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I am meekly asking every inhabitant of the planet to help me find a fault with Telemach.

And I am boldly asking the mighty of the world to obey my call for an immediate stop of CERN until this hoped-for fault has been found.

Like the ship’s boy who saw an iceberg and tries to wake up the captain while hoping to have been the victim of an hallucination.

Telemach is the discovery that forces me to call fire. The name of Ulysses’s son here stands for T-L-M-Ch. T is time, L is length, M is mass and Ch is charge. All 4 change with height inside an accelerating rocketship and hence in gravity.

The paradigm of the accelerating rocket was Einstein’s “happiest thought.” For the special theory of relativity which he had discovered only two years before, sufficed to completely predict every detail here — which then automatically applies to gravity as well so a seal closed for millennia could be opened.

The T of Telemach is the most important item. The other three are twins. Why is T – time or clock speed – reduced at the lower end of a constantly accelerating rocket compared to the tip?

Answer (Einstein’s happiest thought): because when the ticks arrive with the speed of light at the rocket’s tip, the tip in the meantime has, through the ongoing acceleration of the rocket, acquired a certain speed away from their point of origin. So that the signal effectively comes from a receding place and therefore is reduced in its frequency and increased in its temporal period T. This is the famous “gravitational redshift” (since the red end of the spectrum has a lower frequency). All high-school pupils have to learn this. Most of them believe it eventually. Some are fascinated: Pure thinking works, nature cannot but comply!

So the clocks ARE slow at the rear end compared to the tip? Right. Is this the only change? No. If all photons (light particles) have a lesser frequency at the rear end (bottom), what about their mass-energy? You guess it: it is reduced as well. But if their mass is reduced, the mass of any particle at the bottom must be reduced in proportion since photons are locally interchangeable with other forms of mass. Bingo: M.

L follows because a reduced-mass atom is proportionally enlarged via quantum mechanics. This is L. L also follows from the increased temporal period T directly (T –> L I hear you justly say). But this latter conclusion presupposes that c (the speed of light) did not change imperceptibly along the way. The quantum result (which Einstein could not know of yet) guarantees this. This explains why he overlooked both L and M.

Remains Ch. It follows from M, using the constant ratio between mass and charge under inertial (free-falling) conditions which always locally applies in nature by Einstein covariance.

So Telemach is correct. But is it new?? Yes, Sir except for the T. So the world ought to be happy? Yes, Madam. But why are they not? It is because CERN’s continued operation is living proof to the world that the prestigious physicists at CERN do not believe in Telemach. Therefore anyone who says Telemach is right becomes automatically an enemy of CERN’s. So no one dares coming out: Michelangelo’s naked David must not be looked at.

But Telemach lives. So CERN’s continuation is potentially disastrous. This story I told you elsewhere. In the next 7 weeks, they plan to once more double the danger.

What I do not understand is that in China, in South America, in France, in Africa, in Japan, in Moscow, Australiua: nowhere is there a movement – indignons-nous – which says: “I want to be allowed to know!”

But if all print media of the world keep silent, as this is only possible in a single monetary system: how can anyone get “indigné”?

Even the United Nations’ Security Council, alerted for months with the consequence that a single government (the German Bundestag) is no longer allowed to address the matter, dares not help. They all prefer not to think or ask questions. The “most interesting time of history to be in” is ours. Thinking has become forbidden on a whole planet. Einstein has never been hated more.

Dear young pupils of the planet: please, start asking your teachers: “Where is young Telemach’s Achilles heel?” I hope he or she will not blush.

Please, tell me immediately if you get an answer since none of the adults talks to me. Lifeboat is waiting for your answer. All you need is an E-mail address and – if you dare – your own name. The single pupil who finds my mistake will become world famous. So this is the hottest game in town.

13 Comments so far

  1. There is no constant ratio between mass and charge, e.g proton and electron carry the same amount of charge with greatly different masses.

    A photon at the bottom is not redhifted. I recommend yxou to read in the misner thorne wheeler about the gravitational redshift.

    Rössler, repeating the same bullshit several times does not repair your serious mistakes and misunderstandings. This is the main reason no one wants to talk to you anymore. BTW, in the old threads are still open questions for you. You have not answered them yet so I can conclude you have no answer at all which is the ultimate proof that you are wrong.

  2. Wonder why someone comments so unacceptably ungracious as if mass stands for a great mass of government-funding and charge applies to credit cards owned by particle physicists. How about downsizing some mass without most of physicists shifting to see red?

  3. Dear Professor Rossler, it is hard to make sense of your post, long though it is. Perhaps you could either a) express it in your native German or b) explain it further in English so that journalists and others who might then support your call for attention could understand it in everyday terms that they could quote to their editors without fear of being scorned themselves.

  4. Dear Anthony L:

    If your life is endangered and someone directs your attention to this fact, you do not worry about his accent, or do you?

    The most worrisome culprit in this sad story of attempted terracide is the profession you are trying to exculpate here. Not a single journalist in the sense of the word appears to be left on our planet. They do not even know what a ship’s boy is. And an iceberg. Sounds too German or Yiddish to them? (Forgive me.)

  5. You might not have understood my question…lobsters are expensive.

    An atomic nucleus is dense…and an atom is mostly empty space, the electrons orbiting. Therefore, if an atomic nucleus is very dense, local gravity at the nucleus is higher than that experienced by the electrons. Therefore, the (dense) nucleus would experience a greater charge loss than the remainder of the (mostly empty space) atom, and this effect might create a charge imbalance as you go to heavier atoms.

    What is Telemach’s “1+Z” term at the edge of a Uranium nucleus (local gravitational redshift) vs. the “1+Z” at the edge of the electron shell? It would be different for Hydrogen, Deuterium, Uranium…Please show me detailed calculations, not general statements like “only applies to masses falling onto dense bodies.”

    A lobster dinner at Mortons is $250.00 US (about 200 Euros) so a lot is riding on this.

    Also, wouldn’t the space distortion predicted by Telemach cause features on Earth to be locally larger becsuas of the gravitational field (7 miles per second vs. 186000 miles per second as an approximation for the “1+z” term, being 7/186000, or 1/25000…adding a factor that needed to be accouned for in GPS satellite navigation — the “1+Z” of the satellites would be different from the “1+z”of the points on the Earth’s surface, since satellites orbit higher in Earth’s gravitational field?

    A small effect to be sure, but GPS already accounts for tiny General Relativistic and Special Relativistic time dilation effects, which add up to measurable distances over time.


  6. Quote (Pete): Also, wouldn’t the space distortion predicted by Telemach cause features on Earth to be locally larger becsuas of the gravitational field (7 miles per second vs. 186000 miles per second as an approximation for the “1+z” term, being 7/186000, or 1/25000…adding a factor that needed to be accouned for in GPS satellite navigation — the “1+Z” of the satellites would be different from the “1+z”of the points on the Earth’s surface, since satellites orbit higher in Earth’s gravitational field?

    Dear Pete:

    Absolutely correct.

    Thank you,

  7. I followed Pete’s question, and calculated the escape velocity (gravitational) for a Uranium nucleus — it is trivial, 6×10^−11 meters per second.

    So I guess Gretel gets her lobster after all…

    Tom Miller

  8. Dear Pete:

    In posing your question, you perhaps had the following in mind:

    “Can we find out experimentally how much charge is weighing (that is, contributes to the rest mass of a charged particle)?”

    Here the answer is “yes in principle.” Namely, by comparing the following two experiments:

    1) Positronium annihilation. (Here the two charges add up to zero charge and hence necessarily lose their own mass contributions before the two particles annihilate into electromagnetic radiation.)

    2) Ordinary mass measurements of electrons, as begun by Kaufmann a century ago.

    Remark: Unfortunately, both types of measurement are currently not accurate enough to yield a manifest difference. But now that the importance of the question has been understood, there is little doubt that progress will be fast if we are given the time.
    (I thank A.P. for stimulation.)

  9. “Not a single journalist in the sense of the word appears to be left on our planet. They do not even know what a ship’s boy is. And an iceberg. Sounds too German or Yiddish to them? (Forgive me.)”

    Alas, they know what a ship’s boy is but they do not respect the clear sighted vision of the ship’s boy who warns them of the iceberg, since they imagine that he is contradicting the captain..

  10. Dear Mr. Rössler!

    We found a mistake in “Telemach”: his real name is Τηλέμαχος (= telemachOS!!!), although he sometimes wants to be called “bro”.

    So we need to find something linked to “OS”. Hmmm … … maybe Osmium, a famous PGE! It’s highly toxic when occurring as osmiumtetroxide. So this is the proof that particle collisions only are dangerous when Osmium is used. But we have phoned CERN and they swear not to use Osmium on the LHC! It is too expensive.

    Our pleasure!
    The Pinky and the Brain

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