

Archive for the ‘life extension’ category: Page 103

Apr 3, 2023

The secrets to longevity that help residents of America’s only blue zone city live healthier and longer lives

Posted by in category: life extension

In America’s only blue zone, it’s not only about exercise and diet. Residents treat their neighbors like family.

Apr 2, 2023

A Disease Reversal Therapy That No Body Try Before

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, cryonics, genetics, life extension

Previously Fahy has reported as much as a 15 year epigenetic clock reset. Again though, this won’t get you beyond your maximum natural limit, but younger and healthier now leads to the next bridge.

Dr Greg Fahy talks about the thymus magic. What are the out of expectation benefits of reprogramming our thymus(Not TRIIM or TRIIM-X) in this short clip.

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Apr 1, 2023

Ageing and the mortality alarm: ‘I started panicking about future me’

Posted by in categories: futurism, life extension

My mum was due to celebrate a century of life and looking forward to getting her card from the Queen. She’d been living in an aged-care facility which had been through multiple lockdowns due to Covid. Our family started preparations for her birthday party; “hold the date” cards were sent.

On Mum’s behalf, we applied to receive the birthday card from the Queen. But early one night, after another lockdown, my dad rang. “I don’t think she’ll make it to the weekend,” he said. “Come quickly.”

As it happens, she hung on for another 18 days. The palliative nurse explained to my family that this was a time of being, rather than doing. We tried to make Mum feel loved, comfortable and with as little pain as possible as her body prepared to die.

Apr 1, 2023

Immortality Is Going To Happen, Scientist Reveals When We’ll Live Forever And It’s Not Far Away

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension, Ray Kurzweil

Futurist Ray Kurzweil is predicting that by 2030, microscopic gelbots in our bodies will make it possible to cure disease and live forever. You’re 40 years old, but you’re not Dwayne Johnson; it’s the time in life when your body doesn’t bounce back from a good workout as fast as it used to; when you eat a pizza, it sits with you for longer, and sleeping wrong could jumpstart a week of back pain.

Apr 1, 2023

The CryoPrize (The Organ Cryopreservation Prize)

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, cryonics, life extension

PLEASE CLICK ON LINK TO DONATE: 3 Minute video detailing our efforts to make organ transplants safer, less costly and more available to those in need by offering a prize, beginning at $50,000, to the first person or group to successfully freeze, and restore to full function, one of several mammalian organs.

Mar 31, 2023

Study finds centenarians possess unique immunity that helps them achieve exceptional longevity

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension, policy

There are approximately 30 trillion cells in a human body and our health is predicated on them properly interacting with and supporting each other, with the immune system playing a particularly pivotal role. One of the defining characteristics of aging is a decline in the proper functioning of our immune system. Centenarians, a rare population of individuals who reach 100 years or more, experience delays in aging-related diseases and mortality which suggests their immune systems remain functional into extreme old age.

Led by researchers from Boston University Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine and Tufts Medical Center, a new study finds harbor distinct immune cell type composition and activity and possess highly functional immune systems that have successfully adapted to a history of sickness allowing for exceptional longevity. These may help identify important mechanisms to recover from disease and promote longevity.

“Our data support the hypothesis that centenarians have protective factors that enable to recover from disease and reach extreme old ages,” said lead author Tanya Karagiannis, Ph.D., senior bioinformatician, Center for Quantitative Methods and Data Science, Institute for Clinical Research and Health Policy Studies at Tufts Medical Center.

Mar 31, 2023

Could new riboswitch make gene therapy safer?

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, chemistry, life extension

Turning genes on and off as easily and predictably as flicking a switch could be a powerful tool in medicine and biotech. A type of technology called a riboswitch might be the key. The Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST) in Japan, in collaboration with Astellas Pharma Inc., has developed a new toolkit that uses small molecules to control the activity of a piece of synthetic RNA, and ultimately regulate gene expression. The technology, which was described in the Journal of the American Chemical Society, worked in mammalian cell cultures and in mice.

The ability to precisely control whether a gene is turned on or off is expected to lead to more efficient production of compounds that are made using animal cells, and make gene therapy, cell therapy, and regenerative medicine safer.

For genes to be expressed, cells make many RNA copies of a section of DNA. These RNA copies, called transcripts, are then used to make the protein. This can lead to the introduction of additional genes (either as DNA or RNA) into cells, which can then be used to make new proteins for a wide variety of applications.

Mar 30, 2023

Humans to attain immortality by 2029? Ex-Google scientist makes striking claim

Posted by in categories: genetics, life extension, nanotechnology, Ray Kurzweil, robotics/AI

“You won’t live forever” is a catchphrase which has often been touted and has so far remained the proven truth of life — of humans and almost every other living being on planet earth. But soon, this catchphrase may well become the truth of the past, as humanity steps forward to attain immortality.

A former Google scientist has made a prediction, which if proven right, may redefine human civilisation as we know it. Ray Kurzweil, whose over 85 per cent of 147 predictions have been proven right, has predicted that humans will become immortal by 2029.

The revelation came when the 75-year-old computer scientist dwelled upon genetics, nanotechnology, robotics and more in a YouTube video posted by channel Adagio.

Mar 30, 2023

Model organism life extending therapeutics modulate diverse nodes in the drug-gene-microbe tripartite human longevity interactome

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, computing, life extension

Advances in antiaging drug/lead discovery in animal models constitute a large body of literature on novel senotherapeutics and geroprotectives. However, with little direct evidence or mechanism of action in humans—these drugs are utilized as nutraceuticals or repurposed supplements without proper testing directions, appropriate biomarkers, or consistent in-vivo models. In this study, we take previously identified drug candidates that have significant evidence of prolonging lifespan and promoting healthy aging in model organisms, and simulate them in human metabolic interactome networks. Screening for drug-likeness, toxicity, and KEGG network correlation scores, we generated a library of 285 safe and bioavailable compounds. We interrogated this library to present computational modeling-derived estimations of a tripartite interaction map of animal geroprotective compounds in the human molecular interactome extracted from longevity, senescence, and dietary restriction-associated genes. Our findings reflect previous studies in aging-associated metabolic disorders, and predict 25 best-connected drug interactors including Resveratrol, EGCG, Metformin, Trichostatin A, Caffeic Acid and Quercetin as direct modulators of lifespan and healthspan-associated pathways. We further clustered these compounds and the functionally enriched subnetworks therewith to identify longevity-exclusive, senescence-exclusive, pseudo-omniregulators and omniregulators within the set of interactome hub genes. Additionally, serum markers for drug-interactions, and interactions with potentially geroprotective gut microbial species distinguish the current study and present a holistic depiction of optimum gut microbial alteration by candidate drugs. These findings provide a systems level model of animal life-extending therapeutics in human systems, and act as precursors for expediting the ongoing global effort to find effective antiaging pharmacological interventions.

Communicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma.

Mar 30, 2023

Rejuvenation of Mesenchymal Stem Cells to Ameliorate Skeletal Aging

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, genetics, life extension

Advanced age is a shared risk factor for many chronic and debilitating skeletal diseases including osteoporosis and periodontitis. Mesenchymal stem cells develop various aging phenotypes including the onset of senescence, intrinsic loss of regenerative potential and exacerbation of inflammatory microenvironment via secretory factors. This review elaborates on the emerging concepts on the molecular and epigenetic mechanisms of MSC senescence, such as the accumulation of oxidative stress, DNA damage and mitochondrial dysfunction. Senescent MSCs aggravate local inflammation, disrupt bone remodeling and bone-fat balance, thereby contributing to the progression of age-related bone diseases. Various rejuvenation strategies to target senescent MSCs could present a promising paradigm to restore skeletal aging.