

Archive for the ‘food’ category: Page 189

Jan 18, 2020

Meet the xenobot: world’s first living, self-healing robots created from frog stem cells

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, food, robotics/AI

Scientists have created the world’s first living, self-healing robots using stem cells from frogs.

Named xenobots after the African clawed frog (Xenopus laevis) from which they take their stem cells, the machines are less than a millimeter (0.04 inches) wide — small enough to travel inside human bodies. They can walk and swim, survive for weeks without food and work together in groups.

These are “entirely new life-forms,” said the University of Vermont, which conducted the research with Tufts University.

Jan 17, 2020

China could release emergency pork reserves after losing 100 million pigs to swine fever

Posted by in categories: food, government, sustainability

African swine fever has wiped out a third of China’s pig population. Now government officials are discussing dramatic steps to stabilize the world’s largest pork market.

Pork is a huge deal in China. The country is home to half of all the pigs on the planet. The meat is a staple of the Chinese diet, which means its scarcity could damage China’s social stability. The outbreak of swine fever also threatens to upend the global pork supply chain.

While Chinese authorities have already made plans to shore up the pig market — including subsidies for pig farms and families who may struggle with soaring prices — they’re stepping up efforts to deal with the crisis.

Jan 16, 2020

Microresonator Measures and Images Nanoparticles with High Degree of Sensitivity

Posted by in categories: biological, food, nanotechnology, particle physics

#biophotonics #photonics

ONNA, Japan, Jan. 13, 2020 — Scientists at the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST) Graduate University have developed a light-based device that can act as a biosensor, detecting biological substances in materials, such as harmful pathogens in food. The scientists said that their tool, an optical microresonator, is 280× more sensitive than current industry-standard biosensors, which can detect only cumulative effects of groups of particles, not individual molecules.

Jan 15, 2020

Healthy lifestyle habits at middle age may increase years lived free of chronic diseases

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, food, health

Maintaining five healthy habits—eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, keeping a healthy body weight, not drinking too much alcohol, and not smoking—at middle-age may increase years lived free of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and cancer, according to a new study led by Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.

People who practice healthy habits at age 50 lived more years free of chronic diseases compared to those who did not practice any of these habits. Women who practiced all five habits gained about ten years of disease-free life, and men who did so gained about eight years. A healthy lifestyle not only improves lifespan (overall life expectancy) but also healthspan (healthy or disease-free life expectancy).

Jan 15, 2020

National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, food, habitats, health, security, space

Location: Manhattan, KS

NBAF - National Agor-Defense Facility

The National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility (NBAF) will be a state-of-the-art biocontainment laboratory for the study of diseases that threaten both America’s animal agricultural industry and public health. DHS S&T is building the facility to standards that fulfill the mission needs of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) which will own, manage and operate (PDF, 16 pgs., 165 KB) the NBAF once construction and commissioning activities are complete. The NBAF will strengthen our nation’s ability to conduct research, develop vaccines, diagnose emerging diseases, and train veterinarians. DHS S&T will leverage the facility as a national asset to fulfill homeland security mission needs.

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Jan 15, 2020

New Bone-Eating Life Form Discovered in Bizarre Alligator-Corpse Study

Posted by in category: food

Scientists sank three alligator corpses into the Gulf of Mexico to see whether bottom-dwelling sea creatures could eat them. They did — handily.

Jan 14, 2020

Imagine a world without hunger, then make it happen with systems thinking

Posted by in category: food

Feeding the world involves tackling all aspects of the food system.

Jan 10, 2020

Drone delivery startup’s 5G deal will let you track your airborne pizza

Posted by in categories: drones, food, internet

Exclusive: The Irish food delivery company announces a partnership with global network company Cubic at CES.

Jan 10, 2020

Ms. Nemonte Nenquimo, President of the Waorani Pastaza Organization, CONCONAWEP, following their recent landmark legal victory against the Ecuadorian government, leading to 500,000 acres of Amazon rainforest protected from oil drilling and timber companies — ideaXme — Ira Pastor

Posted by in categories: bees, biological, climatology, environmental, food, geography, geopolitics, health, life extension, science

Jan 9, 2020

A New Protein Source Could Be A Planet-Saving Game Changer

Posted by in categories: food, sustainability

Solar Foods has developed a sustainable food that’s totally disconnected from agriculture. Now they need to scale it up.