

Archive for the ‘life extension’ category: Page 240

Jan 16, 2021

TAME & Biomarker Q&A with Nir Barzilai, Institute for Aging Research

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, genetics, life extension

Important here is at 38:13 where he says not only is his TAME trial paid for but an organization is going to pay a billion dollars per year on aging. He was not allowed to give details but it was going to start this month. I’ll be watching for the news.

Zoom Transcription:

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Jan 16, 2021

Loneliness As Deadly As Smoking — How It Impacts Your Health & Longevity

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension, neuroscience

This last year has been not been one for the social calendar. It has left us all feeling more and more isolated with lockdown after lockdown and restricted travel options globally. It is something we need to actively work to overcome, for our own sakes and for those around us, it is as detrimental to our long term health as smoking, obesity or having an alcohol disorder. It increases the risk of many health conditions, and even alters gene expressions. If you want to know even more detail I break it down in this new video, and look out for those who are having a rougher time, pay it forward. Make this world a place you want to live in…

In Loneliness As Deadly As Smoking-How It Impacts Your Health & Longevity I will be talking about how social isolation, something becoming more and more apparent in many countries and cities across the globe, is a serious threat to health and longevity.

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Jan 15, 2021

Neuralink reveals the “Fitbit for your brain”

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, Elon Musk, life extension, robotics/AI

Elon Musk’s Neuralink showcases working implanted brain computer and promises future health benefits.

Elon Musk company Neuralink has been researching how directly interfacing with the brain could be used as therapy for chronic and debilitating medical conditions, as well as exploring how technological augmentation could expand and develop the capabilities of the human brain.

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Jan 15, 2021

Artificial intelligence in longevity medicine

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension, robotics/AI

HURRY. I’m getting old.

Recent advances in deep learning enabled the development of AI systems that outperform humans in many tasks and have started to empower scientists and physicians with new tools. In this Comment, we discuss how recent applications of AI to aging research are leading to the emergence of the field of longevity medicine.

Jan 15, 2021

Inhibiting KGA-dependent glutaminolysis in mice found to eliminate senescent cells

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension

A team of researchers affiliated with a host of institutions across Japan has found that inhibiting kidney-type glutaminase-dependent glutaminolysis in mice can lead to elimination of senescent cells. In their paper published in the journal Science, the group describes using RNA interference to look for enzymes that are required for senescent cell survival and subsequently inducing them to die. Christopher Pan and Jason Locasale, with the Duke University School of Medicine, have published a Perspectives piece in the same journal issue outlining research into glutamine and the role it played in the work done by the team in this new effort.

Cells are described as senescent when they lose the ability to divide. Prior research has found that can reach senescence due to exposure to stress, which can include mitochondrial, replicative or oxidative stress. In all cases, the cells live and continue to function, but can no longer divide. Prior research has found evidence suggesting that senescent cells play a role in the development of some aging-related diseases such as arteriosclerosis and muscle degeneration. For that reason, scientists have been looking for ways to eliminate them. In this new effort, the researchers have found a way to rid test mice of senescent cells by removing a pathway necessary for their continued survival.

The work involved a screening effort using RNA interference to look for enzymes that senescent cells need to survive. This led them to look closer at glutamine metabolism, specifically glutaminase 1. Testing showed it to be critical to survival for senescent cells. The team then inhibited the glutaminase 1 pathway in test mice. After allowing time for the changes to take effect, the researchers found that inhibiting the pathway led to the deaths of senescent cells. In the longer term, they found that it also reduced age-related organ problems and also related to obesity.

Jan 15, 2021

The Cybernetic Singularity: The Syntellect Emergence

Posted by in categories: life extension, quantum physics, robotics/AI, singularity

“By contemplating the full spectrum of scenarios of the coming technological singularities, many can place their bets in favor of the Cybernetic Singularity which is the surest path to cybernetic immortality and engineered godhood as opposed to the AI Singularity when Homo sapiens is hastily retired as a senescent parent. This meta-system transition from the networked Global Brain to the Gaian Mind is all about evolution of our own individual minds; it’s all about our own Self-Transcendence.”-Alex M. Vikoulov, The Cybernetic Singularity: The Syntellect Emergence #CyberneticSingularity #SyntellectEmergence #CyberneticTheoryofMind #AlexMVikoulov ​#consciousness #phenomenology #evolution #cybernetics #SyntellectHypothesis #PhilosophyofMind #QuantumTheory #PhysicsofTime #PressRelease #NewBookRelease #AmazonKindle #AlexVikoulov #EcstadelicMediaGroup

Ecstadelic Media Group releases a new non-fiction book The Cybernetic Singularity: The Syntellect Emergence, The Cybernetic Theory of Mind series by Alex M. Vikoulov as a Kindle eBook (Press Release, San Francisco, CA, USA, January 102021 08.00 PM PST)

Jan 14, 2021

#223 Anti-Aging Gene Therapy

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension

Welcome to the Siim Land Podcast I’m your host Siim Land and our guest today is Liz Parish. Liz is the founder and CEO of BioViva. Which is a company committed to extending human lifespan using techniques such as gene and cell technologies. Liz Parrish became the first person worldwide to take dual gene therapies for treating aging.

Jan 14, 2021

The inside world of cryonics

Posted by in categories: cryonics, life extension

The many things you should know about the field of cryonics. The Cryonics Symposium International takes place Saturday in Hollywood, Fla.

Jan 14, 2021

Roadmap To End Aging — Understand The Hallmarks To Change Your Direction

Posted by in categories: food, life extension, neuroscience

It can be done. And it can be done sooner than many realise…even within YOUR lifetime. Imagine… Reaching triple digits with the health, fitness and body of an athletic 30 year old… It is entirely within reach now, it may be even less than a decade away. All we need to do is repair the damage that living and our metabolism create, it is slowly accumulating, which is why it takes 7 or 8 decades to rear its ugly head in most people, so one treatment should keep things under control for many years, and by then science will have advanced immeasurably, improving the treatments to whole new levels… Then you can dream of reaching 4 digits…then 5…then 6… BUT You need to stay in good enough shape to last long enough to see the treatments perfected and available. So watch your diet, your mental and physical health, your weight, and look to use occasional fasting, and time restricted eating, along with saunas and cold showers (or any hot/cold therapy), etc., to keep yourself at your optimum until that days arrives. If you want to know more, then this video breaks it down into even more detail. Have a great day and enjoy your journey into the future…

In a roadmap to end aging — understand the hallmarks to change your direction.

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Jan 13, 2021

Parabiosis: the Dilution Solution?

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension

Summary: Scientists have long marveled at the rejuvenating effects of heterochronic parabiosis. When you mix the blood of a young mouse and an old mouse by joining their circulatory systems, the older animal recovers some features of youth, while the young animal becomes functionally older. While many have assumed that these effects were driven by the infusion of pro-youth factors from the young parabiont into the older one, an alternative “Dilution Solution” hypothesis is possible: that the young blood is instead diluting pro-aging factors from the old animal’s blood, as well as allowing the young animal’s livers and kidneys to filter out metabolic toxins through the young animals’ livers and kidneys.

In heterochronic parabiosis, joining the circulatory systems of young and old mice causes the older animal to recover some features of youth. The effect has been widely assumed to be driven by pro-youth factors in younger blood, but an alternative hypothesis is possible: that the procedure is instead diluting pro-aging factors in the older partner.