

Archive for the ‘life extension’ category: Page 133

Dec 4, 2022

Guest speaker Aubrey de Grey, PhD, discuss the possibility of extending life on our channel

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension

New advances in medical science may improve health of older people and extend lift, perhaps just long enough for more advanced future therapies.#longevity #health #healthspan What is the next step and how can we combine different therapies and test if we can rejuvenate an adult mouse, and humans?Our guest speaker Aubrey de Grey present what may come next.

If you wish to check the links to the sites mentioned in the discussion: https://www.levf.orghealthspanaction.orga4li.orglessdeath.orgTo donate to Longevity Escape Velocity Foundation (LEVF) and to the rejuvenation research:

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Dec 4, 2022

The Thymus As A Key Target For Aging Intervention — Dr. Greg Fahy — EARD 2022

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, computing, cryonics, genetics, life extension

This is a followup trial result to the first trial that reported 2.5 years of epigenetic age reversal This has interesting reports from the actual patients about how they feel and the changes it made to them. After the first trial I sent an email to see if I could do this but I have IBS which Fahy said would disqualify me.

Dr. Greg Fahy gives an update on the TRIIM-X clinical trial at EARD 2022.

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Dec 4, 2022

Methionine Restriction Extends Lifespan: Roles For SCFAs And FGF21, But Not Calorie Restriction

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, genetics, life extension

Join us on Patreon!

TruDiagnostic Discount Link (Epigenetic Testing)

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Dec 3, 2022

Scientists find a better drug for blinding eye disease in older people

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the most common cause of vision loss among people aged 50 and older, affecting an estimated 7.3 million individuals in the United States. Of these patients, 1.75 million have advanced AMD and will lose vision from this condition. This includes patients with the “wet” form of AMD, characterized by the growth of abnormal blood vessels in the retina that can bleed or leak damaging fluids into the central portion of this light-sensing tissue.

Dec 3, 2022

Next Generation Therapies For Rejuvenation | Dr Noah Davidsohn Interview Series Ep5/5

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension

“Our goal is to re-regulate all of your genes back to an earlier state.” Excellent. Hurry please. I’m 51.

Magnesium Break Through 10% Discount
This video brought to you by BiOptimizers.

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Dec 2, 2022

World-leading hospital set to specialise in longevity

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension

One of the world’s leading hospitals is preparing to offer longevity clinical services to patients. Sheba Medical Center in Tel Aviv, Israel, is poised to open a dedicated longevity centre in 2023, with the goal of democratising the extension of healthy lifespan for the masses.

Longevity. Technology: While research, development and investment in longevity are at an all-time high, the implementation of longevity clinical practice in mainstream healthcare is virtually non-existent. While private clinical practices are now making longevity services accessible to those who can afford it, the societal benefit of improving healthspan can only be realised if everyone can access it. To learn more, we caught up with Professor Tzipi Strauss, Director of Neonatology at Sheba Hospital, who is the driving force behind the new centre.

It may seem curious that a paediatrician is the instigator of an initiative focused on improving aging, but Strauss explains that the relevance of longevity begins at birth.

Dec 2, 2022

Cajal Neuroscience launches with $96 million to transform neurodegeneration drug discovery

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, computing, genetics, life extension, neuroscience

Cajal Neuroscience, a biotechnology company integrating human genetics, functional genomics and advanced microscopy to discover novel targets and therapeutics for neurodegeneration, has launched with the completion of a $96 million Series A financing.

The financing was led by The Column Group and Lux Capital, with additional participation from Two Sigma Ventures, Evotec, Bristol Myers Squibb, Alexandria Venture Investments, Dolby Family Ventures and other investors.

Longevity. Technology: Seattle-based Cajal is committed to discovering novel therapeutics for neurodegeneration; by focusing on the mechanistic, spatial and temporal complexity of neurodegeneration, the biotech’s powerful platform is designed to unlock the complexity of disease at unprecedented scale, and integrates expertise in neuroscience, neuroanatomy and computational biology with state-of-the-art technologies for high-throughput functional validation.

Dec 2, 2022

Cardio-sarcopenia: A syndrome of concern in aging

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension

Cardiac alterations in structure and function, namely, the left ventricle, have been intensely studied for decades, in association with aging. In recent times, there has been keen interest in describing myocardial changes that accompany skeletal muscle changes in older adults. Initially described as a cardio-sarcopenia syndrome where alterations in myocardial structure were observed particularly among older adults with skeletal muscle sarcopenia, investigations into this syndrome have spurred a fresh level of interest in the cardiac-skeletal muscle axis. The purpose of this perspective is to summarize the background for this “syndrome of concern,” review the body of work generated by various human aging cohorts, and to explore future directions and opportunities for understanding this syndrome.

The traditional view of cardiovascular aging is that of age-related adaptations in the heart characterized by increased left ventricular (LV) mass (LVM) and LV hypertrophy (LVH), which are often secondary to increased systolic blood pressure mainly mediated by arterial stiffening (1, 2). These changes accumulate throughout the lifetime of an individual, increasing the risk of developing cardiovascular disease (CVD), such as heart failure (HF) and coronary artery disease. The incidence of CVD increases with age, rising from ∼78% among adults aged 60–79 years to ∼90% in those aged above 80 years. CVD is the leading cause of disease burden in the world, with global prevalence doubling from 271 million to 523 million between 1990 and 2019. Incident CVD mortality increased from 12.1 million to 18.6 million in the same period , and accounted for 32% of all deaths. With rapidly aging national populations, these numbers are expected to increase.

Dec 1, 2022

The Failures and Opportunities of Immortality

Posted by in categories: bioengineering, biotech/medical, business, life extension, singularity

Steven Parton [00:00:37] Hello everyone. My name is Steven Parton and you are listening to the feedback loop on Singularity Radio. This week our guest is business and technology reporter Peter Ward. Earlier this year, Peter released his book The Price of Immortality The Race to Live Forever, where he investigates the many movements and organizations that are seeking to increase the human lifespan from the Church of Perpetual Life in Florida to some of the biggest tech giants in Silicon Valley. In this episode, we explore Peter’s findings, which takes us on a tour from cryogenics to mind uploading from supplements to gene editing and much more. Along the way, we discuss the details of how one might actually achieve immortality, talking about senescent cells and telomeres. Discussing whether it’s better to live healthy than to live long. We also discuss the scams and failures that seem to dominate the longevity space, as well as the efforts that seem the most promising. And now, since we’re on the topic of discussing how precious life is, are waste no more of your precious time? So everyone, please welcome to the feedback loop. Peter Ward. Well then, Peter, thanks for joining me. I think the best place to start is in April of this year. You released a book called The Price of Immortality The Race to Live Forever and where I love to start with anyone who’s written a book is just hearing about your motivations for the book. Why did you decide that this was a topic worth exploring?

Dec 1, 2022

The Formula of Immortality

Posted by in categories: bioengineering, biotech/medical, genetics, life extension

Dreaming about Immortality has a long history, almost as long as the failed quests to achieve it. And during all these years and years, the solutions for achieving immortality can fall in several categories. The first is to take some kind of “magic pill” – be it the fountain of youth, the elixir of life, the holy grail, till modern medicine of genetic engineering. After the magic “pills” proved to be a failure, the second attempt was through more creative endeavours, such as building a monastery, a temple, making a sculpture or painting, till nowadays when we talk about digital immortality and I guess soon about virtual immortality. And, of course, there were always the “party-spoilers”, the ones asking: why to be Immortal?

Humanity has changed in many ways, but the hope of the dream of Immortality remained and generation after generation, trying to find it in different ways or forms. So, keep with us as we travel alongside the deepest human dream, to see all (the failed) trials.