

Archive for the ‘biotech/medical’ category: Page 2328

Sep 12, 2017

Brain Dead Patients Could Be Brought ‘Back to Life’ in Groundbreaking Stem Cell Therapy

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, entertainment

This is not about creating zombies-those so-called living (or walking) dead that are very popular and make a really great theme for TV shows and movies.

Even the Game of Thrones has its version of the living dead with them nasty creatures called White Walkers and Wights.

But then again, that’s only science fiction, isn’t it? Well, maybe not. In fact, this science-fiction plot could soon play out in real life. Read on.

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Sep 12, 2017

Could This Be The Biggest Biotech Breakthrough Of The Year?

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, innovation

A little known biotech company has developed an effective and affordable cardiovascular disease detection device that could save millions of lives and billions of dollars in medical expenses.

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Sep 12, 2017

Is Human Genetic Modification Possible?

Posted by in categories: bioengineering, biotech/medical, genetics

Short for Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats, CRISPR is a revolutionary gene editing technique that’s taken the scientific world by storm. Both ultra-precise and easy to access, CRISPR could be the next step towards wiping out genetically inherited diseases and even curing cancers. A host of exciting CRISPR concepts are currently undergoing clinical trials and proof-of-concept experiments, with one particularly controversial focus — human embryos.

A “cut and paste” concept

While there have been rumours coming out of China for years, US scientists have now confirmed that the first attempts to create genetically modified human embryos have been a success. Led by researchers at the Oregon Health and Science University in Portland, the study used CRISPR to change the DNA of multiple one-cell human embryos. Basically, this allowed them to “snip” out segments of a particular genome and switch them with customised replacements. As in previous cases, the embryos were terminated several days after creation to prevent them from developing into foetuses.

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Sep 12, 2017

Scientists alter plant color using CRISPR gene-editing tool

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, genetics

Using the CRISPR gen-editing technique, a team of researchers altered the flowers on morning glory plants from purple to white. This is the first time it’s been used to change a plant’s color.

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Sep 12, 2017

How computers learn to recognize objects instantly

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, robotics/AI

Ten years ago, researchers thought that getting a computer to tell the difference between a cat and a dog would be almost impossible. Today, computer vision systems do it with greater than 99 percent accuracy. How?

Joseph Redmon works on the YOLO (You Only Look Once) system, an open-source method of object detection that can identify objects in images and video — from zebras to stop signs — with lightning-quick speed. In a remarkable live demo, Redmon shows off this important step forward for applications like self-driving cars, robotics and even cancer detection.

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Sep 12, 2017

Keith Comito on SCIQ on TYT discussing why scientific research needs crowd funding to maximize progress and innovation

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension

There is a crisis in science funding and in the relatively small field of rejuvenation biotechnology this means that crowdfunding breakthrough science is vitally important.

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Sep 11, 2017

Solar Physicist Explains How The Sun Controls Climate, Not Man

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, neuroscience, policy, sustainability

Are these huge solar flares causing massive hurricanes or Man made Climate Change? Interview with Harvard-Smithsonian Solar Physicist Wei-Hock “Willie” Soon about how solar cycle accounts for climate change.

In this exclusive interview, Infowars reporters Millie Weaver and David Knight talk with Harvard-Smithsonian Solar Physicist Wei-Hock “Willie” Soon about how solar cycle account for climate change. Soon uses science to dispel the false notion that CO2 emissions are to blame for ‘global warming’ and that it is nothing more than the politicization of pseudoscience for policy makers.

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Sep 11, 2017

Researchers Find ‘Internal Clock’ Within Live Human Cells

Posted by in category: biotech/medical

A new study offers up a method of gauging which point of the cell cycle a particular cell has reached.

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Sep 11, 2017

TeloYears is a simple genetic test that reveals the cellular age encoded in your DNA based on your telomeres so you can know how well you’re aging

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, genetics, life extension

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Sep 11, 2017

This technology lets a double amputee control his prosthetics

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, cyborgs

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