And one day they may be able to reproduce on their own.
Category: food – Page 248
University of Sydney research provides new evidence that nanoparticles, which are present in many food items, may have a substantial and harmful influence on human health.
The study investigated the health impacts of food additive E171 (titanium dioxide nanoparticles) which is commonly used in high quantities in foods and some medicines as a whitening agent. Found in more than 900 food products such as chewing gum and mayonnaise, E171 is consumed in high proportion everyday by the general population.
Published in Frontiers in Nutrition, the mice study found that consumption of food containing E171 has an impact on the gut microbiota (defined by the trillions of bacteria that inhabit the gut) which could trigger diseases such as inflammatory bowel diseases and colorectal cancer.
Making sure astronauts on space missions have sufficient supplies is a major challenge. Not only does food need to be sent up to locations like the International Space Station (ISS) in expensive resupply launches, but a further problem is making sure that astronauts have enough water and oxygen for their needs as well.
It’s also hard to ensure that the astronauts are getting sufficient nutrition from their diet. Ideally the astronauts would be able to grow their own food on the space station, but plants react strangely to microgravity so it’s hard to grow fruits and vegetables successfully.
The current life support systems used in space use chemical reactions to create water and oxygen and to recycle carbon dioxide. But a new system could use algae to produce oxygen, water, and even food.
The concept of fate is often used in the context of love and choosing a partner. In your book, you talk about a study that give a scientific explanation for the idea that “opposites attract”. A panel of men was asked to wear a T-shirt for several nights and days and they weren’t allowed to wear deodorant or eat anything too smelly. The T-shirts were presented to an array of women who were asked to sniff then and rate them in terms of attractiveness based purely on smell. It turns out that the females rated the males as more attractive if their MHC [major histocompatibility complex] systems were different from their own, because then their offspring would have a stronger immune system, a better range of armoury against potential infections. So women were kind of sniffing out Mr Right.
What else does neuroscience tell us about a successful relationship? If you image the brains of the couples who have been together for a long, long time and ask them to think about their partner, their brain will react in the same way as a drug addict’s. You can almost say this couple are addicted to each other.
You say “affection is a neurochemical event” – that’s not very romantic. Valentine’s Day with me is a lot of fun!
Deforestation is a recurrent problem in practically the entire world. Recovering the damage done in recent years as a result of large industries and land depredated for agriculture and livestock is a difficult task. But Thailand believes it has found the best solution, fast, simple and effective.
We’re tantalizingly close to growing organs in the lab, but the biggest remaining challenge has been creating the fine networks of blood vessels required to keep them alive. Now researchers have shown that a common food dye could solve the problem.
In the US there are currently more than 100,000 people on organ transplant waiting lists. Even if you’re lucky enough to receive a replacement, you face a lifetime on immunosuppressant drugs. That’s why scientists have long dreamed of growing new organs from patients’ own cells, which could simultaneously tackle the shortage and the risk of organ rejection.
The field of tissue engineering has seen plenty of progress. Lab-grown skin has been medically available for decades, and more recently stem cells have been used to seed scaffolds—either built form synthetic materials or made by stripping cells from natural support structures—to reproduce more complex biological tissue.
Neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS) is rare but one of the most serious adverse effects of antipsychotics. Here, we report a case of risperidone-associated NMS in which a successful rechallenge of risperidone was observed with a positive follow-up. A 47-year-old female with schizophrenia was treated with risperidone 4 mg/d for 8 months in 2009 and was admitted to our hospital in 2015 owing to violent behavior under persecutory delusions. Risperidone 2 mg/d was initiated and increased to 4 mg/d 54 days later. Further, long-acting injectable (LAI) risperidone 25 mg per 2 weeks was added on hospital day 15. On hospital day 116, NMS occurred and thus we discontinued all antipsychotics including LAI risperidone, then NMS improved. We resumed LAI risperidone 25 mg per 2 weeks on hospital day 148, thus we waited for 22 days before re-starting the drug treatment. She was discharged on hospital day 371, then switched to LAI paliperidone 150 mg per 4 weeks 2 months later. At the time of a follow-up 3 years later, NMS had not reoccurred. This case reports on an unusual presentation of NMS in which no hyperthermia was observed. Furthermore, this case indicated that NMS may occur in a dose-dependent manner. In conclusion, this case reported important information for clinicians with regard to antipsychotic drug rechallenges and proper dosing of APs to avoid or reverse NMS.
A 47-year-old female with schizophrenia and without other neuropsychiatric or systemic illnesses was treated with risperidone 4 mg/d for 8 months in 2009. In 2015, she was admitted owing to the violent behavior of attacking her mother-in-law under persecutory delusion with the belief that her mother-in-law was going to murder her and auditory hallucination of hearing her mother-in-law criticize her behind her back. Risperidone 2 mg/d was initiated and increased to 4 mg/d 54 days later. Further, long-acting injectable (LAI) risperidone 25 mg per 2 weeks was added on hospital day 15. She did not receive any mood stabilizers on admission, such as lithium, carbamazepine, valproate. During treatment, the patient complained of soreness and weakness of her whole body, and refused to eat or ambulate on hospital day 116, at which point she was tachycardic with a bpm of 116, but afebrile (36.4°C) with stable blood pressure (113÷72 mm Hg).
New research published in Nature Scientific Reports (opens in new window) has found that a hormone produced by plants under stress can be applied to crops to alleviate the damage caused by salty soils. The team of researchers from Western Sydney University and the University of Queensland identified a naturally-occurring chemical in plants that reduces the symptoms of salt stress in plants when applied to soil, enabling the test plants to increase their growth by up to 32 times compared with untreated plants.
Salinity is a huge issue across the world, affecting more than 220 million hectares of the world’s irrigated farming and food-producing land. Salinity occurs when salty irrigation water is repeatedly applied to crops, leading to progressively increasing levels of salt in the soil which reduces crop yields, increases susceptibility to drought and damages soil microbiology. Scientists have long tried to find ways to breed salt-tolerance or develop methods that remove salt, and this new research is promising in its potential ability to reduce the damage in crop plants that results from salt.
“We identified a compound called ACC that occurs naturally in plants when they become stressed by drought, heat or salty conditions,” said Dr. Hongwei Liu, Postdoctoral Fellow in Soil Biology and Genomics at the Hawkesbury Institute for the Environment at Western Sydney University.
In the future, your local fast food joint might know your order before you even get to the drive-thru window.
Fast food giant McDonald’s has installed AI-powered kiosks in 700 of its restaurants during an initial trial period. The menus are capable of suggesting menu items that sell best depending on the time of day, the weather, or that are currently trending — think ice cream on hot summer days — as well as add-on items depending on your current order.
It’s a glimpse of a future in which AI does substantial legwork in food service — but also one in which human cashiers could become obsolete.