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CYBERNETIC THEORY: THE CODE OF REALITY & OUR FUTURE AS CYBERGODS: presenting my published works in a recent talk. Topics include evolutionary cybernetics, computational physics, consciousness, philosophy of mind, cybernetic theory, Omega Point cosmology, physics of time, simulation theory, Global Mind, AGI, VR, Metaverse, Cybernetic Singularity, transhumanism, posthumanism, cybernetic immortality, synthetic telepathy, mind-uploading, neurotechnologies, Fermi Paradox, Dark Matter, Dark Energy, the Argument for Cybertheism, and more.

The main 45-minute slide presentation is followed by a 15-minute Q&A session. This presentation is in Russian with slides and subtitles in English.

Russian-American futurist Alex M. Vikoulov presents his published works in a talk titled CYBERNETIC THEORY: THE CODE OF REALITY & OUR FUTURE AS CYBERGODS at the Rotary Club, The Grand Autograph Hotel, Novosibirsk, Russia, on July 19, 2022. The main 45-minute slide presentation is followed by a 15-minute Q&A session. This presentation is in Russian with slides and subtitles in English (for subtitles turn on caption in settings).

Author publications referenced:

The Syntellect Hypothesis: Five Paradigms of the Mind’s Evolution (2020), available as a Kindle eBook, paperback, hardcover and Audible audiobook:…atfound-20

The Cybernetic Theory of Mind (2022), available as a Kindle eBook series:

For more information, please visit:
Author website:

*КИБЕРНЕТИЧЕСКАЯ ТЕОРИЯ: КОД РЕАЛЬНОСТИ И ЛЮДИ-БОГИ БУДУЩЕГО | Обзор pабот футуролога Александра Михайловича Викулова | Ротари Клуб, Гранд Автограф Отель, Новосибирск, Россия, 19 Июля 2022.

#CyberneticTheory #CyberneticSingularity #DigitalPhysics #CodeofReality #cybergods #cybernetics