
Lifeboat News #58


Lifeboat News

This issue published on 06/01/07. Copyright 2007 Lifeboat Foundation. All Rights Reserved.


Jerry Glenn, Charlie Kam, Philippe Van Nedervelde, and Shannon Vyff have been added to our TV07 lineup!
Our Scientific Advisory Board members José Cordeiro, George Dvorsky, Jerry Glenn, Aubrey de Grey, James Hughes, Charlie Kam, Ray Kurzweil, Michael LaTorra, Max More, Giulio Prisco, Philippe Van Nedervelde, Natasha Vita-More, and Shannon Vyff will be speaking at Transvision 2007 - Transforming Humanity: Innerspace to Outerspace from July 23 to July 25 at Chicago, IL, USA. It will be wall-to-wall Lifeboat Foundation Scientific Advisory Board members!
Learn more at


Thanks to input from Kemal Akman, our InternetShield program at has been upgraded and is now listed as one of our six current programs.
As the Internet grows in importance, an attack on it could cause physical as well as informational damage. An attack today on hospital systems or electric utilities could lead to deaths. In the future an attack could be used to alter the output that is produced by nanofactories worldwide leading to massive deaths.


Our Wikipedia entry at needs some work. Help fix it!


Sylvia Engdahl became our MySpace webmaster and has expanded and improved our MySpace page. Learn more about Sylvia at See our MySpace page at


Peter Norvig, Director of Research at Google and coauthor of "Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach", the leading textbook in the field, joins our Scientific Advisory Board. Learn about Peter at

Ray Kurzweil

Read the Fortune article "The smartest (or the nuttiest) futurist on Earth" at which covers our genius Ray Kurzweil.

David Brin

David Brin announced that his next book will feature the Lifeboat Foundation! Learn about David at


Listen to the interview of our Michael Anissimov by RU Sirius at
Listen to the interview of our Michael Anissimov on Changesurfer Radio at

Growing Membership

Thoughtware.TV has joined as a LF-500 member.
They said

"Many walk the perilous path in which some claim that technology will solve our problems, and others say it will destroy us.

We each have the responsibility of working hard towards a positive future. You can make a difference. Your potential is without limit.

Thoughtware.TV is proud to sponsor the Lifeboat Foundation."

Also, Jaan Tallinn, cofounder of Skype, the only major IM client that both securely authenticates conversation participants and encrypts the communication, donated $10,000 to Lifeboat Foundation. This currently puts him in 2nd place with Ray Kurzweil in the lead and Sergio M.L. Tarrero close behind. (Kurzweil has the lead by the skin of his teeth!)
Our donor list at is now sortable by name, date, and amount.
Here are some of the recent donations/pledges we have received since the last newsletter:
Thoughtware.TV: $25,000, Jaan Tallin: $10,000, Sergio M.L. Tarrero: $3,170, Anonymous: $95, Michael Dickey: $85, Philippe Van Nedervelde: $85, Kenneth P. Weiss: $85, James Blodgett: $25, John Claus: $25, Adam Dobrin: $25, James William Taylor: $25, Sylvia Engdahl: $10, Stephen Fleming: $10, Glenn A. Miller: $10, Jeremy Shepard: $10, Kaj Sotala: $10, and Michael Vassar: $10.
Our Join Us page at now allows you to pay for your membership anywhere from monthly to every ten years.