Advisory Memorial Board

Justin Corwin

Justin Corwin works as programmer and AI psychologist for a2i2. Adaptive A.I. Inc (a2i2) was formed in December 2001 with the express goal of developing and commercializing an effective — and probably the first — general intelligence software engine. In 2005 the company transitioned from a research focus to practical implementation. They are currently in an intense engineering/development phase geared towards commercialization.

Justin is an autodidact, with special attention paid to the areas of educational psychology, decision theory, cognitive science, and knowledge representation. He works primarily on the cognitive aspects of the system’s behavior. He is conversant in Python, C, and C#.

Aside from his current work, he is deeply interested in productivity software, groupware and automated mediation, computer interface design, rapid prototyping, self-replicating machines, and is a lapsed artist, sculpture, and martial. He is a published poet and dedicated rationalist. Justin also has a personal blog which he maintains cyclically.

Read his ImmInst interview.

Read his LinkedIn profile.