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Rapamycin is the drug used to suppress the immune system after organ transplants, but in reduced doses, it appears it may have other health benefits and as such is discussed considerably in the longevity community, and taken regularly my some very famous proponents.

So I thought I would give you some background, alongside the pros and cons, to see what all the fuss is about…

Rapamycin Anti Aging.

Here’s my latest video!

Results for my first blood test in 2021 are in-what’s my biological age, and how am I optimizing it?

If you’re interested in calculating your biological age, the spreadsheet is included as an Excel file in this link:

Summary: Meta-analysis reveals those who have visual impairments or are blind have a higher risk of mortality compared to peers with better vision. The study found mortality risk was 29% higher in those with mild visual impairment and rose to 89% higher for those with severe visual impairments.

Source: University of Michigan.

The global population is aging, and so are their eyes. In fact, the number of people with vision impairment and blindness is expected to more than double over the next 30 years.

Mr. — Chairman, Joseph P. Kennedy Enterprises — Our discussion starts out on U.S. food insecurity, but journeys into the topics of aging, as well as regeneration research at University of Chicago’s MBL.

A “food desert” is an area that has limited access to affordable and nutritious food, and the designation considers both the type and quality of food available, as well as the accessibility of the food through the size and proximity of the food stores.

In 2010, the United States Department of Agriculture reported that 23.5 million people in the U.S. lived in food deserts, meaning that they live more than one mile from a supermarket in urban or suburban areas and more than 10 miles from a supermarket in rural areas.

“An exciting outcome of this research is that it definitively shows the critical protective element at chromosome ends is the telomere DNA loop,” said Associate Professor Cesare.

“This likely explains why telomere length regulates ageing; cells must need long enough telomeres to make the DNA loops and this becomes difficult as cells age.”

Telomeres are the protective caps at chromosome ends. In adult cells, telomeres shorten each time a cell divides and this contributes to ageing and cancer. Pluripotent stem cells, however, are specialised cells that exist in the earliest days of development. These pluripotent cells do not age and have the ability to turn into any type of adult cell.

The surprise finding, published today in Nature, shows that telomeres in pluripotent stem cells are protected very differently than telomeres in adult tissues.

The Partei für Gesundheitsforschung (German Party for Health Research) demands, that the state should invest about 5 billion Euro per year additionally into biomedical research to hasten the development of effective medicine against the diseases of old age.

Here is our election program in German:…erttemberg.

Please also consider donating money to the party, so that we can participate in more future elections. To participate in this years federal election in 12 states we would need e.g. at least about 50.000 Euro and unfortunately the party has almost no money at the moment. Election campaigns are a very good way to do advocacy for our cause and we can reach a lot of people this way, that we otherwise wouldn’t reach. Donating details: