

Archive for the ‘futurism’ category: Page 631

Aug 6, 2020

Try This at Home! Fusion in the Basement

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By day, Carl Greninger is a Microsoft IT manager. By night, he’s a fusioneer who inspires students to master fusion science

Aug 6, 2020

Fossil mystery solved: Super-long-necked reptiles lived in the ocean, not on land

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A fossil called Tanystropheus was first described in 1852, and it’s been puzzling scientists ever since. At one point, paleontologists thought it was a flying pterosaur, like a pterodactyl, and that its long, hollow bones were phalanges in the finger that supported the wing. Later on, they figured out that those were elongated neck bones, and that it was a twenty-foot-long reptile with a ten-foot neck: three times as long as its torso. Scientists still weren’t sure if it lived on land or in the water, and they didn’t know if smaller specimens were juveniles or a completely different species—until now. By CT-scanning the fossils’ crushed skulls and digitally reassembling them, researchers found evidence that the animals were water-dwelling, and by examining the growth rings in bones, determined that the big and little Tanystropheus were separate species that could live alongside each other without competing because they hunted different prey.

“I’ve been studying Tanystropheus for over thirty years, so it’s extremely satisfying to see these creatures demystified,” says Olivier Rieppel, a paleontologist at the Field Museum in Chicago and one of the authors of a new paper in Current Biology detailing the discovery.

Tanystropheus lived 242 million years ago, during the middle Triassic. On land, dinosaurs were just starting to emerge, and the sea was ruled by giant reptiles. For a long time, though, scientists weren’t sure whether Tanystropheus lived on land or in the water. Its bizarre body didn’t make things clear one way or the other.

Aug 6, 2020

Police dog finds missing mom and baby during his first shift on the force

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Max’s human handler said the dog was “invaluable” in finding the mom and 1-year-old, who were missing for two days.

Aug 4, 2020

Video: ‘Mystery Creature’ Washes Ashore in England

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By Tim Binnall

Residents of a coastal community in England were left scratching their heads and holding their noses after the massive and odorous remains of a mystery creature washed ashore. The creepy carcass was reportedly first discovered last Wednesday on a beach in the town of Ainsdale. Witnesses who dared to venture close enough to the creature to get a good look at it were baffled by the beast and could not identify what it may have been.

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Aug 4, 2020

Israeli start-up develops ultra-portable oxygen generator

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“Oxygen tanks are not allowed in the battlefield because they risk exploding and are therefore considered too dangerous,” he said. “However, we have seen that in wars that Israel has fought, the complications related to the evacuation of injured soldiers without the possibility of providing them with oxygen in the meantime has caused several fatalities.”

The group started to work on a solution that would not only eliminate the dangers related to traditional oxygen tanks, but would also make it easier for the oxygen to be carried around.

The result is a device about 45×18 centimeters in size that produces oxygen without the need of a thermo-dynamic process.

Aug 3, 2020

German Brand Develops Vegan Mushroom Shoe Line

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Mushroom leather is the latest alternative to animal leather.

Aug 3, 2020

How a Toilet That Vaporizes Poop Might Transform the World

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The iThrone solves the thorny problem of how to bring toilet tech to the billions of people still using latrines or outhouses.

Aug 3, 2020

Google: Eleven zero-days detected in the wild in the first half of 2020

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A report from Google’s Project Zero also looks at 2019 zero-day statistics and draws some interesting conclusions.

Aug 3, 2020

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Posted by in category: futurism

Stop living in the stone age and switch over to the laser razor to get the closest shave of your life. This revolutionary razor forgoes the traditional steel blade in favor of a high-tech laser that provides an incredibly close shave with no irritation.


Aug 3, 2020

The Tushy Bidet Made Me a Bum-Wash Believer

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Toilet paper hoarders, this one’s for you.

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