

Archive for the ‘life extension’ category: Page 135

Nov 27, 2022

The Difference Between Lifespan and Longevity

Posted by in category: life extension

The terms lifespan and longevity are often used interchangeably, which leads to much confusing and misinformation. Here we explore the difference between the two terms and why making a distinction is important.

Nov 27, 2022

Billion-dollar meeting for the mega-rich who want to extend their lives

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, genetics, life extension

The event, which was held at a luxury resort in the Swiss Alps last week, drew some of the world’s richest people along with some of its most controversial scientists.

Harvard Medical School genetics professor George Church, SENS Research Foundation chief of science offices Aubrey de Grey, Buck Institute for Research on Aging president and CEO Eric Verdin, Institute for Ageing Research at Albert Einstein College of Medicine director Nir Barzilai, Forever Healthy Foundation founder Michael Greve, Human Longevity Inc. associate professor, internal medicine Evelyne Yehudit Bischof, founder and CEO of Insilico Medicine Alex Zhavoronkov, creator of First Longevity and Longevity. Technology editor-in-chief Phil Newman, and Wei-Wu He, executive chairman of Human Longevity Inc., CEO and chairman of Casi Pharmaceuticals Inc., and founder and chairman of Genetron Health.

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Nov 27, 2022

Epigenetic Test #3: What’s My Biological Age?

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, genetics, life extension

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Nov 26, 2022

Researchers Say They Are Close To Reversing Aging

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension

Researchers at Harvard University are investigating whether human genes could reverse the effects of aging. NBC Medical Fellow Dr. Akshay Syal got exclusive access to their lab to discuss the future of how to defy aging.

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Nov 26, 2022

How To Increase Longevity | Prof. Matt Kaeberlein

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, genetics, information science, life extension

No questions concerning plasma dilution or E5, but a good interview with chapters.

Professor Matt Kaeberlein discusses the Dog Aging Project, longevity, Rapamycin, mTOR, and if we can ‘solve aging’

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Nov 26, 2022

History of Earth

Posted by in category: life extension

Today we have the impression that our planet is a stable place, in exception of some natural disasters. But there was times earth was not a live-friendly place. A important condition for life is the presence of liquid water (maybe not everywhere). Land was inhabitated till the Ordovizium because of air Oxygen poverty.

Many Factors are changing the state of our planet. For first the sun which is increasing their radiation by ageing. This is evident because it shifts the inner bounder of the habitable zone away from sun. Another Problem is the ageing of earth and the decreasing of geological activities. This will reduce the exhaust of greenhouse gasses and so the outer border of habitable zone will shrink. Maybe after 500 Million years life on earth is no more possible, but just Pangea Ultimo will be a very hostile, deserted World. Later Water will evaporate, combinated with volcanic gases Earth will get a very dense athmosphere very Venus-like. This state will Keep for billions of year — a very sad end for our planet before Sun, after the collapse of hydrogen burning and a instable phase will finally inflate to a red giant. It’s not sure if earth will be absorbed but otherwise it would be a devastated, lonely planet travelling through space… Have you ideas for another Video — write it in the coments — best ideas will be realized… I also make gaming-Videos about Amazing-Frog and Minecraft, my Server

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Nov 26, 2022

Understanding Senescence

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension

Dr. Campisi has been at the forefront of studying cellular senescence for decades, revealing the mysteries of these not-exactly-dead cells and their role in many diseases of aging. In this episode, she joins her colleague Gordon to discuss the characteristics and function of senescent cells, as well as promising interventions on the horizon. Judy also describes how to get lucky in science by being prepared to see the unexpected.

Nov 26, 2022

Occuity lands £343k grant to develop optical diabetes screening device

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, finance, life extension

DISCLOSURE: Longevity. Technology (a brand of First Longevity Limited) has been contracted by the company featured in this article to support its current funding round. Qualifying investors can find out more via the Longevity. Technology investment portal.

MedTech start-up Occuity has received a £343,000 Innovate UK Biomedical Catalyst (BMC) Award to fund the next stage of the development of its innovative AGE reader: an optical medical device that will enable non-invasive screening of diabetes in non-clinical settings such as opticians and pharmacies.

Biomedical Catalyst is the flagship Innovate UK grant funding competition for supporting UK health & life sciences SMEs. It supports the development of innovative solutions to health and healthcare challenges by providing financial support to accelerate the route to commercialisation.

Nov 26, 2022

Magnetic field tech captures the ‘song’ of a drug

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, chemistry, life extension, neuroscience

Magnetic fields are all around us. They exist whenever there is electric current and have been used in various aspects of medicine for decades. Today, magnetic fields are used in applications including magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), bone fracture repair, wound healing and pain reduction.

Taking things a step further, US startup EMulate Therapeutics has developed a unique magnetic field technology that has been shown to replicate the effect of drugs in humans and animal models – all without the presence of chemicals. Having spun-out companies in cancer, pain management and beyond, the company is seeking partners for longevity applications of its technology.

Longevity. Technology: The concept behind EMulate’s approach is mind-boggling. The company “records” the electromagnetic signature of specific molecules and is then able to use those recordings to effect changes in cellular behaviour, without using chemicals. In its most advanced programme, EMulate’s technology has completed feasibility clinical trials for adults and children with terminal brain cancer, using a recording derived from chemotherapy drug paclitaxel. We caught up with EMulate’s CEO Chris Rivera to find out more.

Nov 24, 2022

Building NeuroTech Minimally Invasive Human Machine Interfaces | Dr. Connor Glass

Posted by in categories: augmented reality, biotech/medical, cyborgs, government, law, life extension, neuroscience, robotics/AI, virtual reality, wearables

Neuralink’s invasive brain implant vs phantom neuro’s minimally invasive muscle implant. Deep dive on brain computer interfaces, Phantom Neuro, and the future of repairing missing functions.

Connor glass.
Phantom is creating a human-machine interfacing system for lifelike control of technology. We are currently hiring skilled and forward-thinking electrical, mechanical, UI, AR/VR, and Ai/ML engineers. Looking to get in touch with us? Send us an email at [email protected].

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