

Archive for the ‘business’ category: Page 194

Jun 15, 2019

First Human Clinical Trial Results on the Anti-Aging Compound, Urolithin A, PUblished

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, business, life extension


Breakthrough translational science of dietary supplementation with Urolithin A, a pomegranate metabolite, on mitochondrial and cellular health in humans published in the journal Nature Metabolism

Amazentis, an innovative life sciences company pioneering scientific breakthroughs in nutrition to manage health conditions linked to aging, announced today a collaborative publication in Nature Metabolism with scientists at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) and the Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (SIB) demonstrating the Company’s lead product, Urolithin A (UA), is safe, bioavailable and improves mitochondrial and cellular health in humans.

Jun 13, 2019

SpaceX Returns To Business As Usual With Launch Of Canadian Satellites

Posted by in categories: business, satellites

SpaceX has successfully launched a rocket carrying three Canadian satellites into orbit, the company’s seventh launch of the year.

At 7.17 A.M. Pacific time today, SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket lifted off from the Vandenberg Air Force Base in California. About eight minutes after launch, the first stage of the booster touched down at the company’s Landing Zone 4 near the launch site – only the second ever landing here.

This was also the second time this booster had launched, having gone to space previously on the historic first uncrewed demonstration mission of the Crew Dragon spacecraft in March this year. That mission launched from Cape Canaveral in Florida, whereas this was SpaceX’s 15th ever launch from Vandenberg of their 79 total launches.

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Jun 13, 2019

Former Blue Origin and SNC executive joins Vector

Posted by in categories: business, finance, space travel

Updated 5 p.m. Eastern with corrected quote provided by the company in final paragraph.

WASHINGTON — Small launch vehicle Vector has hired a new chief financial officer who previously held similar positions at Blue Origin and Sierra Nevada Corporation.

Vector announced June 12 Stephanie Koster as its new CFO, leading the company’s finance and business operations. Koster joined the company in March, according to her LinkedIn profile.

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Jun 13, 2019

Amazon conference showcases robots and social uses of artificial intelligence

Posted by in categories: business, drones, employment, health, robotics/AI, space travel

Thousands of tech fans descended on the Mojave desert for the conference, a public offshoot of Amazon Chairman Jeff Bezos’ previous invitation-only MARS conferences (the acronym stands for “Machine Learning, Robotics, Automation and Space”).

It resembled a tech summer camp, replete with offerings of cutting-edge technology demos, talks and social events.

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Jun 12, 2019

AI, Immunology, and Healthcare — Professor Shai Shen-Orr PhD., Associate Professor at Technion — Israel Institute of Technology, and Founder and Chief Scientist CytoReason — ideaXme — Ira Pastor

Posted by in categories: aging, big data, bioengineering, biotech/medical, business, disruptive technology, DNA, genetics, health, life extension

Jun 10, 2019

How a United Technologies-Raytheon tie-up could make a ‘monster supplier’ and reshape the industry

Posted by in categories: business, energy, military

The combined company, with big footprints in both the fast-growing commercial aerospace business and an increase in military spending, may be emboldened to push back on big customers like Boeing, Airbus and Lockheed Martin in terms of pricing, aftermarket work and intellectual property.

United Technologies has struck a deal to combine its booming aerospace business with defense contractor Raytheon, a surprise twist capable of rattling customers and competitors alike.

The deal would create a giant, one-stop shop with products that range from Tomahawk missiles and radar systems to jet engines that power passenger planes and the seats that fill them.

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Jun 7, 2019

The age of Machine Intelligence is here: Are you ready?

Posted by in categories: business, education, robotics/AI

Are you prepared for the Age of Machine Intelligence? That’s a time when machines anticipate consumers’ choices before they are made. That age is nearer than many people realize, according to author/futurist Mike Walsh, who said business leaders need to understand how the new reality impacts the decisions they make.

The National Automatic Merchandising Association show, held last week in Las Vegas, made an appropriate setting for Walsh’s message, given the number of exhibits and education sessions featuring artificial intelligence. While these new technologies impact many industries, the convenience services industry has experienced a significant boost in recent years thanks to AI, micro markets, cashless readers, digital signage, telemetry-based remote machine monitoring, smart sensor shelving, facial detection and voice technology.

Walsh, author of “The Dictionary of Dangerous Ideas” and CEO of Tomorrow, a consumer innovation research lab, challenged his listeners during his keynote presentation to think more creatively.

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Jun 6, 2019

Jeff Bezos wants to build the infrastructure for space startups

Posted by in categories: business, robotics/AI, space travel

At its re: Mars conference, Amazon’s CEO Jeff Bezos took the stage today to be “interviewed” by Jenny Freshwater, Amazon’s director of forecasting. As any AWS machine learning tool could have forecasted, having an employee interview her boss didn’t lead to any challenging questions or especially illuminating answers, but Bezos did get a chance to talk about a variety of topics, ranging from business advice to his plans for Blue Origin.

We can safely ignore the business advice, given that Amazon’s principle of “disagree and commit” is about as well known as it could be, but his comments about Blue Origin, his plans for moon exploration and its relationship to startups were quite interesting.

He noted that we now know so much more about the moon than ever before, including that it does provide a number of resources that make it a good base for further space exploration. “The reason we need to go to space is to save the Earth,” he said. “We are going to grow this civilization — and I’m talking about something that our grandchildren will work on — and their grandchildren. This isn’t something that this generation is able to accomplish. But we need to move heavy industry off Earth.”

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Jun 5, 2019

Professor Irena Cosic PhD. — RMIT — Australia — Electromagentic Resonant Recognition Model of Macromolecular Interactions — ideaXme — Ira Pastor

Posted by in categories: aging, bioengineering, biotech/medical, business, DNA, genetics, health, life extension, science, transhumanism

Jun 5, 2019

The Privacy Project

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, business, internet

Companies and governments are gaining new powers to follow people across the internet and around the world, and even to peer into their genomes. The benefits of such advances have been apparent for years; the costs — in anonymity, even autonomy — are now becoming clearer. The boundaries of privacy are in dispute, and its future is in doubt. Citizens, politicians and business leaders are asking if societies are making the wisest tradeoffs. The Times is embarking on this monthslong project to explore the technology and where it’s taking us, and to convene debate about how it can best help realize human potential.

The New York Times is launching an ongoing examination of privacy. We’ll dig into the ideas, history and future of how our information navigates the digital ecosystem and what’s at stake.

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