

Archive for the ‘life extension’ category: Page 524

Mar 30, 2017

Rapamycin: An impressive geroprotector with a few fatal flaws

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension

A look at Rapamycin the life extending drug with some serious drawbacks.

If any drug has performed consistently and unequivocally well in anti-aging trials, it’s rapamycin. Dr. Matt Kaeberlein’s Dog Aging Project is among the most recent trials investigating its longevity-promoting potential in mammals, but it’s also been the subject of numerous trials in mice, worms, flies and yeast. And although it acts through a mechanism which has been most closely associated cancer prevention, this drug appears to stave off all maladies related to aging.

Even more encouraging are the indications that it could be beneficial well into old age. Trials done in the National Aging Institute’s ITP, a testing protocol that collects its data from three independent labs, found that when mice started rapamycin treatment at 600 days old (roughly 60 in human years), they lived an average of 11% longer than control counterparts. Longevity interventions that hold up well even in late-life are few and far between, and even the traditionally successful method of caloric restriction has limited utility when begun late.

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Mar 30, 2017

Senolytics against Aging: Snapshot of a Fast-Moving Field

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension

A review of senescent cell removal therapies.

Aging at the cellular level is called “cell senescence”, and it contributes profoundly to whole-body aging. The most promising near-term prospects for a leap in human life expectancy come from drugs that eliminate senescent cells. Programs in universities and pharmaceutical labs around the world are racing to develop “senolytic” drugs, defined as agents that can kill senescent cells with minimal harm to normal cells.

Apoptosis is cell suicide, and (from the perspective of the full organism) it’s the best thing that can happen to senescent cells. The authors of this newest Dutch study ask how it is that senescent cells escape apoptosis.

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Mar 29, 2017

Not all discriminations are born equal

Posted by in category: life extension

Some fear that expensive rejuvenation treatments would give rise to discrimination, but what about the discrimination against old people resulting from not developing rejuvenation?

It’s been quite a while since I posted anything new. I’ve been quite busy lately with a lot of things, including rebooting looking4troubles, my other blog. As a result, my topic list for Rejuvenaction has been growing dangerously long, so I decided it’s about time I tackled some of the lengthiest items on my list.

People like talking about justice, equality, and discrimination a lot. I mean a lot. In my experience, though, most tend to focus mainly or entirely on the type(s) of discrimination they’re more interested in for whatever reason, sometimes minimising others or not even noticing they exist in the first place. Some other times, they even end up endorsing one type of discrimination for the sake of warding off another.

As if poor people cared

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Mar 29, 2017

Scientists Reverse Aging in Mice. Human Trials are Next

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension

DNA damage reversed in mice. Humans are next.

Scientists reverse aging in mice by repairing DNA damage. Human trials are on the cards in the next six months.

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Mar 28, 2017

Unraveling the Mysteries of Aging

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension

Scientists have uncovered a critical step in DNA repair and cellular aging.

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Mar 27, 2017

Immortal Stem Cells Let Scientists Create an Unlimited Supply of Artificial Blood

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension

Researchers have developed a line immortal stem cells that allow them to generate an unlimited supply of artificial red blood cells on demand.

If these artificial blood cells pass clinical trials, they’ll be far more efficient for medical use than current red blood cell products, which have to be generated from donor blood — and would be a huge deal for patients with rare blood types, who often struggle to find matching blood donors.

The idea isn’t for these immortal stem cells to replace blood donation altogether — when it comes to regular blood transfusions, donated blood still does the trick.

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Mar 27, 2017

An Amazing Therapy That Might Cure Age Related Blindness

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension

An exclusive interview with Ichor, the biotech company pioneering a SENS based repair therapy that could help cure age related blindness.

Check out our exclusive interview with Ichor the company taking the first SENS based therapy to the clinic. Should clinical trials be a success this will mark the arrival of a technology that addresses one of the aging processes.

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Mar 27, 2017

Rejuvenation would cause cultural stagnation

Posted by in categories: ethics, life extension

Is the risk of cultural stagnation a valid objection to rejuvenation therapies? You guessed it—nope.

This objection can be discussed from both a moral and a practical point of view. This article discusses the matter from a moral standpoint, and concludes it is a morally unacceptable objection. (Bummer, now I’ve spoiled it all for you.)

However, even if the objection can be dismissed on moral grounds, one may still argue that, hey, it may be immoral to let old people die to avoid cultural and social stagnation, but it’s still necessary.

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Mar 27, 2017

Silicon Valley’s Quest to Live Forever

Posted by in category: life extension

Newyorker article about aging research. At least they gave both the conservative and more progressive camps a mention though it appears the author sides with the healthspan crowd.

A large article in the newyorker about longevity research. The conservative and the more radical approaches are discussed including SENS.

Amusing to note that the mainstream are portrayed as healthspanners and dont think its possible to comprehensively fix aging. Looks like we have much work to do to change that view.

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Mar 26, 2017

The Singularity Will Come In 2029

Posted by in categories: life extension, singularity

Google’s chief futurist says that humans could start living forever by 2029.

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