

Archive for the ‘life extension’ category: Page 213

Sep 12, 2021

Growth-Promoting, Anti-Aging Chemical Compound at the Root of Plant Growth and Animal Embryos

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, chemistry, life extension

In humans, as well as all vertebrate animals, turning a fertilized egg into an embryo with a little beating heart requires that stem cells differentiate, specialize, and generate specific tissues, such as bones, blood vessels and a nervous system. This process is kickstarted and regulated by retinal. Animals can’t produce their own retinal, though, they must ingest it from plants, or from animals that eat plants.

Plant roots and animal embryos rely on the same chemical for successful development.

What do frog eggs have in common with anti-aging creams? Their success depends on a group of chemical compounds called retinoids, which are capable of generating and re-generating tissues.

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Sep 11, 2021

#TransVision Future Summit 2021 • Welcome to Madrid 8 — 12 October • Dinners & UNESCO site tours

Posted by in categories: bioengineering, biotech/medical, bitcoin, cryonics, geopolitics, life extension, lifeboat, nanotechnology, Ray Kurzweil, robotics/AI, singularity, transhumanism

Check out our second promo for #transvision #future Summit 2021 (#madrid Oct. 8 — 12), featuring the optional dinner/cocktails we are scheduling, and 2 full-day #tours of several #unescoworldheritage sites and historical places near Madrid: Segovia, Ávila, Monsaterio de El Escorial & Valley of the Fallen on Oct. 11 and Alcalá de Henares, Aranjuez & Toledo on Oct. 12. It’s going to be espectacular! You don’t wanna miss those, so get your tickets now! 😊 Get your tickets here ->

The event itself will be a lot of fun, so make sure to register to come to Madrid in person, or to watch it via streaming (at a reduced price). There will be talks about #longevity #artificialintelligence #cryonics and much much more.

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Sep 11, 2021

Quantifying Biological Age: Blood Test #4 in 2021

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension

Join us on Patreon!

Levine’s Biological age calculator is embedded as an Excel file in this link from my website:

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Sep 10, 2021

Cryogenically frozen bodies and brains of rich people are SNATCHED

Posted by in categories: cryonics, life extension, neuroscience

A bitter divorce battle in Russia has led to cryogenically frozen bodies being seized in an extraordinary day-time raid.

Staff of a company set up by Valeria Udalova, 59 grabbed the remains of people — including from Britain and the US — who paid thousands of pounds hoping to be brought back to life when science advances to allow this.

She and her team raided the company run by her ex-husband Danila Medvedev, 41 near Moscow, which is home to Russia’s leading cryo-storage facility, say reports.

Sep 10, 2021

Elon Musk Mocks Jeff Bezos’ Attempt to Develop Immortality Tech

Posted by in categories: Elon Musk, internet, life extension, robotics/AI, sustainability

#ElonMusk is on a better path than Bezos is partly because he’s working on his brain chip and once that brain chip has been made dubbed complete he can make it so it works with tech and we can merge Tech with people which means that we can make a life out of tech and have our body be completely made robotic and as long as we have materials like synthetic blood that feeds and sustains the brain with the proper nutrients to stay alive. Theoretically u could live much longer. He seems to have the robot body and robot made and chip almost complete now he needs the synthetic sustainable blood for a human brain 🧠 implant into the robot tech body using Brian chip to control it. Immortality In theory the brain doesn’t have to be in the robotic body it can still be connected to the body through a central location via #StarLink #Robot links “Life is a video game in that aspect” But even without the brain merge you will be able to pair our minds with these AI robots and use them on 🌎 earth or beyond like a ship to #Mars or any other place that can get the signal from the brain to the robotic body.

Elon is at it again.

Sep 10, 2021

Will Evolution Lead Us to Self-Divinization? New Book on Posthumanism Offers Straightforward Answers

Posted by in categories: evolution, life extension, singularity

What might happen after the Cybernetic Singularity? Can we refine our theological philosophies in light of new evidence? Are we alone in the Universe? Can you achieve Cybernetic Immortality? When and how can we transcend the human condition? These are some of the questions addressed in my new book THEOGENESIS: Transdimensional Propagation & Universal Expansion. This awe-inspiring volume is to be released on October 1 2021 as part of The Cybernetic Theory of Mind series and is available now to pre-order on Amazon. #THEOGENESIS #TransdimensionalPropagation #UniversalExpansion #CyberneticTheoryofMind #cybernetics #theology #futurism #posthumanism

Ecstadelic Media Group announces the release of the next book in The Cybernetic Theory of Mind series by Alex M. Vikoulov ― THEOGENESIS: Transdimensional Propagation & Universal Expansion ― available as a Kindle eBook on Amazon.

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Sep 10, 2021

The Future of Aging | Dr. Harold Katcher Interview Series 2 — Ep5

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, chemistry, life extension, media & arts

In this video Dr. Katcher reveals his thought on the future of aging if E5 is fulfils on its promise.

Dr Katcher’s book is on Amazon.
The Illusion of Knowledge: The paradigm shift in aging research that shows the way to human rejuvenation.

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Sep 9, 2021

Aging: It’s More Complicated Than We Thought

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, chemistry, life extension, neuroscience

Summary: A new study on aging reveals a surprising discovery about the connection between protein shape and mitochondrial health.

Source: Buck Institute.

Every cell in the body goes through thousands of chemical reactions each day, and each reaction involves tiny protein molecules folded into precise shapes to perform their functions. Misfolded proteins underlie some of the most common and devastating diseases of aging, like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. A major focus of aging research is discovering ways to maintain protein shape and prevent misfolded proteins from wreaking havoc on cellular function.

Sep 9, 2021

Dr. Marina Ezcurra, Ph.D. — Exploring The Gut Microbiota-Brain Axis In Health, Disease, and Aging

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension, neuroscience

Exploring The Gut Microbiota-Brain Axis In Health, Disease, and Aging — Dr. Marina Ezcurra, Ph.D. University of Kent.

Dr. Marina Ezcurra ( is a Lecturer in the Biology of Aging, and NeuroBiology, at the School of BioSciences, at the University of Kent, UK (

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Sep 9, 2021

Gene self-correction in ‘chromosome caps’ can beat mutations, help prevent blood cancers

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, genetics, life extension

Mentions telomeres.


People with rare disorders that cause shortened telomeres—protective caps that sit at the end of chromosomes—may be more likely to have blood cancers such as leukemia or myelodyplastic syndrome. Now, Johns Hopkins Medicine scientists have discovered several “self-correcting” genetic mutations in bone marrow that may protect such patients from these cancers.

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