

Archive for the ‘life extension’ category: Page 230

Apr 20, 2021

Rejuvenate Bio banks $10M to advance gene therapy for aging in humans and dogs

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, finance, life extension

Rejuvenate Bio’s treatment is a gene therapy that dials up expression of the genes sTGFbetaR2 and FGF21 to reduce levels of the cytokine TGF-beta1 and boost levels of the hormone FGF21, respectively. Both genes are associated with longevity.

“What we have seen from using a combination of two genes is the ability to affect multiple age-related diseases at once,” Oliver said.

Rejuvenate Bio published data in November 2019 showing that targeting these two genes in mice reduced kidney atrophy and reversed weight gain and Type 2 diabetes. The company had given extra copies of those genes, alone and in combination with each other and another gene called alpha-Klotho to see if they could boost the mice’s health and life spans. It found out that more isn’t necessarily better, as mice that were given all three genes together fared worse than the other animals did.

Apr 20, 2021

A pharmaceutical company dedicated to treating aging and age-related disease

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, business, life extension

If you want to own a piece of a longevity technology company, here is your chance.

Invest as little as $100 in startups and small businesses. Wefunder is the largest Regulation Crowdfunding portal.

Apr 19, 2021

Age-related diseases can be linked by genetics

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, genetics, life extension, neuroscience

In a research paper published in Nature Aging, the team reports using a novel approach to provide the first data-driven classification of multiple diseases obtained using human genetic and medical data freely available from the UK Biobank.

Co-author Professor Linda Partridge (UCL Institute of Health Aging and Max Planck Institute for Biology of Aging) said: Advancing age is the main risk for major diseases, including cancer, dementia, and . Understanding the molecular links between the aging process and age-related diseases could allow them to be targeted with drugs to improve late-life health.

The striking finding from the study was that diseases with a similar age of onset were genetically more similar to each other than they were to diseases in the other three clusters.

Apr 18, 2021

Ergothioneine: A ‘Longevity Vitamin’ With Potential Benefits For Age-Related Outcomes?

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension, neuroscience

Papers referenced in the video:

Dietary Thiols: A Potential Supporting Strategy against Oxidative Stress in Heart Failure and Muscular Damage during Sports Activity:

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Apr 15, 2021

Part-human, part-monkey embryos grown in lab dishes

Posted by in categories: bioengineering, biotech/medical, life extension

Scientists injected dozens of human stem cells into developing monkey embryos, and the resulting hybrids survived for up to 20 days in lab dishes.

These human-monkey embryos could someday serve as helpful models for human disease, embryonic development and aging, the study authors noted in a new report, published April 15 in the journal Cell. By zooming in on the interaction of human and animal cells in the embryos, scientists could also learn how to help human cells survive amongst animal cells, potentially advancing the effort to grow human organs in living animal models.

Apr 14, 2021

Bill Gates Backs the Waterless Toilet

Posted by in categories: life extension, solar power, sustainability

The waterless toilet was developed by Cranfield University.
The toilet was developed for use in countries that doesn’t have running water.
This toilet doesn’t smell which is a result of multiple actions that go on beneath the toilet once the lid is closed.
–A set of gears within the toilet are turned when the lid is closed, these gears rotate the basin where the fecal delight was deposited.
–The waste falls into a holding chamber where a swipe blade wipes the inside of the holding basin.
–The solids drop down to the bottom, and the liquid floats to the top.
–An archimedes screw carries the waste upwards where it gets rolled into pellets that drop into a combustor and are burned.
–The combustor on the toilet will be on all the time but will require an initial source of power to get it going. The team had an initial idea of attaching a hand crank or a bicycle to generate the power needed but recently scrapped that idea. A solar panel could be installed above the toilet but that wouldn’t be very cost effective. The team has other ideas they are still working through to solve this issue.
–The poop ash that is accumulated from the combustor needs to be removed once a week.
–The liquid floats through a set of pipes that are above the combustor.
–The liquid is heated and passed through a set of 4 membrane bundles that purifies the water.
–This purified water drips down to the bottom where it travels to and is stored in the front step of the toilet.
–This water while purified isn’t clean enough to drink but it can be used in the garden to grow plants as well as for cleaning.
–This waterless toilet needs to be serviced every 3 months, the 4 membranes need to be replaced to continue to purify the water.
–So now you have the full overview of this toilet what problems do you guys foresee with this invention?
–The only thing I’m going to say is that I’m sure the swipe blade will wipe most of the poop out of the holding basin, you know there’s gonna be some nasty skip marks in there.
In reality though places in the world where people have real struggles in life, a skip mark isn’t one of them.


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Apr 14, 2021

Donna Butts, Exec. Director, Generations United — Health, Aging, And Intergenerational Collaboration

Posted by in categories: innovation, life extension

Donna butts — executive director, generations united — focusing on the psycho-social aspects of healthy aging and wellness.

Donna Butts is the Executive Director of Generations United, an organization with a mission to improve the lives of children, youth, and older people through intergenerational collaboration, public policies, and programs for the enduring benefit of all, a position she has held since 1997. For more than 30 years, Ms. Butts has worked tirelessly to promote the well-being of children, youth and older adults through nonprofit organizations across the country and around the world. She began her career in her home state of Oregon as a youth worker with the YWCA, where she worked one-on-one with teens and saw the positive effects of intergenerational programs firsthand.

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Apr 14, 2021

Change Your Diet Change Your Life

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, food, life extension

How seriously do you take your diet?

It is one of the foundations upon which everything else stands.

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Apr 13, 2021

AgeX Discussion of Paper on Protocadherins, Aging, and Regeneration

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension

Click on photo to start video.

Michael D. West talking about regeneration.

[Reuploaded from Vimeo:]

In this video, Dr. Michael West, CEO of AgeX Therapeutics, discusses the non-peer reviewed preprint article in bioRxiv on the potential role of the clustered protocadherin genes in regeneration, aging, and cancer, and the relevance of the discovery for iTR product development.

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Apr 12, 2021

Aubrey de Grey talks about putting aging under medical control (con S/T en Español)

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension

Aubrey de Grey’s talk during the South Summit that took place in Spain last October 2020. Aubrey explains why he thinks science and technology is close to bringing aging under complete medical control.

He also describes how along the process we will reach what he calls “Longevity Escape Velocity”. Once we reach it, we will be able to stay one step ahead of the curve of aging, and extend significantly, eventually indefinetely, human health and lifespan.

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