

Archive for the ‘life extension’ category: Page 193

Jan 1, 2022

For The First Time, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Proven to Reverse Biological Aging in Humans

Posted by in categories: biological, life extension

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) study proven to reverse aging in humans. This unique oxygen treatment is available at Aviv Clinics.

Jan 1, 2022

A.I. Can Produce Images of Your Face Using Only Genetic Data

Posted by in categories: genetics, life extension, robotics/AI

Researchers at Human Longevity have developed technology that can generate images of individuals face using only their genetic information. But not all are convinced.

Jan 1, 2022

NASA Bids to Extend the Life of ISS Through 2030

Posted by in categories: education, life extension

And calls out to collaborating agencies to do their part.

NASA Administrator Bill Nelson revealed on Friday that the Biden administration has committed to extend the operations of the International Space Station (ISS) through 2030, and to continue cooperating with international partners in Europe (ESA, European Space Agency), Japan (JAXA, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency), Canada (CSA, Canadian Space Agency), and Russia (State Space Corporation Roscosmos) for research endeavors.

“The International Space Station is a beacon of peaceful international scientific collaboration and for more than 20 years has returned enormous scientific, educational, and technological developments to benefit humanity. I’m pleased that the Biden-Harris Administration has committed to continuing station operations through 2030,” Nelson said.

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Dec 31, 2021

U.S. Population Grows at Lowest Rate on Record During Pandemic

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension

The US population is almost not growing.

The U.S. population grew at the slowest rate on record in 2021 as slowing migration, an aging population and low birth rates were exacerbated by the Covid pandemic, U.S. Census Bureau data released Tuesday show.

The population expanded by just 0.1% or 392,665 people this year, a smaller increase than during the influenza pandemic and World War I in the early years of the last century. It’s also the first time since 1937 that the population has expanded by less than 1 million.

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Dec 31, 2021

This years biggest breakthroughs in longevity science!!

Posted by in categories: biological, life extension, science

A year in review.

This video is sponsored by ResearchHub —

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Dec 30, 2021

The World Ahead: the true costs of ageing | The Economist

Posted by in categories: economics, life extension

The rich world is ageing fast. How can societies afford the looming costs of caring for their growing elderly populations? film supported by @Mission Winnow.

00:00 The wealthy world is ageing.
01:17 Japan’s elderly population.
02:11 The problems of an ageing world.
04:01 Reinventing old age.
05:48 Unlocking the potential of older years.
07:09 Reforming social care.
08:20 A community-based approach.
11:08 A fundamental shift is needed.

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Dec 30, 2021

Ergothioneine Extends Lifespan (in flies)

Posted by in category: life extension

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Papers referenced in the video:
Ergothioneine exhibits longevity-extension effect in Drosophila melanogaster via regulation of cholinergic neurotransmission, tyrosine metabolism, and fatty acid oxidation.

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Dec 29, 2021

The Original Inventor Of “Metaverse” On Technology, Life, And Books: Interview With Neal Stephenson

Posted by in categories: climatology, life extension, neuroscience, sustainability

Few individuals write about issues that impact human survival. Fewer still win multiple literary awards for writing science fiction novels. Hardly anyone joins a major corporation as chief futurist. Neal Stephenson can be credited for doing all three.

Writer, academician, video game designer and technology consultant are just some of the things Neal is famous for. He has authored historical epic novels ‘Cryptonomicon’ and ‘The Baroque Cycle;’ science fiction novels ‘The Diamond Age’ and ‘Anathem;’ contemporary thrillers ‘Zodiac’ and ‘REAMDE;’ and science fiction epic ‘Seveneves,’ among others.

His “Snow Crash” published in 1992 preceded ” The Matrix” series and introduced the concept of “The Metaverse”. Yes, Neal Stephenson coined the term. And his 1994 “Interface” preceded NeuraLink by over 20 years!

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Dec 27, 2021

The Future Technology To Become Immortal

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, business, computing, Elon Musk, life extension, neuroscience

Business Enquiries ► [email protected].

Undoubtedly the fear of death, encoded in our DNA to improve our chances of survival, is one of the least pleasant characteristics we are forced to live with. The idea that our life must have an end and then there is nothingness is not at all attractive, so it is not surprising that in the course of his history man has imagined countless ways to circumvent death.
Immortality (or eternal life) is the concept of surviving forever or for an indefinite period of time, without facing death or overcoming death itself.

Immortality can be intended in two main meanings, physical and spiritual. Physical immortality is generally conceived as the endless existence of the mind from a physical source, such as a brain or a computer. Spiritual immortality is generally conceived as the endless existence of an individual after physical death.

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Dec 26, 2021

T Cells: No Time To Die — At the Forefront in the Fight Against Viruses, Bacteria, and Malignant Cells

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension

They are at the forefront in the fight against viruses, bacteria, and malignant cells: the T cells of our immune system. But the older we get, the fewer of them our body produces. Thus, how long we remain healthy also depends on how long the T cells survive. Researchers at the University of Basel have now uncovered a previously unknown signaling pathway essential for T cell viability.

Like human beings, every cell in our body tries to ward off death as long as it can. This is particular true for a specific type of immune cells, called T-lymphocytes, or T cells for short. These cells keep viruses, bacteria, parasites and cancerous cells at bay. While T cell production is an active process in infants, children and young adults, it comes to a gradual stop upon aging, meaning that in order to maintain adequate immunity up to an old age, your T cells should better live as long as you.

How T cells manage to survive for such a long time, up to several decades in humans, has long remained unclear. In collaboration with scientists at the Department of Biomedicine and sciCORE, the Center for Scientific Computing of the University of Basel, Professor Jean Pieters’ research group at the Biozentrum has now revealed the existence of a hitherto unrecognized pathway promoting long-term survival of T cells. In Science Signaling they report that this signaling pathway, regulated by the protein coronin 1, is responsible for suppressing T cell death.