

Archive for the ‘life extension’ category: Page 192

Jan 10, 2022

Dr Anthony Atala, MD — Director, Wake Forest Inst for Regenerative Medicine — Printing Human Tissues

Posted by in categories: bioengineering, bioprinting, biotech/medical, government, life extension

Bio-Printing Complex Human Tissues & Organs — Dr. Anthony Atala, MD — Director, Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine, Wake Forest School of Medicine, Wake Forest University.

Dr. Anthony Atala, MD, ( is the G. Link Professor and Director of the Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine, and the W. Boyce Professor and Chair of Urology.

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Jan 10, 2022

Transhumanism (Full Documentary)

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, bitcoin, cryptocurrencies, cyborgs, education, genetics, life extension, transhumanism

0:00–21:02 : Introduction (Meaning of Life)
21:03–46:14 CHAPTER 1: Transhumanism and Life Extension.


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Jan 10, 2022

Genflow to become Europe’s first longevity biotech IPO

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, business, genetics, life extension

The company is developing novel therapeutics targeting aging in humans and dogs by using genetically modified adeno-associated virus (AAV) vectors to deliver copies of the SIRT6 gene variant found in centenarians. SIRT6 has already been shown to have significant capabilities to repair DNA damage, and Genflow’s aim is to show that it can also improve healthspan and, potentially, increase lifespan. “Our business model is to develop our lead compound, GF-1002, that has already yielded encouraging pre-clinical results,” Leire told us. “We are currently undertaking pre-clinical trials which are expected to take approximately two years.

SIRT6 targeting longevity biotech announces intention to float on the London Stock Exchange, with IPO later this month.

Jan 9, 2022

The Science Behind Why We Age | Lifespan with Dr. David Sinclair #1

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, genetics, law, life extension, science

Sinclair’s first episode. Enjoy.

In this episode, Dr. David Sinclair and co-host Matthew LaPlante discuss why we age. In doing so, they discuss organisms that have extreme longevity, the genes that control aging (mTOR, AMPK, Sirtuins), the role of sirtuin proteins as epigenetic regulators of aging, the process of “ex-differentiation” in which cells begin to lose their identity, and how all of this makes up the “Information Theory of Aging”, and the difference between “biological age” and “chronological age” and how we can measure biological age through DNA methylation clocks.

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Jan 8, 2022

Researchers Use Machine Learning To Repair Genetic Damage

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, genetics, life extension, robotics/AI

DNA damage is constantly occurring in cells, either due to external sources or as a result of internal cellular metabolic reactions and physiological activities. Accurate repair of such DNA damages is critical to avoid mutations and chromosomal rearrangements linked to diseases including cancer, immunodeficiencies, neurodegeneration, and premature aging.

A team of researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital and the National Cancer Research Centre have identified a way to repair genetic damage and prevent DNA alterations using machine learning techniques.

The researchers state that it is possible to learn more about how cancer develops and how to fight it if we understand how DNA lesions originate and repair. Therefore, they hope that their discovery will help create better cancer treatments while also protecting our healthy cells.

Jan 7, 2022

Jeff Bezos firm searching for immortality may set up lab in English VILLAGE

Posted by in category: life extension

A JEFF BEZOS-linked firm “dedicated to reversing the ageing process” could open a lab in a quiet rural English village, can reveal.

Jan 7, 2022

Provocative new findings suggest a surprising cause of Down syndrome: cells linked to aging

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, genetics, life extension, neuroscience

Down syndrome is the most common genetic disorder, impacting about 1 in 700 newborns around the world. At some point during their first hours and days of embryonic development, their dividing cells fail to properly wriggle a chromosome pair away from each other, leaving an extra copy where it shouldn’t be. Although scientists have known for more than six decades that this extra copy of chromosome 21 causes the cognitive impairment people with Down syndrome experience, exactly how it happens remains a matter of debate.

But in recent years, scientists using new RNA sequencing techniques to study cells from pairs of twins — one with Down syndrome and one without — have repeatedly turned up a curious pattern. It wasn’t just the genes on chromosome 21 that had been cranked way up in individuals with Down syndrome. Across every chromosome, gene expression had gone haywire. Something else was going on.

On Thursday, a team from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology reported in Cell Stem Cell that it may have found a surprising culprit: senescent cells, the same types implicated in many diseases of aging. The study was small and preliminary, and some experts want to see it replicated in samples from more individuals before buying into its interpretations. But they are nevertheless intriguing.

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Jan 6, 2022

The Moral Questions of Artificial Immortality (Artificial Biological Negligible Senescence)

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, ethics, food, life extension

They say ‘I believe in nature. Nature is harmonious’. Every big fish is eating every smaller fish. Every organ is fighting constantly invading bacteria. Is that what you mean by harmony? There are planets that are exploding out there. Meteorites that hit another and blow up. What’s the purpose of that? What’s the purpose of floods? To drown people? In other words, if you start looking for purpose, you gotta look all over, take in the whole picture. So, man projects his own values into nature. — Jacque Fresco (March 13, 1916 — May 18, 2017)

When most of us use the word ‘nature‘, we really don’t know much about it in reality. — Ursa.

Jan 5, 2022

Dr. Maximina Yun, Ph.D. — Unlocking Secrets Of Salamander Regeneration For Regenerative Therapies

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, genetics, life extension

Unlocking The Secrets Of Salamander Regeneration For Regenerative Therapies — Dr. Maximina Yun, Ph.D., CRTD / Center for Regenerative Therapies TU Dresden, Technische Universität Dresden.

Dr. Maximina Yun, Ph.D. (…oup-leader) is Research Group Leader at the Center for Regenerative Therapies Dresden (CRTD), Technical University Dresden, jointly affiliated with Max Planck Institute for Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics (MPI-CBG).

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Jan 4, 2022

Can The Pharmaceutical Companies Use Basic Aging Biology To Develop Drugs For Age-Related Diseases?

Posted by in categories: finance, life extension

The University of Copenhagen in Denmark is a very unique place. Apart from being one of the oldest universities in Scandinavia, it is also one of the top universities in the world. So far, 39 Nobel laureates have been affiliated with the University and it sports a spectacular center for healthy aging which hosts the Biology of Aging lab. In September 2021 the University of Copenhagen hosted the 8th annual Aging Research and Drug Discovery (ARDD) meeting.

This year’s ARDD meeting, held at the Ceremonial Hall of the University, was the largest conference on aging and biopharma in the world for the second consecutive year.

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