

Archive for the ‘life extension’ category: Page 219

Aug 6, 2021

Dr. Daniel Ives, Ph.D. — Founder and CEO — Shift Bioscience Ltd. — Driver Clocks And Longevity

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, chemistry, genetics, life extension, robotics/AI

Driver Clocks And Longevity — Dissecting True Functional “Drivers” Of Aging Phenotypes — Dr. Daniel Ives Ph.D., Founder and CEO — Shift Bioscience Ltd.

Dr. Daniel Ives, Ph.D. is Founder and CEO of Shift Bioscience Ltd. (, a biotech company making drugs for cellular rejuvenation in humans through the application of machine-learning ‘driver’ clocks to cellular reprogramming, and is the scientific founder who first discovered the gene shifting targets upon which the Shift drug discovery platform is based.

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Aug 4, 2021

Genetic insights into biological mechanisms governing human ovarian ageing

Posted by in categories: biological, genetics, life extension

Hundreds of genetic loci associated with age at menopause, combined with experimental evidence in mice, highlight mechanisms of reproductive ageing across the lifespan.

Aug 3, 2021

Cryptic transcription in mammalian stem cells linked to aging

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, genetics, life extension

Although visible signs of aging are usually unmistakable, unraveling what triggers them has been quite a challenge. Researchers at Baylor College of Medicine and collaborating institutions have discovered that a cellular phenomenon called cryptic transcription, which had been previously described and linked to aging in yeasts and worms, is elevated in aging mammalian stem cells.

The team reports in the journal Nature Aging that cryptic transcription occurs because a that keeps it in check falls apart as cells get old. The findings suggest that strategies that control cryptic transcription could have pro-longevity effects.

“In previous work, we showed that cryptic transcription in yeasts and worms is not only a marker of aging but also a cause,” said corresponding author Dr. Weiwei Dang, assistant professor of molecular and and the Huffington Center on Aging at Baylor. “Reducing the amount of this aberrant transcription in these organisms prolonged their lifespan.”

Aug 2, 2021

Alcohol and Life Expectancy

Posted by in category: life extension

I know some epidemiological studies have promoted moderate alcohol intake as better for longevity than not drinking at all, but I thought that sounded kinda suspicious, so I dug into all the research to see for myself.

Turns out, there’s actually some in vivo studies showing life extension effects of low amounts of alcohol on animals.

What’s the effect of moderate alcohol on life expectancy? The science is confusing so we did a deep dive to find if a little booze is healthy.

Aug 1, 2021

Sergey Young: breaking the barrier of maximum lifespan

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension, robotics/AI

The news we like: “In five to 10 years time from now, we’ll have a new, special kind of drugs: longevity drugs. And unlike today’s medication, which always focused on one disease, this kind of drug will will give us an opportunity to influence aging as a whole and a very fatalistic way, working on healthspan, not only on lifespan… it’s very likely that this new drug will be developed with the help of artificial intelligence, which will compress drug development cycle by two or three times from what they are today.”

Ahead of the launch of his new book Growing Young, Sergey Young joins us for a video interview to discuss longevity horizons, personal health strategies and disruptive tech – and how we are moving towards radically extending our lifespan and healthspan.

Sergey Young, the longevity investor and founder of the Longevity Vision Fund is on a mission to extend healthy lifespans of at least one billion people. His new book, Growing Young, is released on 24th August and is already rising up the Amazon charts.

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Jul 31, 2021

George Church on Gene Therapies and Longevity

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, genetics, life extension

“Balancing that, I clearly state that my goal is not longevity, not even modest longevity. It’s just reversal of diseases of aging, which really is classic medicine. Q: Which takes me to the next question: do we even know how to aim at life extension? I don’t think we do. I think if we get serious aging reversal, it’s something that we can continue to improve on, just like we improved on transportation from the first wheel to rocket ships,” I’ll be honest, I disagree as we have some improvement in humans indicated from TRIM and TAME and plasma filtering. Church’s work is very important though.

Professor of Genetics at Harvard Medical School and one of the most prominent geroscientists, George Church works on gene therapies that can potentially reverse age-related diseases. We had the opportunity to interview this prolific researcher and entrepreneur, who is involved in dozens of startups on topics ranging from the current state of gene therapy to his recent attempt to auction off his genome, one of the first sequenced human genomes in the world, as an NFT.

What have been the successes and the failures of gene therapy in recent years? What do you expect to happen in the next few years?

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Jul 31, 2021

Stem Cell Scientists Explore the Latent Regenerative Potential of the Inner Ear

Posted by in categories: bioengineering, biotech/medical, genetics, life extension

“Our study raises the possibility of using therapeutic drugs, gene editing, or other strategies to make epigenetic modifications that tap into the latent regenerative capacity of inner ear cells as a way to restore hearing,” said Segil. “Similar epigenetic modifications may also prove useful in other non-regenerating tissues, such as the retina, kidney, lung, and heart.”

Scientists from the USC Stem Cell laboratory of Neil Segil have identified a natural barrier to the regeneration of the inner ear’s sensory cells, which are lost in hearing and balance disorders. Overcoming this barrier may be a first step in returning inner ear cells to a newborn-like state that’s primed for regeneration, as described in a new study published in Developmental Cell.

“Permanent hearing loss affects more than 60 percent of the population that reaches retirement age,” said Segil, who is a Professor in the Department of Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine, and the USC Tina and Rick Caruso Department of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery. “Our study suggests new gene engineering approaches that could be used to channel some of the same regenerative capability present in embryonic inner ear cells.”

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Jul 31, 2021

Dietary CD38 Inhibitors: Are They Correlated With Biological Age?

Posted by in categories: biological, food, life extension

Apigenin, quercetin, luteolin data: USDA Database for the Flavonoid.
Content of Selected Foods.

Kuromanin data:

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Jul 30, 2021

People who live to 100 have unique gut bacteria signatures

Posted by in category: life extension

The findings suggest that isoalloLCA may contribute to a healthy gut by preventing the growth of bad bacteria.

They also suggest that these bacteria or their bile acids could treat or prevent C. difficile infection in people, Honda said, although more research would be needed to show this.

These bacteria could contribute to a healthy gut and, in turn, healthy aging.

Jul 30, 2021

Centenarians have unique gut bacteria that enables them to live longer

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, food, life extension

TOKYO — Centenarians have unique gut bacteria that enables them to live to a ripe old age, according to new research. Scientists in Japan say this unique gut makeup fuels bile acids that protect against disease.

The discovery could lead to yogurts and other probiotic foods that increase longevity.

“In people over the age of 100, an enrichment in a distinct set of gut microbes generate unique bile acids,” says lead author Professor Kenya Honda of Keio University in a statement per South West News Service. “They might inhibit the growth of pathogens.”