

Archive for the ‘cybercrime/malcode’ category: Page 187

Aug 27, 2017

Cyberattacks, not North Korea, pose greatest security threat

Posted by in categories: cybercrime/malcode, economics, military

Based on the news, one would think the greatest threat to our nation is North Korea’s looming capability to strike the continental United States with nuclear tipped intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs).

While the Hermit Kingdom’s ability to launch missiles with miniaturized nuclear payloads that can reach the U.S. is alarming, another threat to our national and economic security — targeted cyberattacks by state-sponsored advanced persistent threat (APT) groups and terrorist and criminal non-state actors — is being overlooked.

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Aug 25, 2017

Inside the Ring: Report: AI threatens humanity

Posted by in categories: cybercrime/malcode, drones, government, military, robotics/AI

Rooting for the AI’s.

Artificial intelligence is revolutionizing warfare and espionage in ways similar to the invention of nuclear arms and ultimately could destroy humanity, according to a new government-sponsored study.

Advances in artificial intelligence, or AI, and a subset called machine learning are occurring much faster than expected and will provide U.S. military and intelligence services with powerful new high-technology warfare and spying capabilities, says a report by two AI experts produced for Harvard’s Belfer Center.

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Aug 24, 2017

Government Warns North Korean Cyber Attacks Continue

Posted by in categories: cybercrime/malcode, finance, government

The Department of Homeland Security and FBI issued a new warning on Wednesday that North Korean government hackers are continuing to target critical U.S. infrastructure for cyber attacks.

A technical report by DHS’ National Cyber Awareness System reveals details of the tools and cyber methods being used by North Korean government hackers.

The alert said the North Korean government is using the cyber tools to “target the media, aerospace, financial, and critical infrastructure sectors in the United States and globally.”

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Aug 22, 2017

US Navy collisions stoke cyber threat concerns

Posted by in category: cybercrime/malcode

Cyberattacks can also hit massive oceangoing ships, misdirect GPS signals, and cause mayhem in shipping lanes. Trust in anti-collision protocols falters.

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Aug 20, 2017

China Will Launch World’s First ‘Unhackable’ Computer Network

Posted by in categories: cybercrime/malcode, quantum physics

[Image Source: Erik Lucero/WikimediaCommons]

The development of the computer network puts China amongst the world leaders of quantum technology. The network works by using the city of Jinan as a quantum computer hub. The city is located between Beijing and Shanghai so it can enhance the Beijing-Shanghai quantum network.

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Aug 15, 2017

Ships fooled in GPS spoofing attack suggest Russian cyberweapon

Posted by in category: cybercrime/malcode

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Aug 8, 2017

Cyber threats prompt return of radio for ship navigation

Posted by in categories: cybercrime/malcode, satellites

LONDON (Reuters) — The risk of cyber attacks targeting ships’ satellite navigation is pushing nations to delve back through history and develop back-up systems with roots in World War Two radio technology.

Ships use GPS (Global Positioning System) and other similar devices that rely on sending and receiving satellite signals, which many experts say are vulnerable to jamming by hackers.

About 90 percent of world trade is transported by sea and the stakes are high in increasingly crowded shipping lanes. Unlike aircraft, ships lack a back-up navigation system and if their GPS ceases to function, they risk running aground or colliding with other vessels.

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Aug 3, 2017

The Wizards of Armageddon set up shop in Silicon Valley

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, cybercrime/malcode, drones, government, robotics/AI, space

Ready and waiting at an arms reach from the government, the Research and Development Corporation (RAND) has helped the U.S. think through some of the toughest scientific and regulatory challenges since the 1940s. This year, the think tank is opening its first office in the San Francisco Bay Area. Its positioning itself to weigh in on some of Silicon Valleys largest research projects, like autonomous vehicles, drones, AI, cybersecurity and telemedicine.

But unlike the RAND of the past, this new version embodies the scrappiness of startup culture. Formally based out of a WeWork space, office director Nidhi Kalra and the rest of her SF team largely work decentralized from homes and coffee shops around the Bay Area.

The team of a dozen researchers is here to study the development of new technologies and the way in which state and local authorities are working side-by-side with startups to keep everyone safe without sundering innovation.

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Jul 28, 2017

Unhackable Data: In a First, Secure Quantum Communications Is Tested Via Microsatellite

Posted by in categories: cybercrime/malcode, quantum physics, space

The SOCRATES microsatellite securely transmitted data to a receiver on Earth using a process called Quantum Key Distribution, marking the first time the technique has used between the ground and space.

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Jul 25, 2017

China is launching an unhackable computer network

Posted by in categories: cybercrime/malcode, government

Around 200 government workers in Jinan, in China’s eastern Shandong province, will soon be able to send to transmit messages across an impenetrable 125 mile long (200km) network.

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