the momentum (say), the corresponding position measurement could still be made with impunity on the twin particle of the other side. But Einstein had single-handedly spotted this whole symmetry problem. The important new element, contributed subsequently by Bell [7], was to make Einstein’s idea testable in a physically realistic setting by having his “Bell inequality” applied to the measured outcomes of both sides. This is what Aspect tested and confirmed: the first measurement’s outcome makes itself felt superluminally fast on the other side [9]. For his surprise breakthrough, John Stewart Bell would have won the Nobel prize only days after his sudden death in 1990 (and with him presumably would have Alain Aspect and perhaps also Kocher and Commins).
The Einstein-Bell experiment yielded the very outcome – proof of a superluminal connection – that Bell favored [7] and Einstein doubted but had singlehandedly spotted as a possibility in need to be falsified experimentally [8]. The superluminal connection was then empirically found to be physical reality on using the new instrument of the Bell inequality [7] by Aspect and his coauthors [9] as mentioned. This famous finding, called “Bell nonlocality,” consists in the superluminal “fixation at a distance” of the “reduced quantum state,” generated by the first measurement out of the former rotation-symmetric superposition-type “singlet state” of the pair of freshly emitted correlated photons, on the other side. In other words the measurement done first “reduces” the previous superposition of spins onto a fixed orientation [7,9]. The second measurement accomplished on the other side could, by means of the instrument of the Bell inequality, be proved to have been influenced at a distance by the first measurement [7]. Thus the “trap” put to nature by Einstein [8] was made operational by Bell [7] – albeit with an experimental outcome that Einstein himself had considered unlikely. This latter fact has misled many to erroneously believe that Einstein had been experimentally “disproved” here for once.
All of the above is well known. So is the fact that – despite the proven superluminal breakdown of the circular symmetry of the previously valid singlet quantum state of the pair of correlated photons accomplished at a distance by the first measurement – no messages can be sent in this fashion. Or to be more precise: the superluminally sent message cannot be verified unilaterally. The verification over there becomes possible only “in retrospect”: after the first measurement’s result has been relayed to the receiving side by subluminal mail [13]. All of this is both fascinating and perplexing, cf. [14].
Susan J. Feingold was the first to see that the experiment is going to work, not only under a condition of ordinary spatial separation alone mentioned by Einstein [8] for its being the most straightforward possibility, but also under a condition of causal separation. The latter occurs when either measurement in its own frame takes place before the other. Peres’ 1984 paper [4] represents an early attempt to formally come to grips with this situation. The revolutionary idea is to arrange for things in such a way that on either side, the measurement done there is the first measurement in the relativistic frame of that side [4,6,13].
This “relativistic extension of the EPR experiment” for some reason went unmentioned in the original EPR publication [8] but was of course “trivially implicit” since at least the first author of that paper was fully aware of it and merely chose not to mention it for reasons of didactic simplicity. Conversely, Einstein would have been maximally astonished to learn that it would take four decades until the (to him trivial) relativistic extension of his experiment would for the first time be seen by someone else in the future (Susan Feingold). This natural extension then indeed possesses the world-shaking power that Einstein had had in mind from the outset. The choice of the soft-sounding word “completion” in the EPR paper [8] is living proof of this maverick intention on his part. Note that “completing” a position measurement by an unperturbed momentum measurement (etc.) in quantum mechanics is tantamount to the abolition of quantum mechanics itself. Einstein never was more subtly aggressive than in this maximally soft-footed choice of words. Note that an in this sense “completed” quantum mechanics amounted to a refuted quantum mechanics in Einstein’s days since it meant being able to measure both the virgin “momentum” and the virgin “position” of a pair of correlated particles – the one thing that quantum mechanics forbids.
So much for a somewhat more detailed description of the “Zeilinger experiment” as it deserves to be called (unless ESA is overtaken by a competitor who then will carry the palm). At the present moment in time, no one can be absolutely sure what the outcome of the Zeilinger experiment will be. However, the overwhelmingly likely prediction mentioned – that the Bell inequality will continue to be violated empirically so that Bell’s nonlocality persists – is apparently doubted by no one in the field [2]. Unfortunately – or fortunately – this prediction is fraught with heavy implications.
Main Point
The point is that, if in the Zeilinger experiment the familiar result of a violation of the Bell inequality will be found on earth in combination with the measurements relayed back from the satellite, as no one doubts will occur, then these pairs of measurement “must not be the same pairs” as hold true in the other frame (that of the satellite together with the results relayed up to it from the ground). For in the case of that identity holding true, the uncertainty principle and the Copenhagen interpretation would be disproved empirically – just as Einstein had hoped. For then, both the position and the momentum (or their analogs) of a pair of correlated particles would have been measured successfully. This aim Einstein hoped to achieve under a condition of mere spatial separation already. But now, under the relativistic extension of the EPR-Bell experiment of the Tel Aviv school [4], the situation has become radically stronger: Einstein’s prediction that two non-commuting quantum results can be measured with impunity can be confirmed in experiment. This result – which no one doubts will be found – will imply the end of quantum mechanics as it was known in 1935. Einstein’s “battle of giants” with Bohr would then have been won at last [15].
However, the virtually certain vindication of Einstein’s 1935 superhumanly bold aim, surprisingly, will not entail the demise of quantum mechanics itself. It will “only” mean that the Copenhagen interpretation (not “theory” any more) of quantum mechanics has been experimentally disproved in fulfilment of Einstein’s 1935 goal: Two first measurements will exist – with each side possessing formal evidence, based on the Bell inequality, for its having affected the other side at a distance as the corresponding second measurement. In either frame, the data then are no different than in an ordinary Bell experiment: each side will find that it has reduced the superposition-type singlet state first and thereby has influenced the measurement result obtained on the other side.
However, this is impossible since then, both measurements would be virgin-type measurements which quantum mechanics forbids. The observed validity of the Bell inequality will prove that only one measurement (one’s own) has been a superposition-reducing first measurement, so that the other by implication could no longer contribute a virgin measurement of the complementary result. Thus, both measurements would be virgin experiments and both frames would be privileged. But while quantum mechanics seemingly survives in each side’s frame (so that this frame was privileged), the other side can say the same thing about itself. This is illogical. Does there remain a way open to say that Einstein’s aim to find two virgin results that jointly violate the uncertainty relation was not fulfilled? From this logical conundrum, one way out remains open. This is the big surprise reported here.
For the first time in history, one will have empirical evidence on hand that more than one quantum world exists in the sense of Everett’s theory of quantum mechanics [16]. For in perfect accordance with his theory, two pairs of measurement will be proven valid experimentally, each in its own frame but each inaccessible in the other frame. That is, the first measurement would still have influenced the other in a superluminal fashion in accordance with the observed violation of the Bell inequality. However, the same thing would hold true in the opposite direction for the other side (that of the satellite) since that side likewise reduced the superposition-type singlet quantum state first in its own simultaneity. Thus, there must now exist two unequal superluminal influences valid in two unequal pairs of measurement, each bilateral pair being plain on one side and opaque to the other. This is the conclusion which remains possible to be drawn in case the Bell correlations are going to empirically survive in the Zeilinger experiment as no one doubts.
Both “ordinary” Bell-type measurement results cannot coexist in the same common quantum world because then both the “momentum” and the “position” (or their analogs) would be empirically known for both particles so that quantum mechanics would be disproved experimentally just as Einstein had hoped. The still remaining alternative – unknown to exist in 1935 – is Everett’s theory [16]. There is a historical gem to tell at this point: Seven years after the EPR paper had appeared, Einstein would write an encouraging letter to a 12 years old boy, so I learned from Bill Seaman who had seen the original document (personal communication 2010). That same former child would later invent the now alone-surviving theory of quantum mechanics: Everett (for this was the name of that boy 15 years before).
Everett would thus be confirmed experimentally for the first time by the mentioned, currently alone conceivable outcome (survival of the Bell correlations) of the Zeilinger experiment. This is maximally surprising since so far, Everett’s theory was believed to be a mere interpretation rather than a competing theory of the same standing as the Copenhagen theory. Now, the two roles are switched in defiance of previous wisdom. The exciting new falsifiability of Copenhagen in the footsteps of Einstein was apparently first glimpsed by Susan J. Feingold. It will (or rather would since the result is not yet in) imply as an automatic corollary that “the world is made for me” (see Introduction). For the measurement’s outcome (persistence of the Bell correlations) will represent the first empirical proof of more than one quantum world existing. It will thereby re-install the partial solipsism of Heraclitus and King David mentioned in the Introduction. No single more surprising and awe-inspiring experimental prediction was ever made in the history of science, it appears.
A description has been offered of how Einstein’s bi-symmetric mind worked. From that basis, a “virtually certain outcome” was derived for a particular experiment that is about to be done for 14 years already. It can be called the Einstein-Bell Task.
This strand of physics is not at all easy to understand. The pertinent mathematics is still underdeveloped in view of the complex symmetry constraints that apply. The “relativistic EPR experiment” (REPR) got first spotted by Susan Feingold. The experiment – two opposite directions of a light cone V overlaid with two flat simultaneity lines X valid in two mutually receding frames – can be called the “vexing experiment” (for VX). The two measurements are located on the upper outer sides of the letter X, a figure found first (without the X lines continuously drawn) in a 1984 paper by Asher Peres [4] who was Feingold’s physics mentor. The Feingold experiment makes unusually heavy demands on human visualization. To date, Professor Feingold works as an active composer in her second vocation (in which identity she can be found on Youtube). Only very few physicists have so far dared focus on the power of this “second epoch-making Einstein experiment” as it deserves to be called 28 years in the wake of Einstein’s first (the outlandish 1907 prediction of a gravitational clock slow-down that is confirmed every day in our car navigation systems). These two miraculous – maddeningly absurd – predictions make Einstein the most intimidating thinker since Heraclitus [17].
The original EPR experiment (the V overlaid with but a single simultaneity line – ) already implies that a measurement done on one side influences in an instantaneous superluminal fashion the outcome of a measurement done subsequently on the other side [7]. This fact cannot be found out locally but only after the first measurement’s sequence of results has been made known at the location of the second by subluminal means [13]. Note that even this first EPR effect, made tangible by Bell, was maximally alien in its own right already (it is such a pity it could not be made more visible by Stockholm).
However, the ultimate EPR effect is even wilder. In this two-frame or completed Einstein-completion experiment (CECE), with the V overlaid with a flat X rather than a mere hyphen as spotted by Feingold a decade ahead of everyone else, the same outcome (manifest violation of the Bell inequality) is expected to occur by everyone in the field to date. This outcome will prove that the observer on one side lives in her or his own quantum world different from that on the other side. The same thing holds true for the observers living on the other side if there are any inside the satellite (or in the space station which can be employed as well).
This prediction, highlighted above, is so maximally unsettling that the experiment could remain unconsummated for 14 years in a row even though the requisite large-distance technology for EPR experiments got established early on during that phase by the world-leading Zeilinger school, cf. [19]. Only finishing the “quantum satellite” was still causing problems two years ago as mentioned. Now everyone is maximally curious about the outcome while many no doubt are apprehensive. It will be important also to solicit the opinion of the venerable Dalai Lama, John Bell’s close personal friend who strongly influenced his work [20].
The experiment is uniquely embarrassing by its nature in case the Bell correlations survive as no one doubts. It will prove that either side reduces the rotation-symmetric superposition of the singlet quantum state first onto a fixed angular direction. Hence two pairs of non-commuting measurements can predictably be obtained for the first time in history. This even though only one of the two pairs will be accessible to every single observer. The currently unavoidable prediction that the Bell correlations will survive under relativistic separation thus entails that a second physical reality of equal rights exists which is inaccessible on one’s own side. Einstein in the year 1935 could not possibly know about this later Everettian version of quantum mechanics in which a subtle connection exists between the internal observer and her or his objective world. In this way the 1935 EPR experiment turns out to be even more ingenious and frightening than anyone could appreciate at the time.
The VX experiment therefore ought to be performed as soon as possible. Only thereafter will scientists know for sure whether or not “the world is made for me” if this formulation makes sense. If the outcome is positive – as everyone in the scientific community expects in the absence of a logical alternative –, your own quantum world (the one down on earth valid for you and for us with you) will be experimentally proven to be not the only one. It will be tailor-made for you by a “father” (an overwhelming instance that is maximally intimidating and awe-inspiring) just as Heraclitus anticipated in his white-blue Mediterranean surroundings more than 2 ½ millennia ago. The experiment with its virtually certain outcome will prove that the name Heraclitus experiment is applicable to Einstein’s biggest brainchild.
To conclude, “religious experimental physics” REP is about to become a reality in light of the EPR paper (no pun intended). This prediction was shown to hold true unless a currently unfathomable surprise outcome is going to arise in the relativistic EPR experiment of Feingold-Peres-Zeilinger-Pan (FPZP). The “quantum satellite” was still unfinished two years ago (Anton Zeilinger, personal communication, June 2013). The world will, in case the outcome is the expected one, become a reality that is “made for you” MFU (or, more accurately speaking, made for the inhabitants of the frame to which you belong since your own frame and all other frames on the same side cannot be told apart as of yet). We will then all ostensibly live in the same quantum world down on earth – but not in that of the satellite. The latter world will be masked from us and vice versa. This state of affairs is very hard to follow in one’s mind but is virtually certain to date even before the FPZP experiment is in. Thereafter, two different assigned worlds will be empirically proven to exist in quantum mechanics.
Heraclitus predicted the essence of this in his famously “dark” language which becomes interpretable with regard to his darkest statement only to date. Everyone is now looking forward to being informed about the outcome of the most important physics measurement of history: whether or not Heraclitus’ fearless pious view was correct all along. If the answer is yes as no one doubts at present, a more than 2 ½ millennia old Akhenaten-Abrahamitic-Heraclitean revolution of thought (AAH) will prove to be implicit in the physical thinking of Einstein and Feingold as the two most powerful composers of space-time melodies.
I thank György Darvas, Wolfgang Müller-Schauenburg, Frank Kuske, Vasileos Bountis, Oleg Nikitinski and Kensei Hiwaki for discussions and Jürgen Jonas, Siegfried Zielinski, René Stettler, Bill Seaman, Mario Feingold and the late Bryce DeWitt for historical information. Paper presented at the Hechingen Philosophical Colloquium (Friedrich Kümmel, Klaus Giel and Hans-Martin Schweizer, orgs.) on April 25, 2015. For J.O.R.
[1] J.S. Kirk and J.A. Raven, The Presocratic Philosophers: A Critical History with a Selection of Texts. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1957, p. 195.
[2] A. Sanayei and O.E. Rossler, Chaotic Harmony – A Dialog about Physics, Complexity and Life. Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg 2014.
[3] O.E. Rossler, Bell’s symmetry. Symmetry: Culture and Science 3, 385–400 (1992), written in 1990 before John Bell passed away.
[4] A. Peres, What is a state vector? American Journal of Physics 52, 644–650 (1984).
[5] R. Penrose, The Emperor’s New Mind. Oxford University Press, Oxford 1989, p. 297.
[6] O.E. Rössler, Einstein completion of quantum mechanics made falsifiable. In: Entropy, Complexity and the Physics of Information (W.H. Zurek, ed.). Addison-Wesley, Redwoood City 1990, pp. 367–373. (Contains VX diagram.)
[7] J.S. Bell, On the Einstein-Rosen-Podolsky paradox. 1Physics 1, 195–200 (1964). Reprinted in Bell’s book: Speakable and Unspeakable in Quantum Mechanics, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press 1987, pp. 14–21.
[8] A. Einstein, B. Podolsky and N. Rosen, Can quantum-mechanical description of physical reality be considered complete? Physical Review 47, 777–780 (1935).
[9] A. Aspect, J. Dalibard and G. Roger, Experimental test of Bell’s inequalities by time-varying analyzers. Physical Review Letters 49, 1804–1806 (1982).
[10] Psalm 139:5,“From behind and from the front You are squeezing me, placing on me Your fist” (Martin Buber’s translation from the Hebrew into German transposed to English).
[11] C.A. Kocher and E.D. Commins, Polarization correlation of photons emitted in an atomic cascade. Physical Review Letters 18, 575–577 (1967).
[12] Xi-Lin Wang et al., Quantum teleportation of multiple degrees of freedom of a single photon. Nature 518, 516–519 (2015).
[13] O.E. Rossler, A counterfactual telegraph (in German). In: Complexität, Zeit, Methode IV: 4th Interdisciplinary Colloquium “Complexcity, Time, Method,” Halle-Witteberg, December 20, 1988 (Uwe Niedersen, ed.). Halle, Martin-Luther-Universität Wissenschaftliche Beiträge 1990/20 (A 124), pp. 189–198.[Short summary: Like a halved one-thousand-dollar bill, using which nothing can be bought unless the other half is presented as well, “half-messages” can be sent in a Bell-type experiment at superluminal speed. But they cannot be verified as having arrived unless the other “half protocol” is sent over by subluminal mail.]
[14] L.M. Krauss, Beyond Star Trek: Physics from Alien Invasions to the End of Time. Basic Books, New York 1998, Chapter 15 “The last frontier.”
[15] There is a sweet little anecdote about the deep personal insecurity valid in between the two men that I learned from my friend John Wheeler in 1983 and recently re-encountered in too crude a form on the web,
[16] H. Everett III, “Relative State” formulation of quantum mechanics. Reviews of Modern Physics 29, 454–462 (1957), edited by Bryce DeWitt.
[17] Compare in this context Heraclitus’ other saying, “Everything is joysticked by the lightning [-thrower]” (Pánta de oiakízei keraunós) with Einstein’s saying, “Subtle is the Lord but malicious He is not” (Raffiniert ist der Herrgott aber bösartig ist er nicht), see [18].
[18] A. Pais, Subtle is the Lord – The Science and the Life of Albert Einstein. Oxford University Press, Oxford 1982.
[19] Z. Merali, Data teleportation – the quantum space race: Fierce rivals have joined forces in the race to teleport information to and from space. Nature 492, 22–25 (2012).
[20] J.S. Bell, Quantum mechanics for cosmologists. In: Quantum Gravity 2 (C. Isham, R. Penrose and D. Sciama, eds.). Oxford University Press, Oxford 1981, pp. 611–637, reprinted in Bell 1987 [7], pp. 117–138.